Newty's Coco Coir & Compost Bag Seed Grow Journal - 2017

Fed them each a litre with bloom nutes at half what Sensi suggests. The run off was quick on the 2 window dwellers. BB takes a lot longer for the water to soak in and run off but it was quicker than yesterday so I'm ok with that for now. The PH was a lot closer aligned going in and coming out today at 5.8 going in and run off was about 5.5. I went to grab a pen at the hydro store but they are out of the one I want so Amazon for that and wait. I hope it will be here by next weeks feeding so I can check ppm for better accuracy on how much nutes to give. If they do well with this half dose I'm thinking I'll give them the full dose next week to help them catch up

Ok so it's been a while since my last update. BB has been regressing so I was a bit embarrassed but it's all learning right! The 2 window dwellers are doing a lot of nothing so I might put them back in the tent? They are still girls with no new sacks so maybe those things I cut off were in fact calysts and not balls:/
So back to BB, she has not been getting the nutrients she needs so was convinced she has root rot. Now I can see her roots look fine. I think when I transplanted her back in veg before I put her outside, I put in too much compost and the medium became muddy and thick. When she was outside this was fine because of all the fresh air. Now that she is inside, I can never get her pot to dry up and she drinks incredibly slow, not enough oxygen is my diagnosis. Guess who got a new home this morning?? ... Transplanting at 4 weeks flower, are you nuts! Yes I am completely nuts! I put a lot of effort into her new home and again took a page out of Ase's book;) I soaked the Coco in my Sensi Bloom nutrients at half for an hour after I rinsed it. PH was about 5.8 . This Sensi stuff is no joke and promotes perfect PH, so far not a lie! Then I let it drain over night and this morning I poured it out on a towel to dry it out a bit. When I did the transplant I put a few rocks in the bottom of my pot and then filled it half way with the damp Coco then cut BB out of her old pot and shook her out gently as to not jostle her too much or break the roots. Then filled the rest of the pot in with damp Coco. Pray for us. I have a good feeling though. I wanted to let her finish strong . Happy growing 420 .

Ok so it's been a while since my last update. BB has been regressing so I was a bit embarrassed but it's all learning right! The 2 window dwellers are doing a lot of nothing so I might put them back in the tent? They are still girls with no new sacks so maybe those things I cut off were in fact calysts and not balls:/
So back to BB, she has not been getting the nutrients she needs so was convinced she has root rot. Now I can see her roots look fine. I think when I transplanted her back in veg before I put her outside, I put in too much compost and the medium became muddy and thick. When she was outside this was fine because of all the fresh air. Now that she is inside, I can never get her pot to dry up and she drinks incredibly slow, not enough oxygen is my diagnosis. Guess who got a new home this morning?? ... Transplanting at 4 weeks flower, are you nuts! Yes I am completely nuts! I put a lot of effort into her new home and again took a page out of Ase's book;) I soaked the Coco in my Sensi Bloom nutrients at half for an hour after I rinsed it. PH was about 5.8 . This Sensi stuff is no joke and promotes perfect PH, so far not a lie! Then I let it drain over night and this morning I poured it out on a towel to dry it out a bit. When I did the transplant I put a few rocks in the bottom of my pot and then filled it half way with the damp Coco then cut BB out of her old pot and shook her out gently as to not jostle her too much or break the roots. Then filled the rest of the pot in with damp Coco. Pray for us. I have a good feeling though. I wanted to let her finish strong . Happy growing 420 .
everything looks good! The window dwellers are starting to bulk up a bit :)
I hope the transplant at 4 weeks flower works well for you!
Hey Newty! hope all is well in your garden, friend.
Hey Newty! hope all is well in your garden, friend.

Thanks! I was actually away on a mini holiday until today.

All is going the same over here so nothing new to update. I did move them all back in together and so far so good. I hope all is well with you! .
I'll be catching up on everyone's journals this week.

Yay!! SEEDS ARE HERE! I'll be germinating some tonight! I think I might try a couple of each? Plus I have all those GTH seeds, I'm not sure my plan
I better get on researching how to grow these specific strains.
The flowering girls have a few weeks left I think and at this rate I'm looking at the smallest yield ever. what I've taken away from this first grow has been so valuable that I'm happy with anything at this point and really just glad to have kept them alive! I'll update their progress if anything changes and when I harvest of course!

Yay!! SEEDS ARE HERE! I'll be germinating some tonight! I think I might try a couple of each? Plus I have all those GTH seeds, I'm not sure my plan
I better get on researching how to grow these specific strains.
The flowering girls have a few weeks left I think and at this rate I'm looking at the smallest yield ever. what I've taken away from this first grow has been so valuable that I'm happy with anything at this point and really just glad to have kept them alive! I'll update their progress if anything changes and when I harvest of course!
Congrats on the seeds arriving safely :) can't wait to see what you do with them! And I can tell you've learned so much during this grow, so don't worry about the weight of the harvest. You've got the setup & knowledge to tune your environment up big time :)

So remember those too tiny clones I tried From BB? Well look at that root system lol! . I was just watering them for the past month and threw out a bunch except one. This tiny girl stayed green in the Coco and all the leaves have been slowly dying falling off so I went to throw it out and this is what I found! Wowsa! She is trying hard so I put her in a new pot and let's see if anything grows?? ..

So remember those too tiny clones I tried From BB? Well look at that root system lol! . I was just watering them for the past month and threw out a bunch except one. This tiny girl stayed green in the Coco and all the leaves have been slowly dying falling off so I went to throw it out and this is what I found! Wowsa! She is trying hard so I put her in a new pot and let's see if anything grows?? ..
They take a while when they come from a flowering plant but good job! I hope it still lives and grows for you. Get it under 24 hr light if possible.
They take a while when they come from a flowering plant but good job! I hope it still lives and grows for you. Get it under 24 hr light if possible.

Exactly. I try to do everything to the plant I need to do in veg and just let it grow in flower with just a little defoliation. I don't want to cause hardly any stress in flower. Will be fun to see how this little one turns out!
:thumb: everything should be alright

How'd your one girl take the transplant?
:thumb: everything should be alright

How'd your one girl take the transplant?

Thanks for asking! She is so terribly sad but I didn't kill her! . I should have used 1/4 nutes instead of 1 half. I soaked the Coco in nutes at the transplant and then watered with same ratio 4 days later as she was dry. She has toxicity for sure and is clawing. Her purple bud is still beautiful and maturing nicely but her poor leaves:( I'm determined to take her to the end but next water will be just water. .
Thanks for asking! She is so terribly sad but I didn't kill her! . I should have used 1/4 nutes instead of 1 half. I soaked the Coco in nutes at the transplant and then watered with same ratio 4 days later as she was dry. She has toxicity for sure and is clawing. Her purple bud is still beautiful and maturing nicely but her poor leaves:( I'm determined to take her to the end but next water will be just water. .

I'd go ahead and begin the flush for harvest on her, on the flip side, everything looks awesome! You're definitely gonna love her meds :)
Thanks . your too kind.

I just think we need more kindness(and cannabis) in this world :peace::ganjamon:
You've been with me through my entire journey on 420magazine and I want to do the same and see us both producing the amazing meds we deserve :)
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