Newty’s Perpetual Pantry Party & Outdoor Grow Show

I'm gonna come along for the ride if you don't mind. I grew 4 WW autos on my first grow and got great yields, it a good strain and I really like it. I have one on my second grow but it got stunted in the beginning and I kept it along with my photos in veg. I might end up getting one and a half or two ounces off her so I'm happy with that lol.

Looks like you have a good setup and your WW's are looking good. Hopefully your other seeds germinate . I grow in soil right now but next run I'm going to start experimenting with Coco on a few so hopefully that goes well lol. well I'm going to grab a seat and watch the show, hopefully you grow some top shelf sticky buds lol. Best of luck to you.✌️
I'm gonna come along for the ride if you don't mind. I grew 4 WW autos on my first grow and got great yields, it a good strain and I really like it. I have one on my second grow but it got stunted in the beginning and I kept it along with my photos in veg. I might end up getting one and a half or two ounces off her so I'm happy with that lol.

Looks like you have a good setup and your WW's are looking good. Hopefully your other seeds germinate . I grow in soil right now but next run I'm going to start experimenting with Coco on a few so hopefully that goes well lol. well I'm going to grab a seat and watch the show, hopefully you grow some top shelf sticky buds lol. Best of luck to you..✌️

Thanks man! I'll check out your journal, if you have one? I love Coco! My last grow i used 60/40 coco/organic compost and I could barely water them, it was too thick and i killed a bunch. Live and learn!.i decided to make the full switch to coco after seeing some great journals, especially Ase! Also i decided to transplant my one girl from the coco/compost medium to full coco while she was 5 weeks into flowering...I know its insane! ..but honestly im glad i did as it helped feed her at the end. Anyhoo im rambling now...thanks for joining me and welcome.
Morning 420 friends.
Haha it's so awesome to have a crew.

Why yes I am in a good mood! Thanks for noticing...why you ask? Well.

Just rolled a tiny J filled with Mabel or Xtina or both?? The yield was so small on those two, I combined them;) it was my first try of those plants (they came down a week later than BB) and it's a perfect high . I'm so fn happy!! I for sure thought those two #skinnybitches were basically just CBD❤️ I finished drying them in the fridge (8 days) They are jarred and it's sitting around 58-68 humidity so I threw bodeva packs in there

BB-dried in the fridge for 7 days and curing for 7 days, burping once a day.

Xtina/Mabel- just out of the fridge today

Excuse the dog hair! I have two giant beasts at home competing for my attention . I eat, smoke and breath dog hair and I'm fine with that now lol

Also, I got more great news when I went to check the roots of my WW...
WW1-Day 15

WW 2- Day 8 -Wow!

I love watching the roots shoot out, I can't believe how big the roots are already for just little girls.
Question! Anyone know if I can transplant these planters right in to a bigger pot or should I transplant normally, taking it all out? TIA
Nothing to share with the GTH, one is cracked but they are being stubborn so I'm wondering if the seeds are just bunk:/ I'm about to throw all 20 seeds into a shot glass and see who wants to join the party.
Take care for now✌️.
OO yeah I love the structure of the buds Newty! Isn't it such an amazing feeling when you start burning some of your home grow.. and before you know it, it's workin like some professional medicine?

Your new ladies are sporting some beautiful pearly whites ;) you're gonna really knock this one out the park hehe - I'd say it's safe to throw them under the LED now, that root system is more than ample to make best use of massively increased light!
Thanks Horti. I'm wanting to transplant them into their final pots but I need to get my life together and build the exhaust in the tent as well as buy the pots! I was going to use my plastic pots but I'm now thinking fabric 5 gallon pots since there are only 2? I think I am going to leave them in their tiny pots with all the holes...seems like the roots find their way out. Should make transplant easy. I can't wait to blast them with LEDS!!!! Stay tuned... have a great day darlin✌️
Mornin Newty!

#skinnybitches XD cracked me up!

Lil gals look great! Really happy obviously based on those roots! :3

Personally I would pull them out to transplant just cause when they get to monster size those pots could restrict your roots a tad, now of course people grow in net pots all the time in hydro, but in soil/soiless mediums I like my roots running wild and free!

Just my opinion though, I think either way your golden! Oh dog hair :S i leave my water out to dechlorinate and I'll be damned if all sorts of animal hair doesn't get in there over a day or 2 XD

Hope your ready to try bud washing .

Have a great day Newty! I'll see you around! . .
Thanks Horti. I'm wanting to transplant them into their final pots but I need to get my life together and build the exhaust in the tent as well as buy the pots! I was going to use my plastic pots but I'm now thinking fabric 5 gallon pots since there are only 2? I think I am going to leave them in their tiny pots with all the holes...seems like the roots find their way out. Should make transplant easy. I can't wait to blast them with LEDS!!!! Stay tuned... have a great day darlin✌️

definitely let them develop well into that pot before transplant unless you want to up-pot a second time before final home. Give them another week in that because it'll let them really build the rhizosphere - you'll thank me when you transplant and it's like an explosion went off. Plus, a better rhizosphere gives you more of a buffer. :passitleft: looks good Newty, happy to see your journal so active
Horti has it right. It takes a lot for plants to get rootbound in coco. I would give them another week for sure. I also don't really believe in doing too many transplants so I'd just go straight to the final pots as long as you give these ones enough time in the small ones.

A couple small recommendations. Get small plastic pots that only have holes on the bottom. Sometimes with those small pots with holes on the sides the roots will grow out the sides like yours are doing and then try to aim themselves back at the coco where there is moisture. If they don't go into the same side hole they came out of then you could have roots that tie themselves to the pot and you'll have to break them at transplant to get it out causing stress. You want to cause as little problems at transplant as possible not to stunt or delay them. I'm also a firm believer in 3 gallon fabric pots for coco. It just has to do with how much easier they are to water. You want to fill the pots up with water and let it drain down evenly. I also don't flip to flower until I see roots from top of the pots to bottom and it would take a lot longer to fill up the 5 gallon pots. Lastly, I put my babies under LED right away when they sprout. Keep them at least 36" higher and as they get bigger and you transplant them then you can slowly lower that to about 24".

Oh and another thing. I do not pre-soak my beans in water. If that water gets cold at all then the beans won't sprout. People make this mistake all the time with the water temp. I think I put up a tutorial at one point on how I germinate and I've had 100% success with it. Maybe give it a try and see if you have better luck.

The two ladies look so good Newty! The roots are white and healthy and you are for sure doing this right this time. So excited to watch them over the next few weeks!
Damn Troy! Nice write up . glad to see you in here!
Glad I caught this one when I did. I'm fixin' to start a coco grower myself, so Im'ma take it upon myself to hop along this ride and follow along, if no one minds....

Thank you,
*.*.* Cedru *.*.*
Welcome to Newty's Party Cedru and welcome to 420magazine! Hope you've had an awesome day bud :cheer:
420magazine is one of the best places on the internet - I hope your experience here reflects that :love:
Hey Newty. Mind if another fellow Canadian tags along?
Welcome Gee. Glad to have you here!

Mornin Newty!

#skinnybitches XD cracked me up!

Lil gals look great! Really happy obviously based on those roots! :3

Personally I would pull them out to transplant just cause when they get to monster size those pots could restrict your roots a tad, now of course people grow in net pots all the time in hydro, but in soil/soiless mediums I like my roots running wild and free!

Just my opinion though, I think either way your golden! Oh dog hair :S i leave my water out to dechlorinate and I'll be damned if all sorts of animal hair doesn't get in there over a day or 2 XD

Hope your ready to try bud washing .

Have a great day Newty! I'll see you around! . .
Thanks big! Those #skinnybitches earned their name;) I kindly thank you for your advise and I have decided after reading from all these great people that I will pull them out at transplant but I'm going to wait a week or so. Thanks for bringing up bud washing, I jumped right onto that boat and washed the buds from my first grow...I used ol dads technique of filling a bowl of Luke warm tap. I lay my buds in the bowl of water and gently swish them around. I shook them gently and laid them on newspaper to dry for 4 hours (flipping half way through) then into brown bags and in the fridge to dry;) yumo
You have a great night BS✌️
I couldn't miss the party so subbed up also.
Thanks so much Troy! Very glad to have you.
definitely let them develop well into that pot before transplant unless you want to up-pot a second time before final home. Give them another week in that because it'll let them really build the rhizosphere - you'll thank me when you transplant and it's like an explosion went off. Plus, a better rhizosphere gives you more of a buffer. :passitleft: looks good Newty, happy to see your journal so active
Thanks Horti. it's a real party in here now! I will give them another week or so, thanks for the support and always giving solid information.
Horti has it right. It takes a lot for plants to get rootbound in coco. I would give them another week for sure. I also don't really believe in doing too many transplants so I'd just go straight to the final pots as long as you give these ones enough time in the small ones.

A couple small recommendations. Get small plastic pots that only have holes on the bottom. Sometimes with those small pots with holes on the sides the roots will grow out the sides like yours are doing and then try to aim themselves back at the coco where there is moisture. If they don't go into the same side hole they came out of then you could have roots that tie themselves to the pot and you'll have to break them at transplant to get it out causing stress. You want to cause as little problems at transplant as possible not to stunt or delay them. I'm also a firm believer in 3 gallon fabric pots for coco. It just has to do with how much easier they are to water. You want to fill the pots up with water and let it drain down evenly. I also don't flip to flower until I see roots from top of the pots to bottom and it would take a lot longer to fill up the 5 gallon pots. Lastly, I put my babies under LED right away when they sprout. Keep them at least 36" higher and as they get bigger and you transplant them then you can slowly lower that to about 24".

Oh and another thing. I do not pre-soak my beans in water. If that water gets cold at all then the beans won't sprout. People make this mistake all the time with the water temp. I think I put up a tutorial at one point on how I germinate and I've had 100% success with it. Maybe give it a try and see if you have better luck.

The two ladies look so good Newty! The roots are white and healthy and you are for sure doing this right this time. So excited to watch them over the next few weeks!
Thanks so much for stopping in Ase! Always so wise and kind with sharing your knowledge man.. You answered like 5 questions I had in my head so Amen for you brotha.
I will gladly take your advise along with Horti and BS! Always feel free to step in before I jump off cliffs. I'm known to be impulsive so all the help is gladly noted. I just recently went back in your journal to check out your germ methods because I did notice you always have the same plants you started with. Your on to something! I've warmed up the germ area and I have to increase the humidity in their for when they do crack... No wonder I had so many infanticides lol I haven't been using humidity domes over my seedlings:/ Your explanation of the pots with the holes on the sides -♀️ I only thought about that when I saw their lil toes stick out the side, now I'm worried about ripping them. Thanks again Ase, ill be throwing them in the tent tonight with the grown girl lights, should I give them some dark now or keep throwing the light at them 24/0? TIA I'll update the new home after I make supper! Later gater .
I'm late, but here watching.
Hey Grandpa! I've seen ya around, glad to have you here!.
I'm so glad to see all these great growers in here! It warms my heart to embrace the kindness from everyone, honestly I'm brewing with positivity which in turn spreads to my plants and my life so I thank you all for the warmth...I know I know mushy Canadian girl! Lol I'll be back after I take care of my dogs and my man. I should apologize in advance as I try to squeeze so many things into my day but I'll be as attentive as I can and feel free to ask me any questions ✌️..
Glad I caught this one when I did. I'm fixin' to start a coco grower myself, so Im'ma take it upon myself to hop along this ride and follow along, if no one minds....

Thank you,
*.*.* Cedru *.*.*
For sure dude! The more the merrier.

Welcome to Newty's Party Cedru and welcome to 420magazine! Hope you've had an awesome day bud :cheer:
420magazine is one of the best places on the internet - I hope your experience here reflects that :love:

I second Horti's opinion about this forum, so many great peeps here at 420 and your one of them Horti.
I'd put them under the lights and run for 18 hours on and 6 hours off. If some roots rip it shouldn't be that big of a deal. I wouldn't stress over it. The kinda cool part about this mistake is that you really can see the roots and how healthy everything is. That way when you do it next time you won't have to worry about what's going on in the pots when you can't see through the sides.

Awwwwwwmeeeeeeee they are growing up so fast! All snug as bugs in their new warm oasis. Is it weird that I want to curl up in there to sleep with them for their first real lights out. I told the hubs that I was sleeping with the girls tonight and he does a face palm look and walks away. that's a typical reaction to my ideas around here..I put the germinating beans in there and I'm happy to report they both cracked so I might have some Sassy sativa's bringing up the rear

BB aka Big mama has the closet to herself so she's happy .

Still working on the exhaust but they need some warmth and humidity right now so I'll figure out my fan/exhaust set up and report back. I took a video of the girls dancing under their new light but I don't think or know how to post vids -♀️ I have the lights 35 inches above the top of the babies.

I haven't really posted about PPM or PH but I have been testing. Thanks to Ase, I'm slowly figuring out what that sh*t means! It's amazing when it clicks right??!!

So I am using AN Sensi line for Coco 2 part series. It promotes perfect PH and so far that's correct.I use my tap water, let it sit out to dechlorinate it tests PH 7 and PPM 150. I ad my weekly nutes and the ph tests 5.8 so that's pretty cool. For week one the ppm was 200. For week 2 it tests 300 so I think I am on the right track. So far they look healthy and no signs of burns and I feed them everyday 2 times a day. I flush with straight water once a week PH 5.8 (I use the PH down) I do this right before I kick it up a notch. I mix up the weeks water and use the same strength all week. I know this will get more tedious as they get thirstier..I will kick it up to PPM 400 next week. I have WW2 on the same feed schedule as the older one and she is not even flinching. .

3 G fabric pots, exaust fan, fan switch, 1 more led panel and a couple more fans ill be set.
Have a great night 420✌️.
They look happy! And it sounds like you have everything well under control! Keep up the good work Newty! .
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