OldMedMan's 2nd Grow 5 Strains and AirPots

Just thought I'd stop by and say HIGH! Widow Kush should be ReDiCulOuS!! I bet that strain will be Sticky as molassas.

Hi My Friend I hope your right, haven't grown it before, so don't know what to expect. Hope I get at least one young lady. :grinjoint:
Aloha my good friend. How are you this fine day?

Just a Monday, no update...neither plant needed water tonight...both will tomorrow....sigh...:grinjoint:
(Took a shot of each girl tonight for my update, whenever...and a nice bud shot showing PE throwing tricomes, she hadn't too much and I was a bit worried, not anymore)
So I am out visiting... :passitleft:. Was over at my provider's today, hanging out. He is kind of a co-op and when he has clients over and needs work done, he has them help him....for doing this he will give you 1/2 oz every month and really cheap oz's. Hope he gets that bloom room up soon....his makeshift one is way too crowded and ventilation sucks. Even broken like I am, that room would of been done no later than 3 days after moving...too important. My back would of paid for it, but I also wouldn't try to grow as much either...I transplanted 7 plants and made 6 clones and I went very slow....:grinjoint: And they didn't get a single panel made.......:smokin:


My idea was to make 4X8 panels (pre pandafilmed and bottom lined with plastic so no wood rot from accidents) and use straight brackets and corner brackets to attached them along the top and towards the bottom. And the roof would completely stabilize it. Could drill holes and use real thread inserts so they are easily mounted together. His rooms become portable then and adjustable. Was gonna have him make a couple 2x8 panel's too for adaptability. We will see what the room panel's end up as...:smokin:

:peace: my friend from the garden in the Rockies.
finally got a chance to catch up on my friends journals....good to know all is well here, and you're in control...or whatever that is....i'm never sure with me....does it pour when it rains there...are you on the lee side of an island...i remember, i think, when i lived in ak. alot of times we had to run the boat to the lee side of an island and wait out storms....its interesting living on an island...totally diff...world revolves around ferrys and planes and boats...also remember the mail not getting in for wks at a time....but it is probably much better there?....just curious thats all....your girls look great....see ya soon, lavendar:cheer::cheer:
Aloha my good friend. How are you this fine day?

Just a Monday, no update...neither plant needed water tonight...both will tomorrow....sigh...:grinjoint:
(Took a shot of each girl tonight for my update, whenever...and a nice bud shot showing PE throwing tricomes, she hadn't too much and I was a bit worried, not anymore)
So I am out visiting... :passitleft:. Was over at my provider's today, hanging out. He is kind of a co-op and when he has clients over and needs work done, he has them help him....for doing this he will give you 1/2 oz every month and really cheap oz's. Hope he gets that bloom room up soon....his makeshift one is way too crowded and ventilation sucks. Even broken like I am, that room would of been done no later than 3 days after moving...too important. My back would of paid for it, but I also wouldn't try to grow as much either...I transplanted 7 plants and made 6 clones and I went very slow....:grinjoint: And they didn't get a single panel made.......:smokin:


My idea was to make 4X8 panels (pre pandafilmed and bottom lined with plastic so no wood rot from accidents) and use straight brackets and corner brackets to attached them along the top and towards the bottom. And the roof would completely stabilize it. Could drill holes and use real thread inserts so they are easily mounted together. His rooms become portable then and adjustable. Was gonna have him make a couple 2x8 panel's too for adaptability. We will see what the room panel's end up as...:smokin:

:peace: my friend from the garden in the Rockies.

My good friend High
Good early, early morning to you! It's 12:30AM here. My day? Weird as usual.:grinjoint: Spent the day doing things around the house that I've put off too long. Finally, got a lot of done and went to sleep.
That's when the fun began!
We have two really big through wall air conditioners that we don't run because light bill goes through the roof. I love the hot weather anyway so it doesn't bother me. Joanne on the other hand hates it. We got her a roll around AC a few years ago and it keeps her living room quite nice.
I made the assumption that she was emptying the water out of it. Found out different last night!
About 10 pm she comes in screaming " I need your help!". WTF? When I got to her living room it was flooded. She had not emptied the water from the AC.
Her two rugs and the floor was soaked. I'll give her credit she has a back like yours.....constant pain! She had the rugs rolled up. Don't know how she did that! So I grab one of the rugs to take it outside, it was so heavy I had to drag it and since it was soaked it trailed water through two more rooms. Why not? Anyway got the rugs outside. Neighbors probably thought we were killing each other. :grinjoint:
I started laughing about then and she looked at me and we both laughed for a while. She said "I guess I was sposed to empty it?" More laughter.:yahoo:
We spent the next hour mopping it all up. They needed it anyway!
Well, we got some clean floors now!!!:cheer:
When we finally finished it all, we went out front and it was a beautiful full moon. A beautiful Hawaiian full moon. It was nice actually. Obviously it didn't change our feelings about each other, but it was nice.
So that's my new day so far. ;)

Glad your girls are doing good. PE was just teasing you before, she was just messing with your mind. :grinjoint:

Your friend with the co-op. I'm with you, lets get organized and do something to help it to be better. He sounds very good about paying folks that help which is great, however sounds like he stays stoned and really doesn't do much.
Your idea sounds good, Prefabbed 4x8 panels are a great idea. In fact I think folks would buy something like that. Like you said, it would be easy to put together and to take down. Movable.
Here is a link to a totally movable room that can be shipped.

It is big, but portable. Just wanted show you that other folks are thinking the same as you.

I see many people wanting wanting a changeable, potable room that is easy to put up and down and easily configured into different shapes. I think your on to something.

Guess my question to your friend is why doesn't he listen to you or buy a tent thats easy to take down and move. It also sounds like he has to plant every seed hes got. Too many plants for the space he has. Hopefully you can catch him on a day when he is not stoned and talk to him. Since he had to move on short notice, most likely it will happen to him again. Talk some sense to him, if he will listen. Good for you on a great idea! :bravo:
finally got a chance to catch up on my friends journals....good to know all is well here, and you're in control...or whatever that is....i'm never sure with me....does it pour when it rains there...are you on the lee side of an island...i remember, i think, when i lived in ak. alot of times we had to run the boat to the lee side of an island and wait out storms....its interesting living on an island...totally diff...world revolves around ferrys and planes and boats...also remember the mail not getting in for wks at a time....but it is probably much better there?....just curious thats all....your girls look great....see ya soon, lavendar:cheer::cheer:

Hi lavendar Thanks for stopping by. Don't know about in control, but I do my best to make sure they are all happy. The Kandy has actually grown about 6" taller. I thought she had stopped. Wrong.

I live on the windward side so we get all the rain and storms and yes it pours really hard rain, like someone is throwing gallons at us. It did that for week a few weeks ago and the girls loved it. The AirPots drain really fast, so that helps.
Planes are our life blood here, even between islands. We are 3,000 miles from any big piece of land. The mail is very current and on time. Satellites keep us connected to the world most of the time.
Two years ago we had and earthquake that knocked all the power out on most of the islands. Ours stayed out for about 4 days. Emergency broadcasts on radio were our only contact with anything.
Island life is not for everyone, however I love it here!:ganjamon::ganjamon:
very nice plants man, they're coming along so nicely as always. Got my scissors ready and I'm in till harvest on this one.

Hey Buddy, long time no see! I got to get over and see what your up to now.;)

I hope I do need help! I'll let you know:bravo:
Island sounds wonderful to me. If I had the means I'd move out there in a flash. great grow as always.

Hey my friend welcome to my grow:welcome:

Good to see you on 420;)

I used to visit here and the last time I made a promise to myself that the next time I came it would be to live here. Took a long time, but I got here!
Haven't ever regretted it.

By the way....Great name:bravo:
so i bet the prop. on the lee side is spendy huh....forgive me, but after living in this rain state for yrs now, i've had about all the rust and mold that i can handle....want sunshine....heat seeking.....we're also looking at high desert in ore. too....cool nites and hot days....but, we'll probably stay here until we rust away....the rain and gray really get to me...narrows my world too much...thanks for the info....lavendar
oh the air conditioner sounds awful, but the moonlight sounds like a good reward for it all....:cheer:
Alright OMM, keeping everyone talking I see, this really is the place to hang and hear what everyone else is doing!

Thank You Fry! Truthfully that's the plan. Good vibes and everyone and their lives are damn interesting to me. I meet people that amaze me daily.
We learn a little along the way too. Man, you got me while I am smoking a truth serum bud. I love my journal just like you do yours my friend. May they go on forever. :allgood:
so i bet the prop. on the lee side is spendy huh....forgive me, but after living in this rain state for yrs now, i've had about all the rust and mold that i can handle....want sunshine....heat seeking.....we're also looking at high desert in ore. too....cool nites and hot days....but, we'll probably stay here until we rust away....the rain and gray really get to me...narrows my world too much...thanks for the info....lavendar
oh the air conditioner sounds awful, but the moonlight sounds like a good reward for it all....:cheer:

You are right Lavendar lee side is the populated side and the more expensive side. However, there are many more houses or whatever and there are bargains and as usual there places you don't want live at all because they are not safe anytime. It is still America. :yahoo:
I have a spill on isle 9.. lol:laughtwo:

I remember "CHARLEY" in 2004 (and all the other ones we had that same year)
Water was steadily rising at our apt., we did have sandbags at the patio door and the front door. Still had damaged rugs and furniture.. I feel ya on the dragging a wet carpet!

You know I might not say anything OMM but I'm always around. GL with the garden and Miss J said hello.

No problem wood I feel ya looking over my shoulder!;)

Hello to both of you!:grinjoint:
I have a spill on isle 9.. lol:laughtwo:

I remember "CHARLEY" in 2004 (and all the other ones we had that same year)
Water was steadily rising at our apt., we did have sandbags at the patio door and the front door. Still had damaged rugs and furniture.. I feel ya on the dragging a wet carpet!


Well, you know what it's like then sisco They get real heavy when wet.
The plan is put them over multiple clothes lines and wash them. Oh! Joy!:smokin:
Why is it that excitement tends to come with little to no warning? ;) lol

Just popping in to catch up a bit and see what the latest "gossip" of the hour was :) Take it easy!

Hi Lil Neutrino At least it wasn't a tree coming through the roof like sisco had.:grinjoint:

Yep get caught up with the latest here. Something for everyone!:peace:
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