Novice Needs Help With 1st Time Grow


New Member
Hi, I am 5-6 weeks into flower on this first time Blue Dream grow. I just noticed the edges of some bud leaves browning. Are my plants beyond rescue or is there something I can do to help? Any help is greatly appreciated.
I'm a newb when it comes to growing but I believe what you're seeing is nutrient burn. Have you lowered your nitrogen? check this out Plant Abuse Chart -&- Nutrient Disorder Problem Solver if you're only going to flower for two more weeks maybe you should start to flush the plant anyway? I honestly don't think you have anything to worry about. I'm sure someone with much more experience than I will be along shortly, I hope I helped.

Problem: You may notice the tips of your plants showing signs of nutrient burn. If it only seems to be affecting the tips, then there's no need to worry, but if you start noticing the problem spread to the whole leaf, then you should immediately do something to treat your plant before there's more damage. Nutrient burn can also manifest itself as random spots around the edges of the leaves, or with leaf tips curling downwards.

Solution: Flush your system with plain, pH'ed water. Give your plants some time to recover, and start them with a fraction of the nutrients you were giving them before working your way up to more nutrients. Many nutrients come with instructions to feed your plant more nutrients than most plants actually need. It's good business for them if you use more nutrients. However, in my experience it's a good idea to view the feeding charts that come with nutrients as the maximum amount of nutrients and actually start with much less.
Looks like the normal process when the flowers cannibalize the sugar leaves for nutrients. Or it could be what amsterbam said. Hope you are cutting down that nitrogen this far into flower. Good luck.
Not for sure on the flush. I do all organic and no need to flush. You are probably correct on the over Nitrogen. Thanks for helping.
Thanks for the help and advice. These plants are in are not in individual pots, these are in a vegetable planter and were planted using good quality potting soil. The have only been watered and have done very well on their own. I did this as an experiment to see if I could grow totally naturally outdoors in the very hot inland empire region of California, hence the reason I planted blue dream. So, I'll keep an eye on them to make sure the sugar leaves don't totally brown and die. I can't harvest early as it's still really hot here, even in my garage. That should remedy itself in the next 2-3 weeks.
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