Newty's Coco Coir & Compost Bag Seed Grow Journal - 2017

Thanks Horti! The flush begins.
On another note I tried some BB today and wowsa! I'm impressed and so happy . Id say she rivals the medical grade shit I buy so I'm calling this a success! She smells soooo skunky and sweet and the taste is fruity! Definitely euphoria and energetic side affects. Feeling very forgetful lol . I can't wait to start getting more! Have a great day all.
Thanks Horti! The flush begins.
On another note I tried some BB today and wowsa! I'm impressed and so happy . Id say she rivals the medical grade shit I buy so I'm calling this a success! She smells soooo skunky and sweet and the taste is fruity! Definitely euphoria and energetic side affects. Feeling very forgetful lol . I can't wait to start getting more! Have a great day all.

Glad you enjoy her, you deserve to ;) Have a great day Newty

Things are buzzing around here!!

I am harvesting the last 2 #skinnybitches tomorrow morning, I flushed them Sunday. BB was nice and smooth so I'm sure this quick flush will be fine for these 2 as well. Basically, I barely fed any of them soooo they probably would be fine without the flush anyways .

I can really feel BB trying to regenerate herself and if she does I'll keep her as a mother for my future clones.

Some sad news. lil monster aka BB jr has turned herself into compost. Oh well you live you learn.

I like this slo and low method of drying so I plan to continue with that. I haven't tried any other method but I highly recommend doing this. There is a thread I follow if anyone is interested. I got my old bar fridge going for this project as my husband has kicked us out of the main fridge! Lol . poor man, we are literally taking over the house.

Update on the new girls! We got a vigorous one that's for sure! Sadly I lost 1 WW because I couldn't be patient and wait for it to pop, I dug it out to see wtf and then I broke the root...lesson learned! ..The 2 GTH are taking their sweet ass time?? I germinated 2 more WW by letting them sit in a shot glass of distilled water for 1 day (ol dad's method) and then in a paper towel damp with water and 1/4 grow nutrients (experiment) I wish I would have taken a picture this morning! Holy shit! The seed was barely cracked when I stuck it in the paper towel last night and 12 hours later the root stem was popping out of both them by an inch!! So crazy! I thought they wouldn't be ready until at least tomorrow, so I planted them in my charged Coco. This will absolutely be my new germ method. I'm watering the new girls 2 times a day, once in the morning and once at night. They get watered with 1/4 grow nutrients every watering. I'm keeping the light 24/0 until they all pop up nicely then I'll switch to 20/4.

Things are buzzing around here!!

I am harvesting the last 2 #skinnybitches tomorrow morning, I flushed them Sunday. BB was nice and smooth so I'm sure this quick flush will be fine for these 2 as well. Basically, I barely fed any of them soooo they probably would be fine without the flush anyways .

I can really feel BB trying to regenerate herself and if she does I'll keep her as a mother for my future clones.

Some sad news. lil monster aka BB jr has turned herself into compost. Oh well you live you learn.

I like this slo and low method of drying so I plan to continue with that. I haven't tried any other method but I highly recommend doing this. There is a thread I follow if anyone is interested. I got my old bar fridge going for this project as my husband has kicked us out of the main fridge! Lol . poor man, we are literally taking over the house.

Update on the new girls! We got a vigorous one that's for sure! Sadly I lost 1 WW because I couldn't be patient and wait for it to pop, I dug it out to see wtf and then I broke the root...lesson learned! ..The 2 GTH are taking their sweet ass time?? I germinated 2 more WW by letting them sit in a shot glass of distilled water for 1 day (ol dad's method) and then in a paper towel damp with water and 1/4 grow nutrients (experiment) I wish I would have taken a picture this morning! Holy shit! The seed was barely cracked when I stuck it in the paper towel last night and 12 hours later the root stem was popping out of both them by an inch!! So crazy! I thought they wouldn't be ready until at least tomorrow, so I planted them in my charged Coco. This will absolutely be my new germ method. I'm watering the new girls 2 times a day, once in the morning and once at night. They get watered with 1/4 grow nutrients every watering. I'm keeping the light 24/0 until they all pop up nicely then I'll switch to 20/4.

Everything looks good Newty! hoping BB re-veg's for you :) glad you like the slow dry method ;) hard to beat
Happy Hump Day Newty!! hope it's awesome for you
#Skinnybitches Harvest Day!! Flowering day 57
First up...Christina

Next up Mabel...I must say that this plant was meant to be trash! It took over a week to germinate. Then, It had the seed head stuck on it for 2 weeks, was stunted. It mostly grew outside as that is what saved her life. Then she took the longest to sex and was so surprised when she was female as I was sure this B was a male! .

Also found some banana pollen sacs today during harvest so I was right the damn B was a hermie! Ima smoke this bitch soon and it will be glorious! Next time I know I don't need to freak out but can watch and just cut them off if they show up!

So I decided to make FHO fresh harvest oil with my trim and tiny buds. I chopped everything up good. Added 3/4 coconut oil and into a small pirex dish then into the oven covered at 230 for an hour then 190 for 2 hours, agitating half way through. I'm pretty sure the trim was decarbed and most of the water that was in the plant boiled off, whatever is left will separate as it cools. I strained it and and tasted it. smells and tastes like decarbed weed so I'm hoping that's a plus. I'll let ya know when it kicks's very green which I'm guessing is chlorophyll? I then boiled water and poured that over the plant mater and strained that in a separate dish and that will also separate as it cools. This is my normal edible process for the most part except I decarb my dry herb in the oven for 45 mins at 230 then I cook in the coconut oil on the stove at 180 for 2 hours.

Looks so cool!!

And my medicine arrived! What a great day ..

I think this might be my last journal entry here. I'm going to start a new journal for my new grow and I'll try to tag it in my signature . Bye for now! I'll still be creeping around.
Definitely reserve a seat for me!! Looks like you got some nice dense sweet looking nugs off the girls! Excited for the next round
Hi Ase and Horti! I changed my signature and will leave the link here for you to follow my new journal. I think its in my signature too? I mostly use the app so its harder to tell. Thanks for all your encouragement!
Newty's Party Pantry-Perpetual Coco Grow

See you all there;)
Message Teddy Edwards! He'll take care of it for you :thumb: Congrats on seeing it through, Newty! hehe
Hope all is well in your world.

Thanks for sharing this grow with us. :thumb:

Please head over to the 420 Strain Reviews forum and post your smoke report there too.

I’m moving this to Completed Journals now.

Have you started a new grow you would like to share with us?

If so, please feel free to start a new journal here: Journals in Progress

You can use the Report Post feature found at the bottom left of every post and we'll move it for you right away.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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