Newty's Coco Coir & Compost Bag Seed Grow Journal - 2017

re: Newty's Coco Coir & Compost Bag Seed Grow Journal - 2017

So this is my first grow. They just sexed and all 3 are girls! Yay! I'm buying a lottery ticket later too;) I'm a long time medical patient and started growing a few months ago. I started out with 8 random seeds from various weed bags so thought maybe I'd get 2 females. 3 never germinated and 2 seedlings died when I went on holidays.. Actually the biggest girl was brought back from the brink of death after that holiday! They got stunted in my diy closet grow space (2ft wide/4ft high). I did not have enough light so I put them outside and everything really hulked out! Now it's getting colder and I need to bring them inside. I bought a marshydro 300W LED grow light to put in my closet. Also I lined the closet with a couple of "emergency" blankets the uber reflective ones. I have a couple of 2 foot 20W T12 CFL's that I want to squeeze in there and 4 x 5W LED's light strips I can hang. I will post s pic after I'm done today
re: Newty's Coco Coir & Compost Bag Seed Grow Journal - 2017

I've been giving them miracle grow plant food every 3 days at 1/3rd the recommended dose because I'm scared of burning them. Any advise on Nutrition for them at this stage would be most welcome as I am lost with overwhelming information on the ol web
re: Newty's Coco Coir & Compost Bag Seed Grow Journal - 2017

I started them in small pots and transplanted all to the bigger pots when they out grew them. They handled it like champs and just kept growing. I really think they like this medium of 70% Coco Coir and 30% organic compost. It's light and airy but firm enough to hold their wide stalks!
re: Newty's Coco Coir & Compost Bag Seed Grow Journal - 2017

Some of our early adventures and misadventures.


This poor guy was stunted for 2 weeks like this! I put it straight outside and said fuck it and she started growing.

Now they are all together again! All 3 girls!
re: Newty's Coco Coir & Compost Bag Seed Grow Journal - 2017

I am thinking of cloning them but I also want to buy fem seeds of the strains I really want. My problem is space. I need a tent and am open to any suggestions. Also I am open to any and all feedback regarding my grow as I'm such a newb
re: Newty's Coco Coir & Compost Bag Seed Grow Journal - 2017

I am thinking of cloning them but I also want to buy fem seeds of the strains I really want. My problem is space. I need a tent and am open to any suggestions. Also I am open to any and all feedback regarding my grow as I'm such a newb

Amazon or eBay for the tent unless you have the budget to buy a brand name super expensive one lol. You could make one out of pvc pipe and the emergency blankets. I'm sure there are some DIY journals in that section on that specific topic or just google it and make your own off what you see
re: Newty's Coco Coir & Compost Bag Seed Grow Journal - 2017

Amazon or eBay for the tent unless you have the budget to buy a brand name super expensive one lol. You could make one out of pvc pipe and the emergency blankets. I'm sure there are some DIY journals in that section on that specific topic or just google it and make your own off what you see

Thanks! I think I'm gonna DIY until my next grow and then buy a nicer tent in a couple months. I'll check out some threads

First day under the new lights! I'm thinking I should have got the bigger marshydro light:/
That light will do you well, don't underestimate it! I suggest raising it - Measure out about 14" from the top of the canopy, light bleaching WILL occur as close as you appear to have it.
That light will do you well, don't underestimate it! I suggest raising it - Measure out about 14" from the top of the canopy, light bleaching WILL occur as close as you appear to have it.

Thanks man! Wasn't sure how close they needed to be . they were outside so I hope this doesn't stress them out too much, they have been resilient little girls so far!
Thanks man! Wasn't sure how close they needed to be . they were outside so I hope this doesn't stress them out too much, they have been resilient little girls so far!
Haha its all good man! They will be alright, I just don't want you to fry your plants - LED lighting distributes in very intense columns depending on the viewing angle (which is 90'-120'). I'm only saying 14" or so because your plants are flowering. Keep a close eye on them for any signs of the leaves getting lighter or new growth appearing white/burnt. You may need to raise the light higher, hopefully not.
Haha its all good man! They will be alright, I just don't want you to fry your plants - LED lighting distributes in very intense columns depending on the viewing angle (which is 90'-120'). I'm only saying 14" or so because your plants are flowering. Keep a close eye on them for any signs of the leaves getting lighter or new growth appearing white/burnt. You may need to raise the light higher, hopefully not.

Thanks again for all the solid info
Newty's Coco Coir & Compost Bag Seed Grow Journal - 2017

Just for a reference, and this is during veg, I keep my two 300 Watt LED's about 22" away and my plants love it. I'll drop it to probably around 14-16 depending on how the girls react. Just some reassurance to the info you're getting .
Haha thanks for the vouch, GrnThumbs. Newty, if you haven't yet - check out GrnThumbs journal! Also, Newty, I learned most of what I know thanks to the journals on this website - namely, Pennywise & Doc Bud - hundreds of pages of discussion, technique and pictures of the results! I urge you to check em all out.
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