Ohio Pot Refugees: We'll Come Home If Kasich Signs Bill

Christine Green

New Member
The Liberty Township family that moved to Colorado to treat their daughter with marijuana for her epilepsy is considering a move back to Ohio if Gov. John Kasich signs the medical-marijuana bill that the legislature passed last month.

"I have smiled inside and out at the thought of being able to come home, back to our family, friends, Skyline chili and Big Boy. I would pay big bucks for a Big Boy right about now," said Heather Benton in Castle Rock, Colorado, outside Denver. "I'm just so tired of feeling like I don't have a home. As beautiful as it is, Colorado is not home."

A year ago, Heather and Adam Benton moved to Colorado, where marijuana is legal, to get medical compounds to treat their daughter, Addyson, who turns 5 June 16. The girl lives with myoclonic epilepsy, experiencing as many as 1,000 seizures a day. The Bentons said they have tried every medication available with no relief until they turned to marijuana oil and patches.

Last fall, the family appeared in television advertisements for the Issue 3 campaign to legalize marijuana in Ohio. Voters defeated the initiative in November by a 2-1 margin. But the passion that the issue ignited across the Buckeye State prompted the leadership of the Ohio General Assembly said they would bring marijuana to the table in 2016.

In May, the legislature passed a bill that would allow the dispensing of marijuana with a doctor's recommendation. The bill has not gone to the governor's desk as yet. When it does, the governor will have 10 days to sign it. If he chooses not to, the bill becomes law without his signature.

If the bill is enacted, Ohio will be the 25th state to legalize marijuana as medicine. The bill would still forbid growing marijuana or smoking it. But adults could buy marijuana oil, tinctures, plant material, edibles and patches with a doctor's recommendation to treat 20 disorders including epilepsy, cancer, AIDS and chronic pain.


News Moderator: Christine Green 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: Ohio pot refugees: We'll come home if Kasich signs bill
Author: Anne Saker
Contact: 513-721-2700
Photo Credit: Amanda Rossmann
Website: Cincinnati Enquirer | cincinnati.com
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