I suspect it is some form of plant mutation, what it looks like is pistils forming at a node point where normally a branch would sprout from... it may form into a bud ?
More than likely i would not worry a great deal about it & just watch 'n' observe for the time being, perhaps update with a pic once in awhile as this is rather interesting.
Unfortunately their is not a lot of documented stuff on MJ mutations, disease's, virus etc
it looks like it could be roots too have u give it rooting hormone? was this grown from a seed or a clone ? it also looks like a fat knuckle there was the plant damaged there at some point?
No it was started from seed, no major damage was done, I believe that's near a topped point tho. I'll def keep an eye on it and post pictures as it goes. I just noticed this today, wasn't there friday
Very weird. If they are roots, they will die. Maybe a bug or something opened the flesh of the plant there. Maybe there was enough darkness for roots to form.