Nute problem


New Member
Hey guys I burned my plants awhile back and ive been giving them just water for the past like week and a half. I tested my soil today and N is high, but P and K are low. There is nothing time released in my soil, so my soil is just naturally N rich. So Im a few weeks away from flowering and im pretty sure my plant needs some P and K. My question is can i just start feeding my plants blooming nutes even though Im not quite flowering yet?
Re: Nute problem...

How many weeks along are you? If it was me I would be starting the bloom schedule nutes and changing my light sched like one more week then! You've already had like 10 days of water so I would go ahead with the nutes!
how does your ph look?
Re: Nute problem...

I should have specified but its outdoor. I am two maybe three weeks away from flowering and my ph is 6.4
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