Newty's Coco Coir & Compost Bag Seed Grow Journal - 2017

Haha thanks for the vouch, GrnThumbs. Newty, if you haven't yet - check out GrnThumbs journal! Also, Newty, I learned most of what I know thanks to the journals on this website - namely, Pennywise & Doc Bud - hundreds of pages of discussion, technique and pictures of the results! I urge you to check em all out.

Always happy to second/support people giving out information that I agree with and seems to be pretty universally agreed upon lol I know the information seems more valid to me when multiple people are agreeing on it!

My new girls/clones! I hope some of them take. I planted them in jiffy pots filled with organic soil, then have them on my cluttered kitchen table where it's warm and they will get some indirect sunlight. I will keep them moist and watch for root actionI want to experiment with these girls. I'm going to try topping and supercropping, which will give me some time to do more reading!

My new girls/clones! I hope some of them take. I planted them in jiffy pots filled with organic soil, then have them on my cluttered kitchen table where it's warm and they will get some indirect sunlight. I will keep them moist and watch for root actionI want to experiment with these girls. I'm going to try topping and supercropping, which will give me some time to do more reading!

Topping is pretty effective when you do it right but be prepared for your plants growth to be slightly stunted for a day or two and they'll boom again! Just didn't want you to go to topping and then when she hasn't grown much in two or three days start thinking you messed something up! I've never experimented with supercropping; HortiShorti is the one to watch for that! She's been supercropping the whole way through and her plants recover by the end of that day sometimes!
Topping is pretty effective when you do it right but be prepared for your plants growth to be slightly stunted for a day or two and they'll boom again! Just didn't want you to go to topping and then when she hasn't grown much in two or three days start thinking you messed something up! I've never experimented with supercropping; HortiShorti is the one to watch for that! She's been supercropping the whole way through and her plants recover by the end of that day sometimes!

Thanks GrnThmbs! What stage do you usually top? I've seen varied answers? I'm already following Horti and so I'll check out her related posts. I'll keep updating as time goes on, wish us luck.
Newty's Coco Coir & Compost Bag Seed Grow Journal - 2017

Thanks GrnThmbs! What stage do you usually top? I've seen varied answers? I'm already following Horti and so I'll check out her related posts. I'll keep updating as time goes on, wish us luck.

I usually top the 5th node. So I'll have 4 developed and then pop the 5th off and tie my girls to the side. One of mine too better to the LST then the other but both have bushed out big time
So I thought I'd talk about what I'm really good at and that's the Edible process. I've been making my own cannabis infused coconut oil for a couple of years! I order my prescription entirely in dry herb and usually infuse 2 ounces at a time using a stove top method that I have mastered! My edibles have a very clean taste and are famously strong. I need both sativa and indica edibles so I always make separate infusions. I have cut back from smoking 5 joints a day to 1 just by eating my medicine. Feels much healthier! I'm so excited to delve into this new world of growing my own herb and mastering that. It's like end to end work for me.Also I'm not sure if this is the place to talk about all of this so I apologize in advance! I am hoping to just share a bit about my background. I will be 40 in a few months, I'm female and live in northern Canada with my boyfriend and 2 doggies. I have been using cannabis in this fashion for a couple of years and recreationally before that for several years! Most recently I have gone through the medical process here in Canada (which is getting tricky as the laws are changing and preparing for legalization) I have severe gastric distress and chronic nausea caused by ulcers. Long story. I also have anxiety and PTSD which is the secondary medical condition for my prescription. I'm registered with one of Alberta's 3 LP's and was referred by my family dr to the Canadian cannabinoid Clinic in my province. I've been gardening veggies and flowers every year for 10 years so this is right up my ally. I'm all about trial and error as well as research and trusting my gut.

Flowering Day 5
So I know I said I was going to wait but I got thinking that I've already stressed them out, I might as well trim. I don't want to stunt them too long and they have proven to be quite resilient so we did it! I came in this morning, half expecting them to be dead but looks like big mama loved it and the other 2 are obviously not as happy but ok so far. Day 2 of clones and all looks good there, nothing dead yet.

My new girls/clones! I hope some of them take. I planted them in jiffy pots filled with organic soil, then have them on my cluttered kitchen table where it's warm and they will get some indirect sunlight. I will keep them moist and watch for root actionI want to experiment with these girls. I'm going to try topping and supercropping, which will give me some time to do more reading!

Nice clones! I hope they take for you as well, they're really small clones so I'd be careful not to overwater/underwater as they will be very fragile. Did you use any rooting hormone?

Flowering Day 5
So I know I said I was going to wait but I got thinking that I've already stressed them out, I might as well trim. I don't want to stunt them too long and they have proven to be quite resilient so we did it! I came in this morning, half expecting them to be dead but looks like big mama loved it and the other 2 are obviously not as happy but ok so far. Day 2 of clones and all looks good there, nothing dead yet.

The one on the right is showing signs of vigor!! The one in the middle appears to be suffering from over-watering or possibly root bound - and the one on the left looks fine and is perky! she really likes the light, you can tell by her leaves. Give some extra attention and TLC to the one in the center, let it dry out a bit too. Also, if I were you, I'd clip off the leaf with the white spots on it, check the underside when you do and keep a close eye for spider-mites/leaf-miners. Other then that, I'd say they're doing well! You can always expect a little bit of stress when moving from outdoor to indoor. Are you using a timer? When is sunup vs sundown compared to your light schedule?
Nice clones! I hope they take for you as well, they're really small clones so I'd be careful not to overwater/underwater as they will be very fragile. Did you use any rooting hormone?

No rooting hormone. I'm very much overwhelmed with all info regarding nutrients and hormones. I just don't know where to start. Haha
No rooting hormone. I'm very much overwhelmed with all info regarding nutrients and hormones. I just don't know where to start. Haha
Don't sweat it :) it can be a lot of information to take in, I myself am very new to all of this & I swear my first grow is going so well (to me anyways) thanks to the lovely people here.

Are you still using MG?
The one on the right is showing signs of vigor!! The one in the middle appears to be suffering from over-watering or possibly root bound - and the one on the left looks fine and is perky! she really likes the light, you can tell by her leaves. Give some extra attention and TLC to the one in the center, let it dry out a bit too. Also, if I were you, I'd clip off the leaf with the white spots on it, check the underside when you do and keep a close eye for spider-mites/leaf-miners. Other then that, I'd say they're doing well! You can always expect a little bit of stress when moving from outdoor to indoor. Are you using a timer? When is sunup vs sundown compared to your light schedule?

Thanks for the feedback Horti! I was wondering about the centre ones droopiness so will hold back a bit on the water. Ok I'm about to ask a stupid question but what is Vigor? I hope it's good. They are all bag seed so I was lucky to get 3 females. I have noticed little tiny white bugs under the leafs. I've tried dish soap spray and tobacco tea which seemed to help with the aphids and fruit flies but I'm not sure about these white mites . I've also been dealing with a bad slug year in my garden so these pests are really annoying. I've started them on 12/12 from 8am to 8pm. They were outside getting direct sun from about 9 am to 5pm and Indirect sun during the rest of daylight hours. They would have had complete darkness outside 11pm to 4am, until recently as the days get shorter.
Don't sweat it :) it can be a lot of information to take in, I myself am very new to all of this & I swear my first grow is going so well (to me anyways) thanks to the lovely people here.

Are you still using MG?

I am but I am looking at ordering dining soon. I got a suggestion to use something for bloom? Any advice on this would be well received! Haha
Thanks for the feedback Horti! I was wondering about the centre ones droopiness so will hold back a bit on the water. Ok I'm about to ask a stupid question but what is Vigor? I hope it's good. They are all bag seed so I was lucky to get 3 females. I have noticed little tiny white bugs under the leafs. I've tried dish soap spray and tobacco tea which seemed to help with the aphids and fruit flies but I'm not sure about these white mites . I've also been dealing with a bad slug year in my garden so these pests are really annoying. I've started them on 12/12 from 8am to 8pm. They were outside getting direct sun from about 9 am to 5pm and Indirect sun during the rest of daylight hours. They would have had complete darkness outside 11pm to 4am, until recently as the days get shorter.

You're definitely going to want to get a good balanced bloom nutrient for your babies, I'm currently using fox farm big bloom and tiger bloom for my flowering plants :)

Vigor is strength, the leaves are perky on it!

The center one may be a bit droopy and normally I would say overwatering but I'm also very inexperienced regarding coco coir.

There are so many different causes for drooping that it's a bit much to think about. It could possibly be lack of aeration, it could be pests having a buffet on your roots, PH, it could be so many different things :( the great part is, this is a large and experienced community. Someone will have more knowledge than me and share it - in fact it may already exist, it's just so much to read through lol.

I do know that in coco, you can water and feed much more than in soil. I know all you have is MG, but coco is an inert media, I unfortunately do not know the composition of your compost - but your plant does need nutrients..

In your next feeding, try upping the strength a little and monitor your plants response.

I'm looking forward to reading your smoke report .
You're definitely going to want to get a good balanced bloom nutrient for your babies, I'm currently using fox farm big bloom and tiger bloom for my flowering plants :)

Vigor is strength, the leaves are perky on it!

The center one may be a bit droopy and normally I would say overwatering but I'm also very inexperienced regarding coco coir.

There are so many different causes for drooping that it's a bit much to think about. It could possibly be lack of aeration, it could be pests having a buffet on your roots, PH, it could be so many different things :( the great part is, this is a large and experienced community. Someone will have more knowledge than me and share it - in fact it may already exist, it's just so much to read through lol.

I do know that in coco, you can water and feed much more than in soil. I know all you have is MG, but coco is an inert media, I unfortunately do not know the composition of your compost - but your plant does need nutrients..

In your next feeding, try upping the strength a little and monitor your plants response.

I'm looking forward to reading your smoke report .


Thanks again! I think your right about the middle one. I gave them a big drink last night. she's been the most perky almost from the start. Actually she's the one that stunted as a seedling inside and put her outside before her seed head came off so she could be most affected by the indoor change. I'll give her the best spot in the room for the next few days. Your right about the vigor in the right one though! Looks like her sis on the left is following suit today. Take care for now! Happy growing.
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