Which one... T5 Fluorescent or 250watt MH

I myself would use the 250 but that's just me. Doesn't matter what type or strain your growing. As far as I'm concerned the 250 will give you 3 times more penetration than the T5 while only costing you about $5.00 extra a month to run. So IMO go with the penetration and lumens over the minimal savings a flouro will give you. Plus the cost of the t-5 and bulbs are extravagant compared to a 250 MH. I can get a 250 mh ballast kit for $42.44 plus the cost of a mogul socket (about $8.00). That means for less than $80.00 I can have a light that could grow 2 to 4 plants in a small grow room all by itself. T-5's are a lot more expensive to aquire. The cheapest I've seen lately is for a 2 bulb 2 foot fixture with bulbs for $100.00 and it's only 48watts of light. Yes flouros work but HID's beat them for growing. It's why all the experts recommend HID's over flouros. If you don't believe me, ask ED.lol
islandgrown said:
Which one would you recommend for the vegatative cycle... T5 Fluorescent or 250watt MH? :peace:

Ummm well I think a little more info on the grow you have planned you be nice. But the thing is this. If you are worried about spiking your electribill go with the T5. I personally use flouros to Veg with (not even T5's just normal old cool white flourecents)

And how many t5's are we talking here?
HID lights are the best way to grow MJ. Floros don’t even compare to HID lights.

If you worried about your electric bill using HID lights"""

Check with your power company to see what they’re charging you per kilowatt-hour.

Example if your paying 06. Cents per kilowatt-hour

A 250-watt MH or HPS light on 24/7 a day for one month will cost $10.80

A light cycle of 18/6 would cost $08.10 a month

A light cycle of 12/12 would cost $05.40 a month.
i'd say the HID light.. i suggest minimum a 400 Watt light. but if you must go with a 250 w light.. go for it.. i find its kinda a waste unless you're using 400 w... i personally would be using 1000 watt lights, but thats not important now.
Look into the 500w flourex floodlight. Runs cheeper thant he 250w MH and doesn't get nearly as hot as it. Plus the light is only 20 bucks at Wallmart I beleive, and it runs at 65w, so you won't see much of a difference on the bill either. Probibly not as good has HID but its a good substitue and better than regular tube flouros.
If starting from seed, I like using cool white or "blue heavy" spectrum compact fluorescents from the beginning. In combination with a nitrogen rich medium and lower than average soil temps for the 2 weeks following germination I get a better female to male ratio. After that, straight Hortilux hps 600ws.
If starting from seed, I like using cool white or "blue heavy" spectrum compact fluorescents from the beginning. In combination with a nitrogen rich medium and lower than average soil temps for the 2 weeks following germination I get a better female to male ratio. After that, straight Hortilux hps 600ws.
ntezbngggreen said:
In combination with a nitrogen rich medium and lower than average soil temps for the 2 weeks following germination I get a better female to male ratio.
Hugh, we were just discussing this in another thread. What kind of ratios are you getting using this method? How long have you been using it?
I first read of this method in indoor MJ horticulture by J.Cervantes. The article addressed feminized seeds and the various methods used to produce them. Dutch Passion introduced Feminized seeds in 98.
According to the piece, it is possible to influence the sex of a plant starting when the seedling has 3 pairs of true leaves(not cotyledons).
1. Seedbed nutrition-High Nitrogen-low potassium levels for the first 2 weeks.
2. Temperature-lower temps equate increased female to male ratios.
3. Humidity- higher humidity levels produce more females.
4. Moisture in seedbed. Higher moisture content results in more female."BE CAUTIOUS" stem,root rot.
5.Light spectrum- bluer spectrum lighting enhances female count.
6. Photoperiod-fewer daylight hours increases f to m ratio. (14 hours)

These methods can be used with seeds of unknown sex as well as feminized seeds. Feminized seeds aren't guaranteed to be female and implementing these procedures can help prevent them from going hemaphroditic or male.

My experience has shown a 20 to 30% higher incidence of females to males.
I have tried it both ways and I noticed a huge difference with the MH, although I was using 400Watt not 250. The plants grew much more compact and were healthier. So now I use a 400watt light that has a switch for MH or HPS (Hydrofarm) so one light does it all. The kit came with reflector, ballast, timer, and both MH (Agrosun) and HPS (Eye Hotilux) bulbs for about $600. It is expensive but what I like most about it is when I am ready to start the flowering cycle I just change the bulb and flip the switch and Im off and running. Only problem is it puts out a lot of heat so you will need more vertical space and in the summer you will need to cool the space somehow. I use a portable air conditioner and exhaust to the attic. This kind of setup works best in a large closet or bigger, so I guess it just depends on what you are able to set up in your grow room. I'll never go back to flouros. Hope that helps.
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