New Member
Hello all! First, thanks to the many knowledgeable growers for sharing their craft and time here so that us noobs may progress! This is my first time indoors, so lets just call it my first time! This is a medical grow for my own personal medication.
What strain is it? I was told it's OG Kush, nothing more specific as to which one and honestly I'm not sure because I've compared many pics of many diff OG cultivars and I can't find anything similar; any opinion on exactly what this is would be welcome!
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? They def have indica looking leaves but they're strectchy!
Is it in Veg or Flower stage? Flower, day 8
Indoor or outdoor? Indoor
Soil or Hydro? Coco and perlite 3gal
Size of light? 205W HydroGrowLed Penetrator
Is it aircooled? yes
Temp of Room/cab? 75hi-65lo
RH of Room/cab? ~55 all day, gets close to 65 at night
PH of media or res? I use distilled or RO water, add nutes, aerate manually, then ph to 5.8
Any Pests ? Aside from some gnats in the tent nothing else Im aware of, they've been sprayed with Eisenstein Oil about 5 times total; once every 3 days after I received them.
How often are you watering?At first only as needed, but I've been feeding everyday for almost a week now.
Type and strength of ferts used?
GH Flora Nova Grow:2ml/gal
GH Flora Nova Bloom:2ml/gal
Hygrozyme : 8ml/gal
Cal Mag Plus: 5ml/gal (first gal i used 8ml/gal to supplement coco)
Superthrive: 1 drop/gal
Great White beneficials
I also foliar feed the Liquid Karma daily just after the light comes on.
What strain is it? I was told it's OG Kush, nothing more specific as to which one and honestly I'm not sure because I've compared many pics of many diff OG cultivars and I can't find anything similar; any opinion on exactly what this is would be welcome!
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? They def have indica looking leaves but they're strectchy!
Is it in Veg or Flower stage? Flower, day 8
Indoor or outdoor? Indoor
Soil or Hydro? Coco and perlite 3gal
Size of light? 205W HydroGrowLed Penetrator
Is it aircooled? yes
Temp of Room/cab? 75hi-65lo
RH of Room/cab? ~55 all day, gets close to 65 at night
PH of media or res? I use distilled or RO water, add nutes, aerate manually, then ph to 5.8
Any Pests ? Aside from some gnats in the tent nothing else Im aware of, they've been sprayed with Eisenstein Oil about 5 times total; once every 3 days after I received them.
How often are you watering?At first only as needed, but I've been feeding everyday for almost a week now.
Type and strength of ferts used?
GH Flora Nova Grow:2ml/gal
GH Flora Nova Bloom:2ml/gal
Hygrozyme : 8ml/gal
Cal Mag Plus: 5ml/gal (first gal i used 8ml/gal to supplement coco)
Superthrive: 1 drop/gal
Great White beneficials
I also foliar feed the Liquid Karma daily just after the light comes on.