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Hazie Clear

New Member
4 wks 5 days in bloom. It took 2 days for leaves to start turning dark brown, and tips curling. It started with just a little yellow on tips, so I flushed and just gave water on one day out of two. Any help? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
oops I hope the flush works looks like too much nutes. you have to light feed after flush if your soil has not nutrients.
ur bloom formula lacks Nigrogen.
so the progressive yellowing is the fan leaves dying off.
so, if you care to keep the plants SUGAR factory at full steam for more months..... I say give it some nitrogen.
not regular & be sure to clear flush at end for 5-7 days.
I started with a neutral soil from grow store. Using botanicare pro blend bloom. Liquid bonemeal. I usually adjust ph from 6.2 - 6.5. I'm using 8 bulb t5 half red half blue. 12/12 . Feeding and watering has been pretty consistent over last 3 weeks. On the chart it recommends 20 ml/gal week. Does that mean 20 every time you feed that week or just a total of 20 for that week? Could this be the problem. I've been giving 20 2-3 times a week?
I started with a neutral soil from grow store. Using botanicare pro blend bloom. Liquid bonemeal. I usually adjust ph from 6.2 - 6.5. I'm using 8 bulb t5 half red half blue. 12/12 . Feeding and watering has been pretty consistent over last 3 weeks. On the chart it recommends 20 ml/gal week. Does that mean 20 every time you feed that week or just a total of 20 for that week? Could this be the problem. I've been giving 20 2-3 times a week?

you should just feed once a week. the rest water
I can't thank you all enough. This is my first go at this, and I thought I was doing great. That's what I get for thinkin. So should I not use the hydro spikes. Or just let it dry for 5 days?
Well, the problem is we really need to know what kind of media you're growing in. If it's just a regular organic soil, I'm pretty confident that you're just getting a P lockout due to the overwatering. But if it's a coco mix, you should get another opinion. Because the only thing I know about coco, is that I don't know much about coco.
Yes it is a nutrient free soil. And uh who's BID.... I don't believe it is coco. I will go by store when I get back and find out exactly.
than the nutes are good you just give them too much.:thumb: need the watering to flush the coco because nitrogen can build up in it. As this nitrogen builds up it drops your PH. So you have to watch out for both.
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