Newty's Coco Coir & Compost Bag Seed Grow Journal - 2017

Re: Newty's Coco Coir & Compost Bag Seed Grow Journal - 2017

I used to use perlite but I highly advise against it. It really isn't necessary at all. If your plants get really big it makes everything dry out really fast causing you to have to water more than you already have to with coco. Coco always contains about 1/3 oxygen and the roots don't need perlite like they do in soil. Just my opinion.

Also you can re-use coco so separating the perlite can be a real pain. It won't hurt your grow to use it, just is more of a hassle in the end then anything. Glad to see you are getting the right tools. They don't have to be expensive, they just have to work. I'd also advise getting some 7.0 PH testing solution. Should be cheap and a good way to check calibration on the PH meter to make sure it doesn't get out of whack like they tend to do over time.

When I've had gnats in the past I just put yellow fly paper near the topsoil level and let everything dry out a bit. They like humidity so maybe see if that + your neem will get rid of them. Just depends on how bad they are. A few gnats is no big deal.

Thanks Ase!! I was channelling you today at my new favourite store:) I talked with buddy at the hydro-store and he says the same as you about the I'll be going full Coco with the seeds and I'll be following your advice about how to prepare with nutrients etc. The guys there were amazing, let me talk openly about my grow and got me set up with a few more things to help with the new grow and to let the girls finish nicely. They have everything I will need and want. They said that they have over 100 years of experience growing cannabis between them all and they were super helpful. I'm lucky to live in Canada . Thanks for the tips about gnats, they are driving me bonkers but I've only seen 1 adult gnat so far after the neem last night. I guess it's fly paper that I keep seeing in all the pots in photos. I'll get that tomorrow:) thanks for checking in, Ase...much appreciated . I'll be coming to catch up on your journal soon! ✌️

Newty, it would have been hard to get better nutrients!! Congrats, I am so jealous!!!
Also, you can reuse Coco!! That's so amazing!

Yeah! Makes it super cost effective. I wash it like I do when I get a fresh brick and let it settle. If you run your fingers over the top layer you can easily get to most of the old plants roots out. It's a weird feeling but kind of like playing in a sandbox like a little kid again. I'm sure there is some tools that would make it easier to get it off the top but I don't mind it. To me it's actually fun, it's the dang trimming that I hate.

Great choices in nutes and all that. The only thing I would advice is still getting a PH pen and PPM pen (which you might have coming still but I don't see them in the picture and checking PH with a strip kit is a pain in the you know what). The products you got shouldn't need it but they are pretty essential in learning how to grow in coco and what you are doing. Checking runoff and getting accurate results. You could get both on amazon for pretty cheap.

Let the fun begin! You made some big steps in the right direction today. Also looks like you found some good people at a grow shop which is rare. Many I've dealt with don't know the first thing about actually growing.
Yeah! Makes it super cost effective. I wash it like I do when I get a fresh brick and let it settle. If you run your fingers over the top layer you can easily get to most of the old plants roots out. It's a weird feeling but kind of like playing in a sandbox like a little kid again. I'm sure there is some tools that would make it easier to get it off the top but I don't mind it. To me it's actually fun, it's the dang trimming that I hate.

Great choices in nutes and all that. The only thing I would advice is still getting a PH pen and PPM pen (which you might have coming still but I don't see them in the picture and checking PH with a strip kit is a pain in the you know what). The products you got shouldn't need it but they are pretty essential in learning how to grow in coco and what you are doing. Checking runoff and getting accurate results. You could get both on amazon for pretty cheap.

Let the fun begin! You made some big steps in the right direction today. Also looks like you found some good people at a grow shop which is rare. Many I've dealt with don't know the first thing about actually growing.

Thanks again, I still like playing in the sand. I used the strips and looks like my tap water is about 6.5. I flushed all the girls today so I can feed them soon and because I read it's supposed to help make them thirstier. I did check the run off and it tested at 5ish. I am about to read up on ph and ppm more. The pens are next on my wish list, especially now that I've used the strips .
Newty, it would have been hard to get better nutrients!! Congrats, I am so jealous!!!

Thanks Horti! I'm pretty pumped to see how it will do. I'm going to get the sensi grow next time for the new girls. Made just for Coco, who knew??!! So cool
Good morning .
So I did a flush of all 3 girls and so far they are taking it like champs! I checked the run off today and it was better at about 5.5. I'm thinking the brown stuff is calcium deficiency? The bud sights all look heathy but the fan leaves that are left are the saddest they have been. This all happened in the past week and after the neem applications. RH holds steady at 45% during the day and 60% at night. I'm still working on my exhaust but it's getting better. Temps stay steady all day and night at about 72-78 degrees. I will be starting their real feedings this week but I'm wondering if I should wait for the pot to dry out completely first or just feed them at lights on Tomorrow? I'm planning to use the 2 part sensi bloom series at half strength just to get their toes wet then decide my feeding schedule from there. I'm wondering if I should add the cal-max I got to help the possible deficiency when I feed the bloom?
Good morning .
So I did a flush of all 3 girls and so far they are taking it like champs! I checked the run off today and it was better at about 5.5. I'm thinking the brown stuff is calcium deficiency? The bud sights all look heathy but the fan leaves that are left are the saddest they have been. This all happened in the past week and after the neem applications. RH holds steady at 45% during the day and 60% at night. I'm still working on my exhaust but it's getting better. Temps stay steady all day and night at about 72-78 degrees. I will be starting their real feedings this week but I'm wondering if I should wait for the pot to dry out completely first or just feed them at lights on Tomorrow? I'm planning to use the 2 part sensi bloom series at half strength just to get their toes wet then decide my feeding schedule from there. I'm wondering if I should add the cal-max I got to help the possible deficiency when I feed the bloom?

They look beautiful, Newty! Nice colors, frosty buds! I'd say the brown spots are from the neem application, but it's possible it could also be calcium deficiency. I've not yet had to use cal-mag, but my reading showed me tons of conflicting info about supplementing cal-mag during flower. I'd let someone with more experience answer your question, but overall- looks good! If the spots get any worse or spread, act fast.
Either way, it wouldn't hurt to give them some much desired food tomorrow :) I'd say lesser than half strength to be safe.
Thanks for stopping by Horti, I'm thinking 1/4 strength tomorrow and I'm gonna hold off on the cal-max for now;) seeing your's and greenthumbs plants get me excited to start my new girls and see how well I can train them .

Proper training can make a world of difference! I'm not sure as to how to answer your question either so I agree with Horti's advice. Other than that your girls look amazing! They've got some vibrant colors and tons of frost!
Thanks for stopping by Horti, I'm thinking 1/4 strength tomorrow and I'm gonna hold off on the cal-max for now;) seeing your's and greenthumbs plants get me excited to start my new girls and see how well I can train them .

I still encourage you to read how I feed my plants on page 40 of my journal. You may not be using the same nutrients but some of the concepts like adding cal-mag every feed would be useful for ya. I use cal-mag in every feed. Even when babies. Coco absolutely needs it. Some products include a chunk of it in them, like your sensi products, but you still need it to supplement the whole way through.

You should never fully flush your plants until the very end in coco. If you "flush" them you should do it with a balanced feed of N-P-K and some cal mag. This is where a PPM meter makes a big difference but you can always just do this by cutting what you normally would give them in half and call it good. Then you flush it with that low dosage solution and since it is balanced the plant can take what it needs and correct itself. When it has you can result to scheduled feedings again. Your plants are showing heavy phosphorous deficiency because you haven't had bloom nutes. Week 3-4 in flower is usually when this becomes apparent. I'd probably just go ahead and do 1/2 strength nutes. Your buds need phosphorous to get fat.

Lastly when you are looking at trichs to determine when to pull the plant just make sure you are looking at the ones on the bud itself and not on any leaves. Leaves will always look more done than the bud itself and I've seen people pull their plants way too early because they didn't know.

I apologize if I am a little blunt but that's just me. If you don't get these on a flower feed you unfortunately will not be happy with the end result. The good news is you still have plenty of time left to get them back to healthy. You can tell they aren't happy because they aren't perky but are saggy instead. They are getting locked out.
I still encourage you to read how I feed my plants on page 40 of my journal. You may not be using the same nutrients but some of the concepts like adding cal-mag every feed would be useful for ya. I use cal-mag in every feed. Even when babies. Coco absolutely needs it. Some products include a chunk of it in them, like your sensi products, but you still need it to supplement the whole way through.

You should never fully flush your plants until the very end in coco. If you "flush" them you should do it with a balanced feed of N-P-K and some cal mag. This is where a PPM meter makes a big difference but you can always just do this by cutting what you normally would give them in half and call it good. Then you flush it with that low dosage solution and since it is balanced the plant can take what it needs and correct itself. When it has you can result to scheduled feedings again. Your plants are showing heavy phosphorous deficiency because you haven't had bloom nutes. Week 3-4 in flower is usually when this becomes apparent. I'd probably just go ahead and do 1/2 strength nutes. Your buds need phosphorous to get fat.

Lastly when you are looking at trichs to determine when to pull the plant just make sure you are looking at the ones on the bud itself and not on any leaves. Leaves will always look more done than the bud itself and I've seen people pull their plants way too early because they didn't know.

I apologize if I am a little blunt but that's just me. If you don't get these on a flower feed you unfortunately will not be happy with the end result. The good news is you still have plenty of time left to get them back to healthy. You can tell they aren't happy because they aren't perky but are saggy instead. They are getting locked out.

Thanks so much Ase:) I like the hard facts so no worries about bluntness for me! I'm planning to follow your feeding plans so I appreciate you letting me know the page;) ack! I should have dbl checked with you first about the flush especially because they are obviously so hungry!! I was over thinking things and now is it ok if I feed at half strength tomorrow or should I wait for things to dry out first?? .phosphorus is what I thought first so I appreciate the look and confirmation on that. My poor girl.. I'm heading to the hydro store tom to get a ppm pen so maybe I should wait and feed Tuesday morning?? Tuesday marks 4 weeks since pistols appeared and I appreciate your encouragement that I can turn it around. I'll follow your advice about the trichs too, I didn't know that about the buds so thanks again for your continued mentorship.✊️I'm heading to your journal now to read up on how I'm gonna feed this girl! Thanks .
Proper training can make a world of difference! I'm not sure as to how to answer your question either so I agree with Horti's advice. Other than that your girls look amazing! They've got some vibrant colors and tons of frost!

Thanks so much greenthumbs. she's a bit sick but I'm going to get her back into rigor!

Some baked goods works! My favourite cheat cookie.

Looks like you're gonna be having a good time. Is that an entire container of Cannabutter?
Sure's Canna coconut oil;) I infuse most of my dry herb (42g) every month and usually get about 3ish cups of potent oil for baking or morning coffees or rubbing on my knees...ect.

That's awesome :circle-of-love: I love any type of infused oils, cooking or otherwise. Although I mainly smoke my herb, there have been a few years where I opt to save my lungs & instead cook or extract. I always love the duration of effects from edibles, etc, but somehow I always wind back up with my bong and buds. I can tell by just the ingredients going in that you're gonna have some enjoyable cookies
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