One BIG plant others small

The Prof

New Member
I've got 6 plants in my box right now..and all are similar sizes except one which is about a foot tall and thick and thriving while the others look great but only about 6" tall small plants..what does this mean?? anyone know??
no 5 plants were from really good bag seed and 4 are Sativas and 1 is Indica so deff not all same strain the sativas look very similar but the other plant is off in left field but looks amazing..the big plant is a sativa tho..and so are the other 3 which are half the size?? any help??
I'm thinking maybe the other smaller sativas are just hybrids and thats why they are close to the indicas in size and your large sativa is more pure than the others.. or they are just growing like this until the flowering stage where they will show their true colors and grow really quickly like the other has been doing all along.. whats the environment like in your growroom as for the humidity and temp? could be that your larger sativa is just thriving in thouse conditions where the others are liking it but not loving it even though they are looking good. I could be wrong with all of this but thats what I'm thinking anyways, good luck man :allgood:
its around 85 degrees not sure the humidity..any way to fix it? or just let it grow and they should come out..thanx
Keep an eye on them, sometimes, not all the time, the bigger plant thats outgrowing all the rest (given same nutes etc) will be a male.

Also, if those smaller plants "lean" towards the taller one... its probably a male.
Keep an eye on them, sometimes, not all the time, the bigger plant thats outgrowing all the rest (given same nutes etc) will be a male.

Also, if those smaller plants "lean" towards the taller one... its probably a male.

I knew about the fast growing ones tending to be male, but i never heard about the females leaning towards the male. Must be some horny bitches.
Size difference could be caused by a couple things. Different phenotypes of the same strain may exhibit height differences, and bagseed may do this because of a Sativa and Indica mix thoughout your seed stock. Also, males do grow taller for a reason. If the males are taller than the females then they can pollinate more of them and more efficiently.

However, major differences in height are usually caused by one thing, uneven light coverage. If one plant gets alot more light then the others then it will not only outgrow the other plants because it is recieving stronger lighting but it will block light to the other smaller plants making them grow slower. This is a big problem in grow rooms where room is small and there are many plants.
I'm thinkin your prob right Roo atleast I hope so because the plants beautiful and if its male ima be salty haha but it is showing pistols so it seems its atleast a herm..would adding more lights help this?? THanks
More light, if it's possible, always helps. :allgood:
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