Nutrient Issues


420 Member
What would cause a plant to just shrivel up like you let the air out of a balloon after feeding...Fed my plants all the same...only one just shriveled up......The plant went from beautiful to deflated...
Strain - AK 47
# of Plants - 3
Grow Type - Soil
Grow Stage - Vegetative
Bucket Size - 5 Gallon
Lights - (1) 1200 Watt HPS
Nutrients - Fox Farm
Medium - Fox Farm Ocean forest
PH - 6.1- 6.8
RH - 50% to 55%
Room Temperature -78 to 84
Solution Temperature -65 to 69
Room Square Footage - 3' x 3' Grow Tent
Pests - None Known . Fed all my plants the same every time one just shriveled up after Feeding...Curious to learn why...
Hi James, and welcome to the forum. :welcome:

It could be several things, over watering being the most common problem. You say your pH is 6.1-6.8... that is the normal pH range for soil, but not the exact pH that you adjust your incoming fluids to... please give us that number. If you are following the FF feeding chart for nutrient mixes and strength at this week of the grow, the nutrient mix is probably fine.

So tell us about your methods... what pH is the liquid as it hits the soil? How often are you watering, and how much are you giving when you do? Lastly... a few pictures of the plant showing the damage would help with the diagnosis
Strain - AK 47
# of Plants - 3
Grow Type - Soil
Grow Stage - Vegetative
Bucket Size - 5 Gallon
Lights - (1) 1200 Watt HPS
Nutrients - Fox Farm
Medium - Fox Farm Ocean Forrest
PH - 6.5
RH - 50% to 55%
Room Temperature -78 to 84
Solution Temperature -65 to 69
Room Square Footage - 3' x 3' Grow
Pests - None Known


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Hi James, and welcome to the forum. :welcome:

It could be several things, over watering being the most common problem. You say your pH is 6.1-6.8... that is the normal pH range for soil, but not the exact pH that you adjust your incoming fluids to... please give us that number. If you are following the FF feeding chart for nutrient mixes and strength at this week of the grow, the nutrient mix is probably fine.

So tell us about your methods... what pH is the liquid as it hits the soil? How often are you watering, and how much are you giving when you do? Lastly... a few pictures of the plant showing the damage would help with the diagnosis


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Strain - AK 47
# of Plants - 3
Grow Type - Soil
Grow Stage - Vegetative
Bucket Size - 5 Gallon
Lights - (1) 1200 Watt HPS
Nutrients - Fox Farm
Medium - Fox Farm Ocean Forrest
PH - 6.5
RH - 50% to 55%
Room Temperature -78 to 84
Solution Temperature -65 to 69
Room Square Footage - 3' x 3' Grow
Pests - None Known


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Hi James, and welcome to the forum. :welcome:

It could be several things, over watering being the most common problem. You say your pH is 6.1-6.8... that is the normal pH range for soil, but not the exact pH that you adjust your incoming fluids to... please give us that number. If you are following the FF feeding chart for nutrient mixes and strength at this week of the grow, the nutrient mix is probably fine.

So tell us about your methods... what pH is the liquid as it hits the soil? How often are you watering, and how much are you giving when you do? Lastly... a few pictures of the plant showing the damage would help with the diagnosis


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Well.. this occurred after I'm curious as to what went wrong in the mixing of the nutrients.. what ingredient would cause a plant to just shrivel up like that...
Dont think it was the nutes themselves....but simply coincided as effects from watering habits. But for now answer those questions above and let Emilya the Weed Whisperer get you sorted.

Whats your water source? Are you adjusting ph? Before or after mixing nutes? Please give her all the details of your watering regime, how often, how much, She can probably do this in her sleep by feeling of plant leaves, every new grower needs this watering tech..... I know I did.
cut back to once a week on feeding and watering .. water until a run off . everything is fed the same. Water from the tap...PH checked before and after mixing..6.4-6.8..
Take that pot and tilt it to a 45 degree angle, leave it propped that way for 2 to 4 hours, see how much water she pees out in that time. This will drain PART of the perched water table that is being held in suspension by the soil. Don’t worry there’s still more water in there, plenty in fact. After you set her back up straight after draining for 2 to 4 hours the perched water table will slowly reset itself to a more normal level. Don’t water again... not a single drop for 6 to 7 days minimum.

my 2 cents - please consider all other opinions
Hey James welcome to the forum :welcome:
cut back to once a week on feeding and watering .. water until a run off . everything is fed the same. Water from the tap...PH checked before and after mixing..6.4-6.8..
I'm gona go with Emilya, you're over watering...wait till that pot feels like it's empty before you water again...

And, you're in FFOF, with the FF nutrients :nerd-with-glasses:there's no need to adjust your PH...the FFOF does it for you...

I use FFOF also...go ahead and ask me if I PH anything :rofl::popcorn:

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