Night time lighting during black out


420 Member
Hey guys, I’ve seen a vid on YouTube explaining you can have a green LED light in your room at night for when doing maintenance, and apparently it had no effect of your plants as they can’t see the green led? This would obviously be very useful for doing spot checks during the blackout periods and I’d obviously only be having the green LED turned on when I’m doing this and not on constantly.
Just wondering if there’s any truth in this theory and if anyone has used this as a little trick up their sleeves?
As always, thanks in advance for any quality responses that are of help!
Hey guys, I’ve seen a vid on YouTube explaining you can have a green LED light in your room at night for when doing maintenance, and apparently it had no effect of your plants as they can’t see the green led? This would obviously be very useful for doing spot checks during the blackout periods and I’d obviously only be having the green LED turned on when I’m doing this and not on constantly.
Just wondering if there’s any truth in this theory and if anyone has used this as a little trick up their sleeves?
As always, thanks in advance for any quality responses that are of help!
Yes, it is true... you can work with bright green light in the flowering room and it does not switch them out of nighttime mode. Make sure to have true green color though, not just a colored wrap on a white bulb.
Absolutely awesome, thank you soo much! You are a gem!
mans yes I kind of thought that might be the case so the best I’ve found so far is a philips bulb....?

Of course they don't mind.... the lights in the tent are on too! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I kid, I kid. Well, not really, the lights are on, but still. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Seriously though, that's a great setup. I need to up my lights off game a bit. Especially as the dark period will end up being mid-day over the summer.
Well it would have been a little more difficult to install them in the dark.. :laugh:

Amen to that! :rofl:

I’m found some green led rope lighting locally. I’ll be off to fetch it shortly. Going to put up 2 16ft strands. Should be plenty to cover the length I need.

$8 per 16ft section, and comes with the power adapter. Was $20 and no adapter from amazon, and a 2 week wait to boot!

I need some other stuff as well, so figured why not. May wire up a light switch to an extension cord or something, but dunno yet. Haven’t got that far, so I guess I’ll be “that guy” (again) who’s building stuff in his head as he stares at the aisles of electrical supplies. :rofl:


Obviously that's just part of one section, but y'all get the idea. Found a little remote controlled extension thingy. It's about 6" long overall. Plug, 2" of heavy gauge wire into the control box, which has 2 outlet. Has a little on/off remote that's similar to a key fob. Worked out pretty slick for 5 bucks. :D

Now we're set for when I flip the light cycles upside down before too long. :D
Never even crossed my mind to do that. Nice!
It was surprising to me how cheap green lighting was. I bought a 10 pack for $10 and already had a power supply lying around. I still need to move mine over to the new room. My kids certainly think it's cool to light mom's office up bright green now, they keep flipping the switch Everytime they get a chance.
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