Nute overload or something else? What should I do to correct? First grow


420 Member

Strain - Sativa Durban Poison
# of Plants - 1 (another northern lights growing next to it but just getting started)
Grow Type - Hydro DWC
Grow Stage - Veg (about 23 days in)
Setup - Deep water
Light - 300 watt lcd
Nutrients - General Hydronponics
Medium - Jiffy cube
PPM - ?
PH - ?
RH - ?
Room Temperature -91 (too high I know but can't get it lower)
Solution Temperature -?
Room Square Footage - 2x2x4
Pests - None Known

Problem: was out of town for 4 days and came back to this. seems to be yellowish leaves, brown tips and leaves are a little crispy. First grow and trying to research - thinking its nute overload, but not sure. Any suggestions on how to proceed? Thank you!!


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Yer not checking pH , probably the most important aspect besides light

How much nutes u giving them, should be around 1/4 strength
Definitely ph looking ph is king in dwc it controls the whole life of the plant. Nutrients uptake. Growth. Everything. Get the ph on point 5.8 with drift up to 6.2and down to 5.6. But 5.8 is the sweet spot.
ph must be 5.7-5.8 and low ppm`s for a plant that size 200ppm plus a low dose of calmag if using a low ppm water, (r.o. water )you can leave the door open on the tent and when the temps drop move the light a little closer to the plant and keep a eye on the plant ,those temps will slowly destroy your plant and the temp of the water in your bucket cannot go over 73 degrees ,so if room is 91 the water it is drinking is probably 85 degrees ,way to hot , deep water culture has to maintain a 68-72 temp of the water .temps in tent s/b 69-77 max unless you are using a co2 supplement. I never close the door on my tent for veg just to increase air flow (renewed co2 in to tent )and to help maintain temps .they look light in color because of my shitty camera .I am using coco but the principals are close to the same other than the watering part .
that is not nute burn it is a deficiency because the ph is too high and the plant can access the nutes that are there , get the ph down and watch the new growth as these leaves will not repair them selves any more, but the new leaves will look a lot better .Ps dwc is a setup that needs to be monitored very closely every day you cannot leave it for 4 days and expect to come back to good looking plants , sorry my friend .
I use coco as it acts as a buffer on room temps a little on the roots vs having to maintain a constant water temp as with dwc. can you send pics of what is going on of your bucket (pot), the pic you have doesn't really show if this is a true dwc grow or a form of hydro grow.
oh ya ! temps of 91 are way to high unless you are using a co2 supplement , never go past 83-84 with out co2 and then you need about 1400 ppm of co2 at least and no more than about 1800 at max , but even with co2 your ph and ppm of nutes must be spot on for that to work 75 degree`s works best with no supplement of co2
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