Oaksterdam Founder To Leave Cannabis Business

420 Warrior

Well-Known Member
Richard Lee said he will relinquish ownership of his marijuana-related businesses, including Oaksterdam University, as he braces for a possible federal indictment on tax charges.

"I think with my legal issues, it's the best thing," Lee said Friday. "I've been on the front lines for 20 years. I think I've done my duty and it's time for other people to take over."

Lee is one of the nation's foremost medical marijuana advocates, leading the movement to tax and regulate the drug and bankrolling Prop. 19, the failed 2010 statewide ballot measure that would have legalized it.

Federal authorities, including agents with the Drug Enforcement Agency and Internal Revenue Service, raided Lee's home near Lake Merritt early Monday as well as his four downtown Oakland storefronts, hauling away computers, files and pot plants, and leaving behind little more than office furniture.

The raid was the highest profile move against California's medical marijuana establishment since October when the state's U.S. Attorney's announced new enforcement measures that have resulted in dozens of dispensaries closing down statewide.

With debts mounting, Oaksterdam University, the nation's first cannabis industry trade school, will cease operating at 1600 Broadway as early as the end of this month. It will seek to continue operating in smaller, more affordable home, said Dale Sky Jones, the school's executive director and prospective owner.

Lee's Coffeeshop Blue Sky, one of four city-licensed dispensaries, will likely remain open alongside the nonprofit Oaksterdam Cannabis Museum at Broadway and 19th Street. Assistant City Administrator Arturo Sanchez said Oakland officials will work with Lee to transfer the dispensary permit to a new managing partner or a new collective that can pass background checks.

Lee's departure is a major blow medical cannabis advocates, said Mickey Martin, who writes the Cannabis Warrior blog.

"He's about as deep as you can go into the genealogy of cannabis activism in Oakland," Martin said. "It's hugely disappointing and upsetting that they're going after one of the best operators medical cannabis has ever had."

Lisa Gygax, an attorney focusing on marijuana law, said that Lee won respect inside medical cannabis circles for his work teaching people how to safely produce and use the drug.

"Every time you close down someone like Richard Lee, no one is cheering louder than Mexican cartels," she said.

Lee already had been planning to divest from Oaksterdam University, which he had heavily subsidized through his dispensary, Jones said.

The school will have to change its focus to include more online classes, according to Jones. It might have to do without a brick-and-mortar presence and rent classroom space inside other buildings.

Jones doesn't expect future federal interference since the school no longer will be tied to Lee's dispensary. "The school itself is legal," she said. "We still have to educate our kids not to use cannabis, educate the community how to control cannabis and educate the authorities how to regulate cannabis."

Lee said he appeared to be at the center of a tax-crime investigation and that one of his attorneys has told him he is likely to face charges.

The IRS audited Lee in 2010 and determined that his businesses had not been eligible to deduct standard business exemption, resulting in a substantial tax penalty similar one handedout to a different Oakland dispensary last year.

Lee said he didn't know if Monday's raid was in response for his spearheading Prop. 19, but that he will now focus is time on similar ballot drives underway in Washington State and Colorado.

"I think we have an army now to fight back," he said. "if we look at the history, we have more people supporting us than ever before."


News Hawk - 420 Warrior 420 MAGAZINE
Location: Oakland, CA
Source: Mercury News
Author: Matthew Artz
Contact: www.mercurynews.com
Copyright: © 2012 - San Jose Mercury News
Website: www.mercurynews.com
Funny thing... people were mocking me that prop19 would not bring heat. He maid a statement not to long ago about it paving the way for other prop's... well the Feds came in a sent their own message.

Sorry people... until we can get it rescheduled this is what we can look forward too. Wake up... november is coming.... VOTE! RON PAUL!
Ganja, Voting for Ron Paul won't get Cannabis legalized. Are you really so naive to think that Ron Paul is going to be able to change a thing? The President doesn't really have any power anymore. The 1% are giving the orders. Big Pharma can't have people using a natural medicine in place of their wonderful, harmful medicines. This isn't just Oakland, it's all over California, and other states that allow medical Cannabis. 2 dispensaries in the town closest to me were recently raided, and have since closed. In Colorado, the city of Fort Collins made dispensaries illegal. People are suffering in pain from cancer and other diseases, many directly caused by the activities or products of the !% and their corporations. Voting isn't going to change anything, things will only change once our whole political system is changed. People need to wake up and stop cheering for either political party, and stop letting our government divide us. Divide and conquer, and they've done it quite well. I for one refuse to be conquered.

I think it's a shame Lee has to go through this. It is shameful that our government goes after the disabled who already have enough problems, let alone taking away their medicines. I have Fibromyalgia, Peripheral Neuropathy, possibly Lupus, and I've tried just about every pharmaceutical available for my conditions. Every one either didn't work, or it gave me other side effects. Cannabis helps me more than any other drug. But, of course, the government doesn't care whether people actually feel better, they care about who has the most money to line their pockets.

I thank Richard Lee for his service to the Medical Cannabis Industry, it's a shame he and others in the industry are being harassed and forced to retire.
It doesn't just stop with big pharma, it's the alcohol and oil companies that are to blame as well...Not to mention mainstream media!

Cannabis and Hemp are direct threats to their products and they will not take a back seat to our beloved plant.

That being said, I still believe that voting for a president that's against Cannabis and Hemp is a step in the wrong direction, as they will not even try to help us, more like, they will just keep on sending the feds in to clean house, because they are against it.

Voting a president in that's for Cannabis and Hemp, would give us a platform we could work with to finally end this nightmare.

The president has more power than people think...I mean, this is the one who controls the drug czar's office, which controls the DEA, right?

Ron Paul has said that he will scrap the drug czar's office and that he supports Cannabis and Hemp, so it really does make a difference who is voted in as president.

We've never had a president (in modern times) that's supported Cannabis and Hemp, so how do we know what a pro Cannabis and Hemp president would do for us?

We should not, just assume that voting for Ron Paul or Gary Johnson will not help our cause! How do we know unless we have a president that's on our side for a change?

At the very least, it would send a clear and decisive message to other elected officials, that we are willing to vote for the ones who are for us.

It's very clear to me, that voting on the state and local level is not getting the job done! It's going to have to happen at the federal level before any real change will happen!

Um...reality check! The state of California, is not the final word in this country! California doesn't dictate policy for lawmakers in Washington D.C., so why just stop at changing local and state laws in CA?

This attitude of being satisfied with having Cannabis legalized in just a few cities and towns, in just a few states, is where we are dropping the ball...BIG TIME!

It's time to think bigger, it's time to target the federal level's of government! Then, we will see some REAL change!
I will say it again... it is not about getting it legalized. First and formost is needs to cross the isle into the conservitive realm... and that is MMJ. Then it needs to be decriminalized, then rescheduled. Until then... this is what we can expect!
IMO, tacking different names on it isn't being very productive, it's all just smoke and mirrors if you ask me?

But it's not about attaching names, it's about sending clear messages to the powers that be!

It's about making sure that EVERY political figure out there knows that WE MEAN BUSINESS and that WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH!

When are we going to start making our elected officials start fearing us for a change!?

How many of us are really sending in those letters to their officials every week? Or, have we forgotten how to do that?

Again, as I've said before in other posts...I'm not singling out anyone here, because if your here, you probably have the passion too, but it's the rest of the people out there who are letting this war on us, keep going on and on and on...!?

Some way, some how, these people need to wake up and start doing something about the injustice! Or are they just happy little sheep? :rollingeyes::scratchinghead:
For sure! I vote and even had a chance to speak to a soon to be congressman on this very subject. He is all for medical but deffinately not into the rec... but MMJ is a start... guess what... he is a Republican. So as you can see MMJ is the key!
A little know factoid, is that my state of Georgia has had a MMJ law on the books since 1983 but it's ONLY given to a select few people who are dying and no one else, so I'm a little leery of so called "Medical Marijuana Laws"?

MMJ is a start, but the reality is that the federal law's are what has to be changed before there will be any hope of reaching our final goals, by what ever name we choose to paste on it...And that's a fact!
Yes... that is the key. Once it is recognized throughout the United States as having medical value then it can be rescheduled and then we can further the cause. But if people keep thinking that it is a free for all and anyone can get it... then we loose credibility and then we loose religious concervitives on our side.
If every state individually legalizes or allows mmj, the feds would not have the resourses to keep messin around with us and the only choice then would be to reschedule. also if just 50% of potheads and patients marched on DC, they just might wake up.
Funny thing... people were mocking me that prop19 would not bring heat. He maid a statement not to long ago about it paving the way for other prop's... well the Feds came in a sent their own message.

Sorry people... until we can get it rescheduled this is what we can look forward too. Wake up... november is coming.... VOTE! RON PAUL!

:welldone: Was a VOTE?
Funny thing... people were mocking me that prop19 would not bring heat. He maid a statement not to long ago about it paving the way for other prop's... well the Feds came in a sent their own message.

Sorry people... until we can get it rescheduled this is what we can look forward too. Wake up... november is coming.... VOTE! RON PAUL!

I'm sure you feel that I mocked you but it can't be farther from the truth. You have the right to your opinion and I feel that we were just trying to make our own points but what if Prop 19 had passed. Would Richard Lee be in the same predicament? We will never know but IMO the answer is no, he would not. There would be bigger fish to fry for the Fed Gov't than Richard if Prop 19 had passed. Regardless of why Oaksterdam was raided, I applaude Richard for his activism and for never backing down from the fight. Sometimes you have to make a choice fight or take flight and it's obvious that Richard is a fighter.

As for Ron Paul, a vote for Ron Paul is a vote for Mit Romney. If you think Obama is bad, wait until you see Romney. I like some of the things that RP says but he has a snowballs chance in hell of winning. If you are voting for RP as a political diss on Obama, get ready for Romney. Politics sucks!
If every state individually legalizes or allows mmj, the feds would not have the resourses to keep messin around with us and the only choice then would be to reschedule. also if just 50% of potheads and patients marched on DC, they just might wake up.

I do not think we need every state to pass laws around legalization or medical cannabis. This is how prohibition of alcohol ended. A majority of states ended prohibition of alcohol and told the Fed Gov't they had to do all the enforcing in their states if they wanted to continue the prohibition. States would no longer help the feds with enforcement either.
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