Oakton TDS Testr4

Entheo Shaman

New Member
I just purchased an Oakton TDTESTSR4 from Ebay. It was used and came with no instructions. I got it for 29.00. I am confused about the readout, it reads out in 0.00, 0-19.90mS. I am wondering how this equated to ppm? Also, do these units need calibration? If anyone has experience with this type of tester, please let me know.

look up oakton meters on google the company should have PDF copies of manuals....

mS-- i think milla Siemens these meters use electrical conductivity to make measurements then the electrical condutivity is rel;ate to the amount of dissolved solids in parts per million all comes from the fact that pure water doesn't conduct and salt water does there are posts that explain TDS
on this board and other similar boards that explain this in much better terms than i can off the top of my head try the search option

meters should be calibrated with a refereence solution usually under 25$ depends on size of bottle

some meters have a replaceable electrode /sensor

some meters should be stored with a little solution to keep the electrode moist

hope this gets you on the right track
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