Oh to high late flower lockout


Well-Known Member
Coming up on the 7th week in flower for my big bud auto. Seems to be locked out should I try and flush her or go ahead and harvest what I have while it’s still half way decent. Seems like the bottom half of the plants buds have more of a danky smell to it. Tricomes are mostly cloudy with an amber one here and there. In happy frog 3 gallon fabric pots under a 150 watt Vipar spectra xs1500 pro been using mega crop 1 part for nutrients. I’ve been noticing changes for about the last week but wasn’t sure what it was due to lack of experience. What should I do






Coming up on the 7th week in flower for my big bud auto. Seems to be locked out should I try and flush her or go ahead and harvest what I have while it’s still half way decent. Seems like the bottom half of the plants buds have more of a danky smell to it. Tricomes are mostly cloudy with an amber one here and there. In happy frog 3 gallon fabric pots under a 150 watt Vipar spectra xs1500 pro been using mega crop 1 part for nutrients. I’ve been noticing changes for about the last week but wasn’t sure what it was due to lack of experience. What should I do






Hey buddy beautiful lady.
Not sure I see a problem.
She looks perfect for 7 weeks.
She still has time left though.
If she is still draining her pot she is still flowering and building for you.
I’d keep feeding until she is finished flowering.
Great work my friend.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Hey buddy beautiful lady.
Not sure I see a problem.
She looks perfect for 7 weeks.
She still has time left though.
If she is still draining her pot she is still flowering and building for you.
I’d keep feeding until she is finished flowering.
Great work my friend.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Her fading like that is normal? Will my tricomes continue to ripen and turn amber even though she’s fading?
Her fading like that is normal? Will my tricomes continue to ripen and turn amber even though she’s fading?
She is progressing normally and trics will develop well.
How much mega crop are you feeding her?
1.5 - 2 grams / litter?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I was feeding her like 5g a gallon but recently go some ok booster and been giving her like 3.5 MC 1 part and 1g PK booster Bud explosion for like the last 2 feeds. Before the last few days when watered and then went a little lighter trying to flush her a bit because I thought she was having signs of lockout
I was feeding her like 5g a gallon but recently go some ok booster and been giving her like 3.5 MC 1 part and 1g PK booster Bud explosion for like the last 2 feeds. Before the last few days when watered and then went a little lighter trying to flush her a bit because I thought she was having signs of lockout
Keep feeding as long as she is draining her pot.
The color fade is just typical aging of the leaves.
If you lift the pot you can tell if she is still eating.
But to me she looks good for her age.
Do you feed to run off?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Yes sir I always feed to run off have even threw in a little molasses here a couple times in late flower too. And honestly I’ve never had one fade like that I’ve only harvested a couple and they have always been green. But she is gone a week or 2 at least longer than the recommended time which i have learned doesn’t mean to much when growing in an environment that’s not flawless like the ones who put that time stamp on them
How much mega crop are you feeding her?
1.5 - 2 grams / liter?

I was feeding her like 5g a gallon but recently go some ok booster and been giving her like 3.5 MC 1 part and 1g PK booster Bud explosion for like the last 2 feeds.

If Bill is saying 1.5 to 2 grams per liter, that's 6-8 grams per gallon, so maybe you're just light on your feeding.
If Bill is saying 1.5 to 2 grams per liter, that's 6-8 grams per gallon, so maybe you're just light on your feeding.
That might be the case which I’ve posted bout this before when I found got something in my head. My water and nutes was ph’d at areound 6.3-6.5 and I just happen to check my run off and it was up towards the 7 area and didn’t trip to bad because she was still nice and green but a couple water and feeds went by and I noticed it raising that’s why I suspected the lock out last time that I checked the run off it was like 7.18 so I got worried then this fading came about
Runoff doesn't necessarily tell you much and many good growers will tell you that managing your plant according to runoff will just mess you up.

7 weeks in flower is often the tail end and the plant is busy mining its leaves for nutrients (the fade) so what you could be seeing is the nutrients are coming more and more from the leaves at this point leaving less nutrients consumed from MC and therefore more left over in your runoff.

Mega Crop I think suggests simple adjusting the amount given based on the color of the leaves, but at 7 weeks you're pretty close to the end of the 7-8 weeks that many hybrids go.
Runoff doesn't necessarily tell you much and many good growers will tell you that managing your plant according to runoff will just mess you up.

7 weeks in flower is often the tail end and the plant is busy mining its leaves for nutrients (the fade) so what you could be seeing is the nutrients are coming more and more from the leaves at this point leaving less nutrients consumed from MC and therefore more left over in your runoff.

Mega Crop I think suggests simple adjusting the amount given based on the color of the leaves, but at 7 weeks you're pretty close to the end of the 7-8 weeks that many hybrids go.
Thank you and that’s what I was told when I first started to panic but eased my mind until this fade and then I went right back in a panic. lol don’t mean to aggravate y’all over it but I just wanted to save her if she was sick and I was able. But I’ll know next run tho. Thanks
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