Newty's Coco Coir & Compost Bag Seed Grow Journal - 2017

If you wanna keep the fluorescents in there I would look at hanging them at an angle or something so that they're out of the way of the LED. I agree it's blocking more light than it's putting out. It wouldn't hurt to take it out completely but I'm sure you want as much light in there as possible!
Great grow. I learned some from my dad too, so dont dismiss any wisdom thrown your way, it just might be golden down the line. Mines past but his garden is still alive.
Great grow. I learned some from my dad too, so dont dismiss any wisdom thrown your way, it just might be golden down the line. Mines past but his garden is still alive.

Thanks!! I got all my best advice from dad! Haha I'm a daddy's girl even at 39! He's a pretty cool guy, so don't worry I trust his advise. .


For now it's out. Im thinking of getting another mars when I get my tent for next grow but this should be fine for now. I was already thinking I need light for the clones so this made sense. I just love this forum for all the help! Thanks all
Ah mars is great but perfect sun or growant is my next light for sure.

I'm going to do some research too before I buy. I will look at those, thanks. Do you have a grow journal or anything I can learn from? .I'd love to follow!

Theres some homegrown genetics and some clones in there the really bad one has some new growth still pulling through but the mother is in flowering now.
I really like your area now, Newty, I know you think they haven't grown much but I'm pretty sure your nugs are fattening up & the undergrowth from your defol is beginning to push out :) just look at the difference between pictures. Good job! & haha here I was thinking I was the only girl grower

Theres some homegrown genetics and some clones in there the really bad one has some new growth still pulling through but the mother is in flowering now.
Illizim775 that's an uncontrollably bushy plant there :eek: and is there any way you could get a closeup on the leaf of the darker plant? I'm almost 100% sure you have border mites :(

Theres some homegrown genetics and some clones in there the really bad one has some new growth still pulling through but the mother is in flowering now.
I meant broad* mites, my bad.
I really like your area now, Newty, I know you think they haven't grown much but I'm pretty sure your nugs are fattening up & the undergrowth from your defol is beginning to push out :) just look at the difference between pictures. Good job! & haha here I was thinking I was the only girl grower

Thanks again girl! ..

Day 8 of flowering. They got their first good feed yesterday after finally figuring out what the fuck I needed to do! Better late than never . Next week the bloom should be here so I'll feed them that! They are looking great I think and can't wait to see them bush back, hopefully with no mites! I haven't seen any live action in a couple days and no new leaf damage I have been giving them a good spray down with cold tobacco tea every two days and cut off a lot of the damaged leaves. I don't want to spray them anymore then I have to at this point. I have the fan going on them with good airflow so I'm not too worried about mouldy buds or anything, they look great! Is it normal for some of the pistols to already have brown tips? I'll post a pic below
Looking good, Newty! Look at all the pistil and trichome development going on :) They seem to have liked their food

I could literally look at Big Bertie all day long. I'm pretty sure I have something special with her and is it me or is she starting to look more purple!!! I'm going to do a photo shoot with my real camera! Also I'm planning to keep BB after she flowers to make more vigorous clones! Speaking of clones, mine are still really green and I'm down to 2! Super noob move and thought tiny fan leafs would make nice clones. I know I know! Lol so I have 2 actual clones I'm hoping will make it! Either way I'll make clones later so I'm not too worried. I bought liquid root stimulator so removed my 2 girls and dipped them and put them back in the dirt. As stated earlier, I want to experiment with these girls! Stay tuned for more.
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