Oil dosing


New Member
My parents are both in stage 4 bone and stomach is my mother and given less then three months to live. i have received the oil but not sure how to give it to her. She doesnt have the time to start small with rice size dosing. Can anyone help?
Hi Tinas & Welcome to 420 Magazine.

So sorry to hear about your parents. Here are dosing instructions. Methods Of Use — RSO/Rick Simpson Oil

Read the instructions and follow the thread to the end...it will give you all the info you need. 3 months is enough time to get your mother using the info on how to dose correctly. Panic adds to mistakes and I caution you to follow those guidelines. You can build up faster IF THE CARETAKER is experienced and keep a close eye out but you must work your way up properly. If you are the caretaker follow those instructions and if you noticed marked improvement than your good to go staying on that schedule...(a couple of weeks). If not, build up to what is needed faster but you have to keep a close eye out (if its too much, back down a little on the dose size). Also make sure you keep her CALM and you have to show calmness also.

What type of oil did you get? Do you know the potency? These are important questions to combat the cancer correctly. Make sure you read, read and re-read the instructions. Feel confident so you can pass that on to your parents. The unknown is scary. Its up to you to take charge and keep everyone calm. Having confidence and a take charge attitude is a great med in its own right. Any questions you have after reading the info, feel free to chime in and ask.


Thank you so much for the information. I will read and re-read everything on the link you had sent me. The oil is over 90 % THC and that is what i need correct?

Thank you so much for the information. I will read and re-read everything on the link you had sent me. The oil is over 90 % THC and that is what i need correct?

Keep in mind there are numbers for percentage (content) and numbers for potency...huge difference. Best indicator is how much it cost per gram. I would even have it tested @ a lab to make sure the potency is correct. Don't want the process slowed down. You have a lot on your plate caring for your mother and father...God bless you. Just have everything in place about your product. You will have much more confidence. Any way 420 Magazine can help, just ask away. Your product (bud/flowers) should be @ least 20% THC potency before the concentrate is made. You don't have the time to grow and make your own medicine so you will have to educate yourself on finding proper meds. If you have a friend that is educated in MJ use their knowledge to get the best cannabis concentrated oil you can.


Motoco 1982
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