Obama Administration Blasts State's Pot Measure


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WASHINGTON - The Obama administration has denounced Proposition 19, which would legalize personal use of marijuana in California, and promises to "vigorously enforce" the federal ban on possessing, growing or selling the drug if voters approve the ballot measure Nov. 2.

The pledge came Thursday from Attorney General Eric Holder, who oversees the government's anti-narcotics operations. Prop. 19 would "greatly complicate federal drug enforcement efforts to the detriment of our nation," he said in a letter to former chiefs of the Drug Enforcement Administration.

Holder announced in February 2009 that the administration would not single out medical marijuana users and suppliers who complied with laws in states such as California, where voters legalized pot for therapeutic purposes in 1996.

The administrations of Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, by contrast, moved aggressively to shut down medical marijuana collectives and raid growers, and won two U.S. Supreme Court rulings upholding their authority.

But the Obama administration has been less receptive to the prospect of a state repealing all criminal penalties for marijuana use by adults.
'Ill-considered scheme'

Gil Kerlikowske, director of President Obama's Office of National Drug Control Policy, co-wrote a newspaper column in August calling Prop. 19 an "ill-considered scheme" that would increase marijuana use and add to health problems and traffic deaths, without delivering the tax revenue that its backers promise.

Holder said Thursday that California, by restricting the authority of state and local officers to seize marijuana, would interfere with efforts to "target drug traffickers who frequently distribute marijuana alongside cocaine and other controlled substances."

"We will vigorously enforce the (federal law) against those individuals and organizations that possess, manufacture or distribute marijuana for recreational use, even if such activities are permitted under state law," the attorney general said.
Hints at lawsuit

He also suggested the federal government might sue to overturn Prop. 19 if it passed, saying the Justice Department "is considering all available legal and policy options."

Obama was more restrained when asked about marijuana enforcement Thursday at a town hall meeting at Howard University in Washington.

The president said the government's resources are limited and suggested that decisions would have to be made between "prosecuting drug kingpins versus somebody with some small amount in terms of possession."

Obama said federal authorities would make that call "based on how we can best enforce the laws that are on the books."
Backers angry

His administration's emphatic opposition to Prop. 19 drew strong reactions from the ballot measure's supporters.

In a statement released by the Yes on 19 campaign, Joseph McNamara, former San Jose police chief, said:

"If the federal government wants to keep fighting the nation's failed 'war on marijuana' while we're in the midst of a sagging economic recovery and two wars, it just proves that the establishment politicians' priorities are wrongly focused on maintaining the status quo."

Any federal crackdown will be just as futile as the government's attempt to stamp out medical marijuana after Californians passed Proposition 215 in 1996, said Dale Gieringer, state director of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws.

Despite numerous raids and arrests, he said, "the federal government showed itself incapable of halting the spread of medical marijuana, which is now legally recognized in 14 states and enjoyed by hundreds of thousands of legal patients."

Gieringer added, "The federal government similarly lacks the manpower and resources to pursue California's 3 million marijuana users."

NewsHawk: MedicalNeed:420 MAGAZINE
Author: Bob Egelko
Contact: Contact Us — SFGate, news and information for the San Francisco Bay Area.
Copyright: 2010 Hearst Communications Inc.
Website: Obama administration blasts state's pot measure
Federal Government continuing to ignore states rights and overstep their bounds. It will continue until people finally (ever?) stand up for themselves and demand their personal freedoms back.
"If the federal government wants to keep fighting the nation's failed 'war on marijuana' while we're in the midst of a sagging economic recovery and two wars, it just proves that the establishment politicians' priorities are wrongly focused on maintaining the status quo.

I been saying that for awhile now. If I myself as well as well as the rest of us can see thro the BS that hasnt worked since 1913 that has to tell you something is wrong with this country's laws. Thats almost 100 years on money wasted on a war that cant be won.
when California passes prop 19 on November second the U.S. will have a chance to see the effects of legalization on the American public. For years we Americans have seen cannabis through the lens of illegality and we need a chance to see if all the problems that surround cannabis are a result of prohibition or if prohibition helped contain a far uglier monster. But no matter what the voters choose the law makers have to realize that they are adults who have the right to decide what they want. Let Democracy Work.
Holder said Thursday that California, by restricting the authority of state and local officers to seize marijuana, would interfere with efforts to "target drug traffickers who frequently distribute marijuana alongside cocaine and other controlled substances."

This statement is so freaking lame. Target the drug traffickers who deal in cocaine and don't worry about the relatively benign low level pot dealers. Work on the damn meth and other "hard" drugs and large distribution systems. There is enough of that going on to keep the officials quite busy.

Work on the truly detrimental aspects of society's drug culture. Tighten up the freaking border. Send troops to Mexico to help their government crack down on the drug cartels and fix that rampant problem. Mexico is our neighbor and helping them will help us.

I have been a consumer of marijuana since I was young (in the 70's). It has always been easy to get for anyone who wanted to try it or consume it on a regular basis. It is still easy to get and if the people want it, and vote for it, they should be allowed to have it.

They say it will lead to more use by our youth. Uh, it is already readily accessible - has been since I was a kid. If a kid is gonna want to smoke pot, he/she will do it anyway without regard to legality - and it will be just as illegal for them after the law is changed as before.

We're all crossing our fingers for Cali. Hopefully this will get the ball rolling for other states too.
WHERE IS OUR CONSTITUITIONAL RIGHTS? Im so tired of hearing all this talk of health problems accociated with the use of marijuana. Propaganda must stop if we the people ever want our civil liberties back. Marijuana is a simple plant that produces more resourses then any other plant that Im aware of, which is why the federal government doesnt want the power of something so resourceful, and beautiful in the hands of the common man. Most of there time is spent figuring out how to destroy society anyhow. I see people everyday losing everything they have worked there entire life for to percription drugs. Oxy has destroyed the youth were I live and people all over the country. Population control is real. The feds want compliant zombies who cant think for themselves, which explains why the masses are controlled by perscription drugs.People its time we take the power back. Stand up, and take a hard look at how sick this situation really is considering the rights we have as americans. We must act together to ever see results. KEEP BLAZIN VOTE YES ON 19!
It really doesn't matter what the Federal government says. Sure they have the power to over ride state law but if the people of cali pass prop 19 it is a step in the right direction. It will drasticly increase the safety of marijuana users in the state of california. A few big time unlucky people will get pinched by the FEDs but they are worriers of the cause.

As long as the people want it, there is not much the government can say or do to stop us.
WHERE IS OUR CONSTITUITIONAL RIGHTS? Im so tired of hearing all this talk of health problems accociated with the use of marijuana. Propaganda must stop if we the people ever want our civil liberties back. Marijuana is a simple plant that produces more resourses then any other plant that Im aware of, which is why the federal government doesnt want the power of something so resourceful, and beautiful in the hands of the common man. Most of there time is spent figuring out how to destroy society anyhow. I see people everyday losing everything they have worked there entire life for to percription drugs. Oxy has destroyed the youth were I live and people all over the country. Population control is real. The feds want compliant zombies who cant think for themselves, which explains why the masses are controlled by perscription drugs.People its time we take the power back. Stand up, and take a hard look at how sick this situation really is considering the rights we have as americans. We must act together to ever see results. KEEP BLAZIN VOTE YES ON 19!

So true on so many levels. Going back some 5 years ago I;d say your a nut for some of your statements their. But in this case I feel the same. Now Im no conspiracy Jessie Ventura type but the T.V. radio internet ads for percription drugs is crazy and has gotten out of control. Fact of the matter prescription drugs kill more Americans than illegal drugs, but they wont tell you that. How many people died from Mary J? 0. Its focused minds like our that they want to keep quiet.
So true on so many levels. Going back some 5 years ago I;d say your a nut for some of your statements their. But in this case I feel the same. Now Im no conspiracy Jessie Ventura type but the T.V. radio internet ads for percription drugs is crazy and has gotten out of control. Fact of the matter prescription drugs kill more Americans than illegal drugs, but they wont tell you that. How many people died from Mary J? 0. Its focused minds like our that they want to keep quiet.

replying to your comment on prescription drugs, I have been picking up on commercials as of lately for prescription drugs, there are several through out the day and I would have to say all of them give death as a possible side effect, among many other disturbing side effects,

Holder said Thursday that California, by restricting the authority of state and local officers to seize marijuana, would interfere with efforts to "target drug traffickers who frequently distribute marijuana alongside cocaine and other controlled substances."

this statement caught my attention also, particularly the words,

"traffickers who frequently distribute marijuana alongside cocaine and other controlled substances."

there is the gateway theory.
Well I must say conspiracy is only a theory if it cant be proven. I have spent 2 years in the information war.The facts are clear as crystal if your looking for them. I will admit there are people who blow things out proportion, but the main goals of what is considered by mainstream media as "conspiracy theory" have been in turbo charge since 9/11....

When you hear people ramble on about the federal reserve, 911, homeland security, builderburg, trialatural commisson etc... those same groups, and individuals are the same who are in charge of this so called war on drugs...
Our rights and civil liberties have been in decay for quite sometime now. Marijuana plays a huge part in all of this because of its medicinal values.The feds have been on attack mode since medical marijuana became availible in
96. Now people are coming together to take weed to the next level which is awsome. I wish people were as passoniate about there freedoms as they are about there weed. We as a nation can't afford to be tolerent of any form tyranny. Marijuana prohibition is tyranny so overcoming that is essential to my case. Do your own research if you want answers jesse can only say so much hes on national television for gods sake. Get back at me
:goodluck::goodluck::goodluck: I'll be growing and smoking my own on my property and I don't really care if a kid who is going to buy the drug illegally asks me for some or offer's to buy some from me!!! I've been smoking since 1972 and I just wish I had a safe steady source supply for myself. Not having one I was forced to deal with people who ripped me off more than once before I hooked up with a honest dude who by the way was in his late thirties at the time. Until I moved west to California he was my best connection and friend. He always warned me about the harder stuff without preaching to me. I've had the finest smoke in the world. For God's sake Obama keep your damn nose out of California's business and remember we will remember you during the next election when you will need the Electoral Votes that the Democrats take for certain that they will get from us. Screw with us and we'll screw with you :hookah::hookah: R.D.
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