Oops I’m in trouble


Well-Known Member
Sitting here this morning trolling amazon. Before I knew what was happening I ordered a 48”x48” mars hydro grow tent. I’m going to be in so much trouble when the gf comes home that day and finds her dresser in the living room because I needed the room. I think my defence will be she bought the new light, we need to get our moneys worth out of it.
It is easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. You did it with a tent. I did it with a puppy. My bf was mad for a few weeks, then he stole my dang puppy. Now they snuggle on the couch and taunt me. You'll be fine, especially if she smokes. More weed.......indeed!
It is easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. You did it with a tent. I did it with a puppy. My bf was mad for a few weeks, then he stole my dang puppy. Now they snuggle on the couch and taunt me. You'll be fine, especially if she smokes. More weed.......indeed!
Lol too true. Kinda funny my gf just got another cat. She went to pet store and they had a 3 legged cat that nobody would adopt. Now gimpy is my buddy and want nothing to do with my gf.
Three legged dog walks into a old west town. Everyone noticed he was wearing a gun. Towns people thought he was here to start trouble.
After hearing this the town marshal approaches the three legged gun packing dog. You know he said, " people see a gun packing 3 legged dog they think he is there to start trouble"
"No" says the dog. I'm not here to start trouble. I'm just looking for the guy that shot my paw.
we have a stray 3legged cat in our area, my wife calls him trepotraece ( whack spelling, sounds like i spelled it HUH)

SO, what was her reaction to the tent?
we have a stray 3legged cat in our area, my wife calls him trepotraece ( whack spelling, sounds like i spelled it HUH)

SO, what was her reaction to the tent?
Well I haven’t told her yet. It should arrive tomorrow. She won’t be home until Saturday night. The way I see it is, it will go one of two ways. She will either laugh and say I’m lucky she loves me. Or I will be on the couch. I’m hoping for the first one lol.
Wahoo my tent showed up today. I sent the gf a pic and well I haven’t heard back yet. But she has the whole week to get over it lmao. I only need filter and fan but that has to wait until next payday.
Well I was just sitting admiring my tent, and it hit me like a ton of bricks I need another light. I can easily fit another reflector 192 in there hehe.
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