Not my first grow but I’m still learning and need some guidance


Well-Known Member
I tried doing journals before and although I was very active, it was very easy to forget about the journal and I’m back on this amazing site once again. I’m back looking for some sort of answers or guidance to my grow but here is the details first of all…..

What Strain is it? Unknown, I think it’s either G13 or AGG. But leading towards AGG
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? Unknown
How Many Plants? 1
Is it in Vegetative or Flowering Stage? Veg
If in Vegetative Stage... How Long? Forgot to record the date but it’s been a while now like longer than 5weeks
Indoor or Outdoor? Indoor
Soil or Hydro? Soil
If Soil... What is in your Mix? Started with a bad soil but it was miracle grow but I did a transplant into fox farm ocean
If Soil... What Size Pot? Was in 3gallon fiber pot but was moved into a 7 gallon fiber pot
Size (Wattage) of Light? How Many? One spider farm sf4000 and next to it in the tent is a Mars hydro 2000
Is it Air Cooled? Fans and a ac infinity
Temperature of Room/Cabinet? 70-78
RH of Room/Cabinet? 24%-50%
PH of Medium or Reservoir? Unknown
Any Pests? No
How Often are you Watering? 3-4days
Type and Strength of Fertilizers used? Dyna-grow
Size or Square Footage of Room? 4x4x80 grow tent

But the question I have is, the new growth looks strange to me, does it not? And if so why can this be? I’m not sure if it’s the lighting schedule? 24hrs on btw but I’m hoping someone can relate or share there experience with me I would appreciate anything you guys have to say. Thanks

And since I forgot about the miracle grow slow time release of nutes, when I added nutes I saw that the plant was getting to much Nitrogen so for the passed 2weeks I have been giving the plants just plain water.





New growth often comes in lighter so no worries there. Umm the dark green and tip burn indicates you are pushing the nutes just a tad bit too hard. I’d keep up with the cal mag tho.

For that FF soil type - I think you are watering too frequently, a plant that size should be able to go a week or longer with no water added. We need to get you hooked up with this >>> How to water a potted plant

no need to run 24/0, I’d bump to 18/6 right away,

she’s prolly ready to be flipped to 12/12 before long too, so make that 18/6 shift happen soon
Okay so let me Soak in everything you said.

New growth comes in lighter, I knew that part but is it possible for new growth to not grow and stay the same? It just seemed like the new growth wasn’t progressing.

The nutes from me feeding while she was in miracle was a mistake I forgot about miracle and the slow release so yeah that’s why I cut back to just tap water that’s been sitting in my gallon jugs open to release the chlorine

I will check out your link to the watering part. Thank your for the link. I just used the method of picking up the pot and inch finger in the soil.

24/0 light, yes I was thinking what if that was the cause of some issues I was having but I came across a lot of people doing that method but your right a lot more people were doing 18:6 vs the 24:0 but I wasn’t sure if I could just do that right away or ease my way into it.

I thought you could stay in veg stage for a long time?
Hey so I'm personally not seeing anything weird. I do agree that watering every 3-4 days in a 7 gallon sounds like a bit do you determine when to water? Another thing I noticed you have pistils in last 4 pictures but your running the lights 24/7 ? I'm not 100% but couldn't the new tight green growth be "reveg" if he's in preflower and the lights are on all the time?
when do I switch to 12:12.
:hmmmm: How big do you want them? how soon do you want them? there is a decision/juggle between those two questions. you can put them on 12/12 now if they are big enough for you or let them grow bigger on 18/6. :theband:
Finger in the soil tells you about the top of the pot but gravity works so when top is dry the bottom is still wet... with photoperiods you can veg long term but most train and flip within a month or two depending on their goals

Since it was started from seed and ran 24 hours lights on then a reveg should not come into play here. Think it’s just showing gender & sexual maturity at this point….
Finger in the soil tells you about the top of the pot but gravity works so when top is dry the bottom is still wet... with photoperiods you can veg long term but most train and flip within a month or two depending on their goals

Since it was started from seed and ran 24 hours lights on then a reveg should not come into play here. Think it’s just showing gender & sexual maturity at this point….
Thank you I wasn't sure... But that was my only clue to "weird" top growth with pistils.. other than that plant looks iight
I appreciate your thoughts and your advice. With that being said, I already started some of the things that were recommended, like the timer being set up. Moving forward I’ll try that living soil but can’t do that yet. Im just not completely sure when to do switch to flowering(12/12). Should I Evaluate the plant after it has seen 18/6 for at least some time? Like a week or two?
No after flip she will stretch quite a bit....keep her where she is and lower the lights if needed ... And honestly when ever your ready to flip she's ready. And good morning bro
Finger in the soil tells you about the top of the pot but gravity works so when top is dry the bottom is still wet... with photoperiods you can veg long term but most train and flip within a month or two depending on their goals

Since it was started from seed and ran 24 hours lights on then a reveg should not come into play here. Think it’s just showing gender & sexual maturity at this point….
So the finger testing is out the window, got it. So I’m curious to know when do you guys personally water? What is your guys method to that? And I didn’t really have a goal in mind for the veg, I just had 3 Bruce autos that started later than that plant and I was like I’ll just veg until the Bruce banners catch up because I knew the autos wouldn’t veg like the other plants. I heard they flower when they are ready to . So I wanted to just veg all in one tent instead of two but I since have changed that and now the big plant is under both the Mars hydro and spider sf4000
No after flip she will stretch quite a bit....keep her where she is and lower the lights if needed ... And honestly when ever your ready to flip she's ready. And good morning bro
Good morning, so I don’t even need to expose her to the 18:6? If that’s the case, I guess I’ll flip on Friday that way it’s easier to know when I switched to 12/12.

Lower the lights: to where about, they are around 20inches from the highest point of the plant
So the finger testing is out the window, got it. So I’m curious to know when do you guys personally water? What is your guys method to that? And I didn’t really have a goal in mind for the veg, I just had 3 Bruce autos that started later than that plant and I was like I’ll just veg until the Bruce banners catch up because I knew the autos wouldn’t veg like the other plants. I heard they flower when they are ready to . So I wanted to just veg all in one tent instead of two but I since have changed that and now the big plant is under both the Mars hydro and spider sf4000
I actually weigh mine with a scale that's my watering method....and I have a sign in my tent to remind me not to water to soon. As for the autos that's all I grow they'll flower no matter what do don't worry about the catching up....more than likely they will finish before the big one.
Good morning, so I don’t even need to expose her to the 18:6? If that’s the case, I guess I’ll flip on Friday that way it’s easier to know when I switched to 12/12.

Lower the lights: to where about, they are around 20inches from the highest point of the plant
I would go by your light manufacturers recommendation for height... I keep my lights 12-14 away no more or less.
okay sounds good, I’ll have to look up again but I’m sure I seen the recommended height but thank you for the information and your time, I’ll post pictures of her progress moving forward. I wanted to include a netting in the tent but I have no clue on when and how to do that so I’ll be watching videos on it later today
okay sounds good, I’ll have to look up again but I’m sure I seen the recommended height but thank you for the information and your time, I’ll post pictures of her progress moving forward. I wanted to include a netting in the tent but I have no clue on when and how to do that so I’ll be watching videos on it later today
Trust someone here with help with net/scrog... I don't do it or know how so I'ma be taking notes from your journal lol. And anytime man...I know how to keep my ladies healthy and I may not have 100% advice all the time but I put in the foot work to help
Let me start by asking what exactly are you concerned about with the new growth? Color? Leaf texture? Something else? I see pretty happy, healthy plants. They call this thing 'weed' for a reason - it wants to grow almost no matter what you do to it. So, try not to over think it.

On to the questions and comments:

How Often are you Watering? 3-4days
As others mentioned, this could be an issue. You often get weird crinkled leaves if you are overwatering. Watering on a schedule is not recommended. A better method is to water after the plant has used all of the water, and just before it begins to droop. The watering link provided by @013 above to Emilya's watering thread will explain it in some detail.

But, it doesn't look to me like it is any major watering problem. Those plants are pretty big and I would imagine the root structure is sufficient to handle the water you are throwing at it. But still, better to not be on a schedule until the plant tells you that it wants water every three days, etc.

But the question I have is, the new growth looks strange to me, does it not? And if so why can this be? I’m not sure if it’s the lighting schedule? 24hrs on
I know some growers like to use a 24/0 light schedule, particularly for autos since they have a pretty short time frame before they go into flower and they like it to have as much light as possible before that happens. However, the plants will only be able to absorb a certain maximum amount of light in any 24 hour period, so how fast you get there depends on your lights. Any light after they have reached their max is essentially wasted.

Personally, I like to give my plants a rest period in the dark. I understand that the dark promotes root growth, and nature gives them a rest so, so do I.

New growth often comes in lighter so no worries there. Umm the dark green and tip burn indicates you are pushing the nutes just a tad bit too hard. I’d keep up with the cal mag tho.

For that FF soil type - I think you are watering too frequently, a plant that size should be able to go a week or longer with no water added. We need to get you hooked up with this >>> How to water a potted plant
Great link. Not everyone agrees with the wet/dry cycle, but it has proven a very effective method for those that do employ it. If you do, the link points to the thread with the advice to follow.

no need to run 24/0, I’d bump to 18/6 right away,
I see you have already done this. :thumb:

I will check out your link to the watering part. Thank your for the link. I just used the method of picking up the pot and inch finger in the soil.
This 'finger in the soil' method tells you nothing about what's going on in the bottom half of your pots and is not recommended. Follow the guide in the above link while in veg. In flower you'll want to push more water at them assuming you've built a good root structure, which I suspect you have.

I thought you could stay in veg stage for a long time?
With photoperiod plants (as opposed to autos) you can stay in veg indefinitely, as long as you provide enough of a light period. And it's actually the dark period that the plant is concerned with. Anything around 12 hours of darkness will cause the plant to go into flower as long as it is sexually mature enough to do so. It is sexually mature enough when it starts growing with alternating, as opposed to opposite, nodes on the plant. I suspect yours are already there.

So, the question becomes when to flip them into flower? The longest you'd want to leave them in veg is more of a height issue in an indoor grow. Indica based plants often stretch to double the height they were when you flipped them. Sativa based plants can stretch 3x or more! so you want to figure out how much height you have in your flower space, and account for the lights and the recommended distance the manufacturer suggests you keep them from the lights. Then divide that by 2 or 3 or whatever you need based upon your plants and that will allow you to max out your space without overgrowing it.

If you are already past the recommended flip height, you can do some training on the plants like LST (Low Stress Training), supercropping, topping, etc. to help you manage the plant for the space you have.

Another thing I noticed you have pistils in last 4 pictures but your running the lights 24/7 ? I'm not 100% but couldn't the new tight green growth be "reveg" if he's in preflower and the lights are on all the time?
Unless you flipped it to a flowering schedule and then back to this 24/0, revegging is likely not it. And it is not a gradual decrease in light but actually the number of dark hours that is the issue.

Also, be sure that when you do flip to a flower schedule that the dark period is truly that. Dark. Any light leaks like from a seam or zipper, or from an indicator light on a power strip or appliance that the plant can see, counts. This can cause hermies or in extreme cases confuse the plant enough that it does want to return to veg (revegging).

What’s reveg? I did notice the pistils and knew she’s ready for flowering but why do they say you can veg as along as you want ? So should I go straight to 12/12 then now?
The pistils are another indication that the plant is sexually mature, not that it is starting to flower under a 24/0 schedule unless it is an auto. Those are called pre-flowers and it is totally normal as the plant matures, even if it is still under a vegatative lighting schedule.

So I just switched to 18:6. Moving forward, I read that I’m supposed to let the reveg happen but where I’m confused on is when do I switch to 12:12
Revegging, or reverting the plant from flower back to veg, is very stressful on the plant and something you want to avoid without lots of experience. An example of why some growers might do it shortly after they flipped to flower mode is if they suddenly notice a bug issue or some other thing that they think they can correct quickly. But again, very hard and stressful on the plants and they throw some very weird leaves as they struggle through that period.

Since it was started from seed and ran 24 hours lights on then a reveg should not come into play here. Think it’s just showing gender & sexual maturity at this point….

Im just not completely sure when to do switch to flowering(12/12). Should I Evaluate the plant after it has seen 18/6 for at least some time? Like a week or two?
See above, but I think it is more of a height issue once the plants reach alternating node status which tells you they are ready whenever you are. The fact that they are showing pre-flowers also tells you they are ready.

So, in short, the plants look pretty good to me, and I thnk you're stressing too much on a non-issue.

You can keep any auto's in the same space as your regular photoperiod plants and they'll flower when they want to. So, I'd flip to a flowering schedule based on the photoperiods and the height you have and then when you're ready, and the autos will just go along for the ride.
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