OH: Investments In Medical Cannabis Will Boost Local Economies, Not Crime

Ron Strider

Well-Known Member
A few years ago, I received a call from a family member who wanted to know where they could get medical cannabis for a friend suffering from severe chronic pain and Alzheimer's disease. At the same time, a close friend of mine was facing a thousand dollar a month bill she couldn't afford to treat her child's epilepsy. My stomach sank with the realization that existing laws gave them no legal options for the treatments they needed.

These are not criminals or vagrants looking for a "fix" as some stereotypes might imply. They are soccer moms and seniors who live their lives the best they can, always try to do the right thing and were simply looking for a safe way to help the people they love. The idea that they would have to break the law, go to a drug dealer or worry about the safety of the cannabis was horrifying.

Over the past year, it has been a privilege to watch and help this new industry take shape. Even though it's not perfect, I remain overwhelmingly impressed by the way state leaders have handled this process. They crafted a bill with broad open areas, so regulations could be developed with public input and by experts who know it best. They are committed to doing it the right way, a way that gives patients access to the safe medical treatments that they need and in a way that benefits Ohio's local economies and people.

Cultivation license applications are being submitted this month. With potentially hundreds of companies submitting applications, the process is extremely competitive. For Ohioans, it means our medicine will be grown by the best-of-the-best. The same holds true for dispensaries. Only 60 initial licenses will be available statewide. Similar to cultivation, those licenses will be issued only to the top, most professional applicants. These businesses will be investing millions, have long-term interests and know their success depends on being good neighbors in the communities they operate.

Many cities rushed to put moratoriums in place long before the state's rules had even been drafted. In the past months, we have seen several lift the restrictions only to find that it was too little too late. Top investors had passed them by, opting instead for communities that are open to economic development that not only creates new jobs and opportunities but has a ripple effect that improves other aspects of their local economies.

Studies show that each dollar spent in the cannabis industry generates about 2.5 times that amount in additional economic impact. These businesses need plumbers, electricians, IT services, packaging, commercial equipment, transportation, machinery, marketing, financial services, contractors and more. The people servicing these companies have lunch at restaurants, buy goods at local stores, pay income tax and all that money gets reinvested in our communities.

Medical cannabis is not going to increase crime. It's not going to increase drug use and it's not going to bring criminals into your neighborhood. What it will do is help patients suffering from serious illnesses obtain the safe, regulated medical cannabis treatments they need.

Medical cannabis investments may not be a good fit for every community. The law and rules make sure that ultimately each can decide for themselves. Some have already opted-out and those investments are moving to other areas. For the others, however, we are delighted to see their openness and interest, their ability to look beyond stereotypes and ultimately their desire to help make safe medical treatments more accessible to the seniors and families that call their communities home.


News Moderator: Ron Strider 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: Investments in medical cannabis will boost local economies, not crime
Author: Brian Wright
Contact: Contact Us
Photo Credit: Brian Wright
Website: Cincinnati Enquirer | cincinnati.com
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