Newty’s Perpetual Pantry Party & Outdoor Grow Show

I will be here sharing my mad tales and helping you any way I can ! If you are growing in Coco, try putting a nice layer of clean sand at the bottom, and some nice clean river pebbles on the top, it helps the Coco hold water in that would evaporate due to heat from the lights, its worked really well for me. I mixed clay balls in with my Coco too, they help hold in water.

WW1-day 19
WW2-day 12
Looking good, eating and drinking good! Just lowered the lights to 25" away. I have the mini fan blowing on them 6-8 hours a day. Humidity stays around 60-70 as long as I keep the door closed. I'll be smooth sailing with a humidifier soon.They have been getting week 3 of nutrients= half strength/ppm 310/ph 5.8 twice a day. I gave them a good soak of it this morning, so I'll wait and water them morning.
GTH- ..........
The warm moist dark method worked! Thanks for setting me straight Ase.
These bitches be poppin like crazy up in here! ... A few extra plants won't hurt ...STAY TUUUUNED!
What a yummy day! Made an oil infusion of Chemo Kush 10g and Blue Dream 5g with 1 cup coconut oil. I started adding the sunflower lethicin to the oil after I strain it. I also wanted to try a new oven method. I had the oven set for 220 and i lasered that shit and yes it's in fact 220.

I let it decarb in the oil at 220 for 45 mins then lowered the temp to 190 for 2 hours, mixing every 30 mins.
poured fresh oil into the batch of chocolates .

I also watch CFL football all day while baking and there were the 2 best parts of my day.
Some inspiration for cookies to take to grey cup!
and the truly best part, licking the bowl and stuff! Hahahaha
I guess this is one of those good problems. I don't waste any!! I eat what I can then rub the rest all over my hands feet arms neck legs and face.

I then pour boiling water over the herb/cheesecloth "tea bag";) my fav tea. then I run more hot water over the herb and squeeze it all out and lay out the damp herb to dry. I bag it for later and into the freezer for future experiments.

I don't lose any oil this way...1 cup in and 1 cup out! I let the water and oil separate in the fridge and I usually use that oil for my morning lattes.

I wish everyone a cozy night, I'm getting into my WW reserves;)

that's it from the northern flats.✌️.
Holy Newty you really know what your doing! I'm super glad I tuned into this one early :3

Your offer of treats is super sweet but I grow at the same place I live so I hope you don't mind me being paranoid and airing on the side of caution ;P maybe if we cross paths in the future we can make an exchange ;) also I'd be happy to send stuff your way once I have some to share! I just prefer to be a ghost .

Love the update! My sis came home with a bucket of weed cookies leftover from what they had laying around at work:p I guess someone made a big batch n not everyone wanted them to have weed in them XD

Super yummy, your treats look like a whole new level though!

Hope your having a great night, thanks for the update Newty! Your girls look like they have a bright future . and so do the new seeds ;)
Those girls look great. White Widow is one of my top 5 favourite strains. I love its taste and it really does hit the mark. It looks beautiful too, the frost level is high too.
Holy Newty you really know what your doing! I'm super glad I tuned into this one early :3

Your offer of treats is super sweet but I grow at the same place I live so I hope you don't mind me being paranoid and airing on the side of caution ;P maybe if we cross paths in the future we can make an exchange ;) also I'd be happy to send stuff your way once I have some to share! I just prefer to be a ghost .

Love the update! My sis came home with a bucket of weed cookies leftover from what they had laying around at work:p I guess someone made a big batch n not everyone wanted them to have weed in them XD

Super yummy, your treats look like a whole new level though!

Hope your having a great night, thanks for the update Newty! Your girls look like they have a bright future . and so do the new seeds ;)

Hey bud no worries at all! Honestly I'd be the same.

Haha I can't believe there were cookies left!. I guess different strokes for different folks.Thanks for the kind words, I'm still learning everyday so I'm glad you are here to help.

Have a great Monday! ✌️.
Those girls look great. White Widow is one of my top 5 favourite strains. I love its taste and it really does hit the mark. It looks beautiful too, the frost level is high too.

Thanks! WW is one of my favourite strains! This is my first time growing it so we will see what I can do.
Thanks! WW is one of my favourite strains! This is my first time growing it so we will see what I can do.

Gotta say White Widow is my favorite...
Caught wind of your journal over at Grandpa Tokins place, thought I might join a fellow Albertan for the winter months if ya don't mind.
Gotta say White Widow is my favorite...
Caught wind of your journal over at Grandpa Tokins place, thought I might join a fellow Albertan for the winter months if ya don't mind.

I'd love to have ya! We need all the help We can get.Where ya at in Alberta? I'll come find your journal if you have one✌️.

WW1-day 19
WW2-day 12
Looking good, eating and drinking good! Just lowered the lights to 25" away. I have the mini fan blowing on them 6-8 hours a day. Humidity stays around 60-70 as long as I keep the door closed. I'll be smooth sailing with a humidifier soon.They have been getting week 3 of nutrients= half strength/ppm 310/ph 5.8 twice a day. I gave them a good soak of it this morning, so I'll wait and water them morning.
GTH- ..........
The warm moist dark method worked! Thanks for setting me straight Ase.
These bitches be poppin like crazy up in here! ... A few extra plants won't hurt ...STAY TUUUUNED!
What a yummy day! Made an oil infusion of Chemo Kush 10g and Blue Dream 5g with 1 cup coconut oil. I started adding the sunflower lethicin to the oil after I strain it. I also wanted to try a new oven method. I had the oven set for 220 and i lasered that shit and yes it's in fact 220.

I let it decarb in the oil at 220 for 45 mins then lowered the temp to 190 for 2 hours, mixing every 30 mins.
poured fresh oil into the batch of chocolates .

I also watch CFL football all day while baking and there were the 2 best parts of my day.
Some inspiration for cookies to take to grey cup!
and the truly best part, licking the bowl and stuff! Hahahaha
I guess this is one of those good problems. I don't waste any!! I eat what I can then rub the rest all over my hands feet arms neck legs and face.

I then pour boiling water over the herb/cheesecloth "tea bag";) my fav tea. then I run more hot water over the herb and squeeze it all out and lay out the damp herb to dry. I bag it for later and into the freezer for future experiments.

I don't lose any oil this way...1 cup in and 1 cup out! I let the water and oil separate in the fridge and I usually use that oil for my morning lattes.

I wish everyone a cozy night, I'm getting into my WW reserves;)

that's it from the northern flats.✌️.

Hi Newty, I have seen your name coming by but I finally found your garden :)

Its lovely to see you are into baking to! My stash is getting lower now and I cant wait for my auto's to be Done :p

For now Its the Chocolate mint OG brownies and "boterkoek" Its a Dutch thing with a lot of butter :p

Have a great day and ill chill in that lovely looking sofa.
Welcome NS, glad you could make it. Make yourself at home, feel free to snug with a dog or two on the sofa;) Those sound delish .I'm all about the Dutch, my hubs is a full Dutchman . We like butter here, especially if it's spiked! I'll come find your garden today;) Have a great day!
Welcome NS, glad you could make it. Make yourself at home, feel free to snug with a dog or two on the sofa;) Those sound delish .I'm all about the Dutch, my hubs is a full Dutchman . We like butter here, especially if it's spiked! I'll come find your garden today;) Have a great day!

Well I Could Bring my own dog to. That way there is more to cuddle :) cool that you have Some dutch blood in you. Where do you live? I still have to catch Up a little.

I have seen you like the WW. I got one auto going at This moment and 3 others. Also i have about 40 ww reg seeds because i like them so much :)

Have a wonderfull day and you are more then welcome at my journal and sofa.. macho(my dog) is waiting for a Hug
The papers come rolled like that, you just stuff'em from the fat end and pack it in with a little stick they provide. They're a thing of
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