Newty's Coco Coir & Compost Bag Seed Grow Journal - 2017

Hey you grew something and you managed to get all the way through. That is so much better than a lot of people do their very first time. I agree with horti, the buds look solid. They are dense and will be some good smoke! Now it's time to get a couple ounces of that kind of bud off each girl with grow #2. I'm not going to lie, I am pretty excited to see how you do.
Thanks you two! I'm pretty proud of my first grow and also my dad is proud. He sent me this text I'll be updating once it's ready to try, I can't wait.I'm super pumped for this next grow and ant wait to be fully self supporting. I have my ppm pen and jar sized hydrometer on their way soon. Thanks for cheering us on! .
I'm spraying the Coco daily with 1-4 nutes. I hope this is not the problem but I wait patiently ..
I keep them under the grow light 24/0 so I'm gonna dial it back to 20-4 light schedule as perhaps they are already stressed? Anyhow a couple of extra plant won't hurt .
They aren't stressed, Newty! get in the habit of watering the coco daily once they sprout - coco will retain 30% oxygen even when completely drenched :) It's like having a hydro res, I've heard and read. They take a while to start when they first get going - I'd try to get that light within like 2" from the tops though.

For what it's worth, 24/7 will shorten your veg by about 30%
I checked BB in the bag today as it marks Day 4 of the low and slow fridge dry. The bud still looks great as I checked it for the first time since I put it in there. It's still too moist but it's coming along! I will check back in 3 days and the small buds should be ready for jars and taste testing most importantly .
I'll take pics of the 2 window dwellers beefing up in the tent soon! ✌️.
I checked BB in the bag today as it marks Day 4 of the low and slow fridge dry. The bud still looks great as I checked it for the first time since I put it in there. It's still too moist but it's coming along! I will check back in 3 days and the small buds should be ready for jars and taste testing most importantly .
I'll take pics of the 2 window dwellers beefing up in the tent soon! ✌️.

Looking forward to it, Newty! I bet BB is gonna have some tasty dark rich smoke ;) Can't wait to read the smoke report.
They aren't stressed, Newty! get in the habit of watering the coco daily once they sprout - coco will retain 30% oxygen even when completely drenched :) It's like having a hydro res, I've heard and read. They take a while to start when they first get going - I'd try to get that light within like 2" from the tops though.

For what it's worth, 24/7 will shorten your veg by about 30%

Thanks girl! I shout this stuff out to warn you and Ase what I'm about to do with these things in hopes you'll stop and catch me ..
I already forget how I even raised these things when they were babies it's been so long! Thanks for steering me on the good path! I'm wanting them to get used to the multiple waterings and nutes given early so they are hulk girls! I hope it works and they pick up! Back to 24-0 Also would it be ok to put the little sprout in with the big girls during the day or would the mars be way too far? I'm planning to get a 600 soon but not until mid nov! Lowering my little plant light asap and I'll update again soon.Thanks!
Thanks girl! I shout this stuff out to warn you and Ase what I'm about to do with these things in hopes you'll stop and catch me ..
I already forget how I even raised these things when they were babies it's been so long! Thanks for steering me on the good path! I'm wanting them to get used to the multiple waterings and nutes given early so they are hulk girls! I hope it works and they pick up! Back to 24-0 Also would it be ok to put the little sprout in with the big girls during the day or would the mars be way too far? I'm planning to get a 600 soon but not until mid nov! Lowering my little plant light asap and I'll update again soon.Thanks!

Aw Newty, you deserve that credit ;) You got to a successful harvest by doing what you were comfortable with out of all the information thrown at you :circle-of-love: I'd keep the seedling under the tube, it appears to be between 5700k and 6500k color temp. I'd prefer that during veg over LED any day, keeps nodes tight and keeps the plant short so you can do all the training while it's small. I vegged my current clone under 2 23w 6500k CFL's if that gives you any indication.
Awesome thanks! That's pretty close to what I have:) these last girls grew into women on my kitchen table and then outside so I wasn't sure how strong a light required for veggin 2-4 plants. I could grab a couple more cfl's easily!

you should be good to go with the shop light, maybe a few CFL's after there first set of true leaves.

So the #skinnybitches are bulking up a bit but I'm guessing they are a few weeks behind BB due to their previous banishment. Then there is the science experiment #BB2 .
Also I forgot to mention that my pen and stuff finally came, can't wait to try it out tomorrow .

So the #skinnybitches are bulking up a bit but I'm guessing they are a few weeks behind BB due to their previous banishment. Then there is the science experiment #BB2 .
Also I forgot to mention that my pen and stuff finally came, can't wait to try it out tomorrow .

Woo they look frosty :) check the trichs on them, they look really close :p I see most of the hairs are recessed/reddened - I hope BB reveg's for you, she will be a monster if she does. and niice congrats on the TDS pen!
Thanks Horti! I hope she does too:) I'll check them today. The trichs were pretty clear last week but a lot can happen when they are left alone!

No problem, hope you're having a good morning and a great sunday Newty. looking forward to the results of the trich view :passitleft:
Looks good Newty! Mostly cloudy, loving the colors on them as well ;P I'd say you're doing well to flush now
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