Newty’s Perpetual Pantry Party & Outdoor Grow Show

Thanks for asking! I'm taking my doggo's to the park a little later. I'm starting off the day with a quick oil infusion with my Chemo/blue dream. Than I'm making cookies and chocolates for pals and a taste tester basket for our pal Swagg! He will be my official 420 guinea pig

What are you up to Horti?
Pardon me while I wipe all this drool off my fave thinking of the yummies. I'm gonna swindle my wife into having a taste test too muahahahaha. It's a hard job being a guinea pig, but someone's gotta do it. Might aswell be me.
Bahahahahahahaha! YES! Let your wife try, she will like:) My hubs complains all the time but he likes a little treat on the weekends.I just give him a tiny piece and he gets chatty and giggly for hours lol It's fun to watch people have fun and let loose.
Its amazing how happy it can make someone. Before my Grandmother funeral we had a big family dinner, I knew it was going to be a really sad event. I said 'let me make the gravy, I make the best gravy in the world'. I put a some good Moroccan Hash into the gravy. It was the best and most uplifting experience, everyone chatty and laughing, sharing stories about their Mother and Grandmother, remembering her in a funny and happy way, no tears of sadness or depressing silences. My Mum was a bit suspicious but said nothing. The power of a plant to heal !
Its amazing how happy it can make someone. Before my Grandmother funeral we had a big family dinner, I knew it was going to be a really sad event. I said 'let me make the gravy, I make the best gravy in the world'. I put a some good Moroccan Hash into the gravy. It was the best and most uplifting experience, everyone chatty and laughing, sharing stories about their Mother and Grandmother, remembering her in a funny and happy way, no tears of sadness or depressing silences. My Mum was a bit suspicious but said nothing. The power of a plant to heal !
Omg are u serious? And no one noticed. Wow. Balls of steel on this guy.

Oh and plz share ur gravy recipe. I can drink gravy I love it so much. My wife, " you want some turkey with that gravy ?"
Hahaha goodness, bombing the gravy at a funeral - If I didn't love and believe in Marijuana so much I might be a bit flustered by this. All in all, sounds like an amazing experience though.

Goodness Newty, your journal is moving quickly & it is such a party here. Much love sister <3
Really easy to make, use a big bit of butter to disolve all the good stuff out of either buds or extracts, gently warm the butter in a pot and add the Cannabis. Go easy as it can be a bit potent. Strain out the butter to clear out the Cannabis. I make gravy as usual then add in the butter, making sure not to boil it as that can ruin the cannabinoids. I didn't use too much as I didn't want anyone having a freak out. Its pretty simple, just go easy and work out what dose is good for you. I love gravy too, I have my dinner swimming in it when I make a roast dinner.
Thanks for that story WK. isn't this medicine great for all ailments including sadness. A little euphoria never hurts;)
Thanks for popping in Horti and swagg. I'm just finishing off some baking and have a few friends popping by for treats. I've got an update coming .
See ya sis!
Omg Newty! Talk about contagious munchies .

Your thread is poppin! This is definitely where the party is .

Good to see you've been having fun, I gotta say I'm a little jealous swagg gets all the responsibility of a guinea pig XD but it's valiant of him ;P

Hope the rest of your night goes great! I'll be back around once I'm done my homework . cheers Newty!
Thanks for that story WK. isn't this medicine great for all ailments including sadness. A little euphoria never hurts;)
Thanks for popping in Horti and swagg. I'm just finishing off some baking and have a few friends popping by for treats. I've got an update coming .
See ya sis!
Its definetly a healing medication. I have PTSD and the host of joyful issues that brings along with it, plus Chronic Regional Pain and nerve damage in my leg from my 'accident'. I have been taking some awful medications that have really done some hideous things to me - I had to have 12 teeth removed as they are turning to cheese because of my medications, and thats just one side effect ! - I have used Cannabis to help me on and off, supply being the biggest problem for me. A friend who also has PTSD started growing and he hasn't looked back since. He was giving me buds, but he moved over 300kms away, so it just wasn't possible for him to help me out. He asked me if I wouldn't have a go at growing my own. He sold me 10 Girl Scout Cookie seeds for way less than he paid for them to help me out - a real solid bro ! I can't wait for my plants to be ready, I can finally cut out all the pills and use an organic alternative. When I cooked that gravy I knew it would be a positive experience and something everyone would look back at fondly. I told my Mum a couple of years later and she said she had an idea I was up to something.

I hope you are all well and the weather isn't too bad in the North, its a beautiful day here today, Spring has arrived late to the party, but she is definetly filling the days with radiant happiness.
anyone else feel like Newty is gonna totally grow some absolute fire?
This journal just has so much momentum and kinetic energy in it, I love the atmosphere you've managed to build in here Newty!!
She has my vote of confidence! .
anyone else feel like Newty is gonna totally grow some absolute fire?
This journal just has so much momentum and kinetic energy in it, I love the atmosphere you've managed to build in here Newty!!
I fully concur Horti, I believe Newty is going to get some mad buds going in no time.
Really good thread full of happiness and positive energy.
I fully concur Horti, I believe Newty is going to get some mad buds going in no time.
Really good thread full of happiness and positive energy.
And great methods for handling families around the holidays ;P
I think a really mild chocolate brownie each would be great. As long as no one has to drive or has a job that they drug tested in, it could make the holidays great fun. My mate has been helping his Father who has cancer, he did that to help him build tolerance and he said his old man has changed from a bit of a grumpy old toad into a laughing happy joyous dude ! My mate grew some really strong weed and his Dad loved it, said he has never felt better - thats a man with cancer !
Awwww I just love it in here! You guys sure warm a girls heart on a cold day.❄️
WK, I commend you for continuing to walk this great path. i hope you feel relief soon bud. I also have PTSD and know how easy it is to check out. Cannabis has saved my life over and over and I can't wait until I can preach it from the roof tops!! Thank you for sharing part of your story. I am a very honest and open woman, sometimes my intensity scares people .so I've learned to cope by putting my walls up. I feel like I can be myself in this internet world so I thank you guys for that.Please feel frees to share and be yourselves in here, it's a kind atmosphere ✌️Take care WK and I'll be sending positive vibes your way

I appreciate the votes of confidence guys I sure hope we live up to it.
BS, Glad you like the munchies! Wish I could pass you all one ☝️ They are pretty yummy and I'm pretty happpy .Baking, dancing and singing around the house while the hubs is out watching football! I'd say they are working but I'm pretty bias so we will see what Swagg and his wife report;) Send me your addy in a message B and I'll send you a discreet package .Have a great night man✌️

Horti my girl! .How's your holiday Sunday? I have tomorrow off so I get to stay up late;) I'll be by to check in soon, I hope you got your tan on☀️

I'm gonna get this update going
My holiday Sunday is going quite well darling :circle-of-love: I did get a TAD bit of sun today, not too much hehe ;)

Can't wait to see your update! Hope you have an awesome day off tomorrow:love:
I have a wonderful wife and three beautiful kids. They need me healed. I may never have my leg back, but I will definitely get this PTSD in check. I have lost some great friends to PTSD, its a horrible thing that can consume you. I know I have come close to wanting to end it all, but my family have held me in the game. Now I can see a great future. Be yourself Newty, you won't be sorry, in fact it endears me more to people if they are open. I have had almost all my friends abandon me because of my mental health issues, they obviously think its contagious ! By telling the truth you soon find who are your real friends. I have found some great people here and they are all pulling in the same direction, you can ask any question and someone has the answer.
I am looking forward to seeing how your perpetual grow goes, I am trying to get one going. My 3 big girls are about 3 weeks maybe 4 weeks out, I have 3 Mephisto Genetics plants growing under the big fat girls, I cannot wait to see how they go. They breed some really sexy Autos.
I have a wonderful wife and three beautiful kids. They need me healed. I may never have my leg back, but I will definitely get this PTSD in check. I have lost some great friends to PTSD, its a horrible thing that can consume you. I know I have come close to wanting to end it all, but my family have held me in the game. Now I can see a great future. Be yourself Newty, you won't be sorry, in fact it endears me more to people if they are open. I have had almost all my friends abandon me because of my mental health issues, they obviously think its contagious ! By telling the truth you soon find who are your real friends. I have found some great people here and they are all pulling in the same direction, you can ask any question and someone has the answer.
I am looking forward to seeing how your perpetual grow goes, I am trying to get one going. My 3 big girls are about 3 weeks maybe 4 weeks out, I have 3 Mephisto Genetics plants growing under the big fat girls, I cannot wait to see how they go. They breed some really sexy Autos.

Thanks for your very wise words. I have noticed that the older I get the less I care what people think so I'm just gonna keep getting smarter .You take care of yourself, your wonderful family and your girls. .✌️.
I'll keep checking in .
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