Oily Moisture lob


New Member
Ok, I have a "Raydiator" pipe. Its a special titanium pipe that has a tube leading from the stem. A buddy of mine got one for me for the holliadys after years of envying his!!!
Anyway, been smoking nothing but top notch med chronic in the thing, along with some hash, over the past month and a half. THe screens are titanium so they get changed eery 8 months or so, are are hella easy to clean if it becomes a problem. But I havent cleaned the thing all month so I begin to clean it. I scrape out the bowl, then pop the screan off and clean it off. I detatch the plastic tube hose fro the stem, and I begin to ream the smoing valve/carb chamber when an OILY glob pokes out on the other side. I study this greasy goody closely. I know its resin of somekind, mioxed with the moisture of the air in the tube. SOunds gross...but I smear it onto a bud anyway. I smoked it...and am pretty lit. ANyone ever heard of this? I know this isnt hash oil, but whatever it is its got me fucked up!
ive got a little glass piece that i havent cleaned yet...which i am going to do tomorrow...but there is some narley shit in there...can i smoke that stuff once i clean it out?

(i dont know the answer to your question but since we were on the topic of pipes and gooey shit..thought i might as well ask)
Yikes. I generaly dislike resin hits. Some people on this board do, like King Phillie if memory serves me correctly.....so im sure you'll find a crapload of resin and sticky shit like that. SOme people on this board mentioned they roll it into bals and smoke the balls. It gives soe people (like me) a headache, but others it gets them real lit. So the answer to your question is yes and no. Yes, you can smoke it, but its GENERALY considered the poor mans smoke; the desperate and last refuge for the stoner with no weed (No offense to the resin hitters out there).
lol thats me...broke and fiending for bud. i take a resin hit after smoking a couple bowls...kinda like topping off the session. when im desperate i scrape it...now i gotta clean it.
4duce, it is nasty to touch. It got all over my fucking fingetips and smelled like resinous ASS CRACK.....but it did get me high. Had a killer headache coming down though X_X I had to use alcohol to remove that nasty goo that seemed tobond with my skin.
Thepurplem0nkey said:
4duce, it is nasty to touch. It got all over my fucking fingetips and smelled like resinous ASS CRACK.....but it did get me high. Had a killer headache coming down though X_X I had to use alcohol to remove that nasty goo that seemed tobond with my skin.
yea alcohol really cuts that shit apart when you get it on your skin. that seems to be the only thing that I can find that will take that gook off your hands.

And yea i get these nasty looking globs in my bubbler too. One day, i had just finished packing the bubbler up, and i turned around to answer someones question and I knocked my bubbler over and it fell and hit the desk. luckly, i cought it before any water came out, but this nasty turd of resin fell out and i just popped it in the trash. yuck.
when i cleaned my bowl for the first time the res came out in gobs similar to how you described and i could also not get it off my hands.....
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