NY: Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Seeing Expected Demand

Robert Celt

New Member
It's been three months since the first medical marijuana dispensaries opened in New York.

Some 2,000 people have purchased the drug and upwards of 500 doctors have gone through the required training to dispense it.

Is that on target?

One of the dispensing companies, Etain, tells NewsChannel 13 they've served about 200 patients. That's a slow start, but not unexpected.

To see how things are going for other dispensing companies, Benita Zahn traveled to Johnstown and toured the Vireo Health facility.

Once the Tryon Residential Center for Boys, boys who would run afoul of the law, the sprawling complex is now home to Vireo Health, a growing and processing facility for medical marijuana.

"We are now focused on reducing pain and suffering. Growing plants, producing medicine," noted Ari Hoffnung the CEO of Vireo Health.

A walk down the hallways now leads you to rooms where marijuana plants are being grown under strict controls. No pesticides. Instead, controlled temperatures, recycled water and plant nutrients.

It takes 12 to 16 weeks for the plants to mature, be dried and have their medicinal oils extracted and processed into product for patients across all ages says Hoffnung.

"We are seeing children, pediatric patients primarily suffering from neurologic disorders. And we're serving older patient who are suffering from cancer," noted Hoffnung.

Without sharing a specific figure Hoffnung says their patients number in the hundreds and many are repeat customers.

He also stops short of saying New York is slow to get medical marijuana off the ground but acknowledges one unanticipated challenge.

"We need to do a better job at helping patients who are qualified for medical marijuana connect with physicians who are registered with the program," he noted.

About 500 doctors have taken the mandated four-and-a-half hour prescriber class and registered. The state Health Department says finding registered doctors can be facilitated by your health care provider.

Even as ease of finding a doctor improves Hoffnung says we need an attitude shift away from the stigma associated with marijuana use.

"That stigma is not going to disappear overnight," acknowledge Hoffnung. "It's about educating, creating awareness, that marijuana purpose is not solely recreating but in fact there are tremendous medical benefits from marijuana."

Currently Vireo has 7,000 square feet of growing space. All of it indoors. They're on the verge of opening a 20,000 foot green house.

That's how sure they are of demand down the road.


News Moderator: Robert Celt 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: NY: Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Seeing Expected Demand
Author: Benita Zahn
Photo Credit: Tania Savayan
Website: WNYT
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