Nitrogen Deficiency


Well-Known Member
Got a beauty of a plant that's been growing for about 5 weeks now. I put it in FF Ocean Forest soil so it really took off. It's finally showing pistils so it's a female. But I have her outside in a big pot and the temps lately have been up in the mid 90's. She get's loads of sunshine but I am worried about the heat. I notice her leaves drooping now and then so I've given her several gallons of tap water each week which I set out in the sun also to boil off the chlorine level. I've checked the ph of the water and it shows 6.4, sometimes a little lower which should be perfect for the plant. But I am noticing the center of the leaves are dark green while the edges of the leaves are a faded green. By examining the charts this appears to be a nitrogen deficiency. I add a small amount of FF Grow Big, Tiger Bloom and a pinch of Open Sesame to her water along with some organic fertilizer which I sprinkle around the perimeter of the pot. I'd try to be careful with the nutes as this has caused problems in the past. There are a few yellow leaves near the bottom and another grower I know said I should cut off most of the bottom branches. She's bushy as can be and I hate to mess with what mother nature gave her. So I trimmed only the yellow leaves off this morning and a few of the branches at the bottom.

This is the part of growing that I hate. To spend so much time getting a plant up, sexed and then poof, loose her to something that no matter what I try won't fix things right.
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