Noticed little brown spots almost looks like holes


Well-Known Member
I went check on my plants earlier and noticed some tiny brown spots that go through some of the fan leaves. The plant seems healthy otherwise.



Insects. No idea which type or what to do about it but that certainly looks like the scars left on leaves after one of several different types of insects have been feeding on the leaves. Hard to come up with a pesticide program without knowing the insect. Most likely not Mites since the spots are larger than what they do. Still leaves many insects that could be causing the issue.

I have noticed that most of the time in my outdoor grows the insects show up and do their thing on the leaves and go somewhere else within a week or so. Or, the insects arrive and start to feed on the plant but the predators are just a couple of days behind them and start to eat the problem insect.
I went check on my plants earlier and noticed some tiny brown spots that go through some of the fan leaves. The plant seems healthy otherwise.



Just noticed you posted that question twice.
It's pests my friend.
Do you have SNS or neem oil?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
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