NY: Dent Neurologic Seeing Influx Of Medical Marijuana Patients

Robert Celt

New Member
9-year-old Emma Smith is no stranger to doctor's offices.

But Wednesday's visit to the Dent Neurologic Institute went a little differently.

Emma suffers from Dravet Syndrome, and has seizures every day.

"On synthetic drugs she was having three types of seizures; she was having grand mals, complex partials and absent seizures," said mom Elaine Smith.

She started looking into medical marijuana as an alternative treatment years ago; the Smith's started at Strong Hospital in Rochester, then visited doctors in the Bronx, Colorado, Vermont, and Maine.

Wednesday they met Dr. Mohammad Qasaymeh, but his patients call him Dr. Q.

"We're getting patients travelling like 100, 200 miles to come see us," Dr. Q told News 4.

Unless a certified doctor registers you as a patient in New York, you can't have access to the drug.

Dr. Q gave Emma a green light, and agreed to register her a patient.

"It's finally heartwarming, that they're finally listening to us and giving something a shot that we want," Smith said.

But Dr. Q is taking things slow.

"You're talking about patients who are already on two or three medications, so adding this medicine as a fourth or a fifth treatment, how is it going to interact with the rest of the medications?"

Dr. Q said his colleagues in Rochester found that the drug Onfi, used to treat seizures, becomes more potent when mixed with medical marijuana. It's one of many reasons why parents need to trust only certified physicians when it comes to doses.

"I cannot stress that enough," he said.

"Because you're talking about serious consequences, including death."

The phone at Dent is ringing off the hook these days, but Dr. Q said like any other drug, it's case by case.

"Medical marijuana is an option, but it's not for everyone. If you see me or any of my other colleagues, it's not necessarily that you're going to leave my office with a certificate," said Dr. Q.


News Moderator: Robert Celt 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: NY: Dent Neurologic Seeing Influx Of Medical Marijuana Patients
Author: Jenn Schanz
Contact: WIVB
Photo Credit: None found
Website: WIBV
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