Noob questions


New Member
sorry if this is in the wrong spot but how long from seed does it take to flower? and also to determin sex? and what does vegitation mean? thanks
the plants have two basic stages, vegitative phase and flowering phase. Vegitative is when the plant is growing and expanding foliage. Flowering is when the plant starts to expend most of it's energy on flowering (creating buds). Normally flowering starts when the daylight gets shorter and the light range changes. When planted indoor, most induce flowering after about 45 days. Sex can normally be determined after a couple of weeks after inducing flowering. Outdoor, it will be based on the light cycles of the sun. Normally flowering finishes in the northern hemishphere around September.
the plants have two basic stages, vegitative phase and flowering phase. Vegitative is when the plant is growing and expanding foliage. Flowering is when the plant starts to expend most of it's energy on flowering (creating buds). Normally flowering starts when the daylight gets shorter and the light range changes. When planted indoor, most induce flowering after about 45 days. Sex can normally be determined after a couple of weeks after inducing flowering. Outdoor, it will be based on the light cycles of the sun. Normally flowering finishes in the northern hemishphere around September.

whoa whoa whoa, wait a second!

let me get this straight. lets assume i start an indoor batch, fan em, get em to one or two feet, yadda yadda, then transplant outside after last frost (middle of may here). am i to understand that i wont get any bud til SEPTEMBER? but if i grew it indoors i could get bud in two to three months? (july-ish)

fuck that!
i love the joys of an outdoor grow though...watching your plants evolve from this lil seedling to a wondeful 6 foot plus tall plant with great the great kat williams said..."weed is not a drug, its a plant, it grows like that, and if you just happen to set it on fire, there are some effects...its not a drug, drugs you gotta do something chemically..."
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