Oh dropping in DWC


New Member
I have a deep water culture system that his chronically had pH dropping issues. It's usually happened later in the growth cycle however this time it happened within the first couple days. I use reverse osmosis water and confirmed it was at 0ec before I added small amounts of advanced nutrients grow line to have a baseline in my water for my new plants. A few days everything was fine and now the pH is dropping dramatically daily. My part per million is sitting at 125 and there's no reason bacteria should be growing in large amounts enough to drop 35 gallons of water to 4.6 in 12 hours. I have an automatic dosing machine I was thinking it may be overdosing down so I have completely eliminated it from the system and my pH is still dropping every day. My grow room is underground and I have fairly high levels of natural CO2. I'm wondering if some sort of chemical reaction or radon or CO2 from the ground is messing me up... I'm really at a loss for what could be causing this in the first week of this grow..
Ppm pens are made differently.
So assuming yours is 500 scale.

Your ppm is 125 . So I say .25ec

Not enough fertilizer to stabilize ph.

You use ro, me to.

Don’t use advanced ( ph perfect stuff
? )but use a two part and calmag since I’m using stripped water.

I would calmag to 150 ppm , then I would add my 2 part to 400ppm.
.8ec total for beginner plants.
By the time I hit flower I might be up to 1-1.2 ec.

If you run co2 you may be able you run higher , but at this level surely you will have enough fertilizer in your water that ph will stablize.
35 gallons? Out of interest, I've got a SuperPonics 12xl res that's rated at 35 gallons. Any chance you're using that one?

If you've just got a "big bucket of water", pH should be stable. I've left my air pump running in my res and found zero change in pH.

What doser are you using? I've been using a Bluelab monitor for a few years and added their doser for my Spring grow this year. Once they're calibrated, they're quite accurate. Any chance that your doser is out of whack?
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