Newty’s Perpetual Pantry Party & Outdoor Grow Show

Sorry about the pup newty. Hope you both have a restful night.
Thanks Grandpa, he's on the mend:)
Wow... best for you dog. Seizures are so difficult to watch.

My local Medical Marijuana dispensary sells CBC dog treats (no THC) that are suppose to be very effective for seizures with out giving the dog a high.
Thanks Troy! I have tried to wean him off the phenobarbital and go with CBD but every time I try he ends up having clustered seizures:( I give him both right now which has helped keep the narcotics dose a lot lower than other dogs his size which helps his liver;)
Shitty about the dog. I grew up with a dog that had bad seizures, I feel for ya. Hope he's better quick.

"The more I'm around people, the more I like my dog"
Thanks man! It is very difficult to watch and I agree with your quote there .

Your pup is in my thoughts Newty <3 tough seeing our best friends struggling :/ hope he comes out strong on the other side of this <3
Thanks BS:) much love from the flatlands. My day will be better today and he is feeling a bit better. No seizures since last night after the las dose of Valium and to the vet today. I am really lucky to have the vet I do, he cares about my animals and gives Kona a big bear hug everytime we see him;)
I hate sick kids or animals, I always feel so helpless. Hope the big fella picks up and gets better soon. Perhaps look at seeing if you can use your meds to help him.
Thanks WK it's so hard when they are sick because they cannot talk to us:( I am currently using the left over herb after I squeeze all the THC out of it. I dry it up and sprinkle it in his food. I am hoping to make special cbd oil just for him once I can grow a real harvest! I'm going to keep all plant matter from defoliation etc this time as I've read their is cbd in all of the plant. Any added info anyone has would be great. .
Yea wounded knee said it!! I'm surprised you haven't offered the guy some cbd

Just make sure his edibles aren't chocolate .

And that's a .... strong looking plant no doubt wowser!
Thanks Dabbs! I do use CBD but I need to get the dose right:/ I've tried the dog biscuits from my dispensary but they are not always in stock and his epilepsy is quite severe so he cannot have any lapses in treatment which I've learned the hard way .So it's not as reliable as I need. I am hoping to start to harvest the leaves etc to make him his own oil. I'll need to look at some threads with people who make straight CBD oil and the dosages etc;)

Thanks all for your thoughts, it worked and his clusters were stopped after the 2 doses of Valium. I am taking him to his vet today to check in so I'll update later. Have a great day all .
Had a buddy like that its very scary I'm so sorry just keep him still and talk gentle til its over. I usually had to clean up some pee. Otherwise he was my buddy for 15 happy years.

Thanks Lilolme, I do exactly that and I appreciate your kind words. He is on the mend for now;) I'm very happy to hear you had your bud for 15 years, that's is what I hope too.
ITS TRANSPLANT DAAAAAAAAY (read in the voice of Pauly D)

Updates to follow!!

Have a great night 420! We are resting comfortably over here while the Coco charges.
Kona is such a great name, what a loveable bugger . hope the vet went ok today Newty <3

Good luck on the transplant! Show those girls some tender love ;P
ITS TRANSPLANT DAAAAAAAAY (read in the voice of Pauly D)

Updates to follow!!

Have a great night 420! We are resting comfortably over here while the Coco charges.
Don't forget to calibrate that ph pen with the powder packs. It's all in the instructions so you should be good. Go go gadget air pots
Thanks Swagg! I got er done.

So Kona is doing well, a bit needy but that's understandable .Thanks for all the well wishes, it really worked.

WW1 -Day 22
WW2-Day 15
GTH -Day .

I think they have sealed back up! Jk I have no idea what their problem is but I'll keep trying .

The #WWsissies got their new and final resting places;) #BLURPLEALERT

so I copied Ase's transplant method for the most part I think.

Washed and rinsed my Coco, dried it out then added AN Grow a/b at half strength PPM 380, my tap water is PPM 150 so that seems fine. PH was 7 and after the AN it was 6.5, I wanted lower so added PH. and came out as 5.8 which I like better. I mixed it into the Coco just so it's damp and let it sit for an hour after mixing it real good.

I added the charged Coco to the 3 G airpots (thanks again Swagg) I gotta say, I'm in love with these pots so far! I was going to go with fabric but these are sturdier and very light with lots of holes. I guess we will see what happens.
I measured out the hole with the old baby pot (way easier, thanks Ase;)

I sprinkled the Root Growers (Canadian Great White) in and around the new hole before plopping them girls in;) again thanks to Swagg, I was looking for that great white shit all over the godam place.

I got them in there all sturdy and so far they seem fine. It was a little difficult to pull them out of those pots and I ripped some roots so I hope they are ok.

They look so grown up!! I'll be naming them as soon as they survive this transplant;) They are already picked out...stay tuned for future updates with that announcement .
ChemoKush kinda night
Goodnight everyone .✌️.....
Good to know about the root grower. I ended up ordering Great White from the states. Took forever and cost more than it's worth. Plus it keeps complaining about gun control.

Transplant looks good!

I think it's very similar. I might add some to the next batch of food for them. Thanks for checking in, I'll be over your way soon to catch up:) Have a great night!

Should I top that 4th piece of growth? Or wait and top the next?
I FIM at 4 are you quadlining? I believe it's after the 3rd node 4 is fine too. Just be sure and strip away below too 2 nodes
I FIM at 4 are you quadlining? I believe it's after the 3rd node 4 is fine too. Just be sure and strip away below too 2 nodes .

Yes quad-lining. so I think I need 4 main branches. Does the below 2 nodes include the first 2 rounded leaves?
Look at them all nice and cozy in their new homes. They look great. They'll take to that pot like they've been in there all along.

For topping or fimming everyone is different but most will recommend it's best at 4th or 5th. Honestly can't remember when I did mine but either way you'll be doing it pretty soon then the bondage begins.

Never thought to sprinkle the root booster right onto the coco. That's a great idea. I always just put it in the water. But for transplant that's a great idea. Love it

Oh yea and no you don't count the rounded leaves. That's just nothing. At least I don't think you count them. Also soon those lowest leaves will get bigger and start dragging in the coco and get burnt but don't worry about that. Happened to mine for a while. Either pluck em later on when they're bigger or just ignore it unless it's crying for attention. You're gonna be fine. They're so happy and vibrant.
Looks good Newty! I'd say you're on schedule to top right now, then you can start training them! so exciting.

Hope you're having a good morning! Cya later tonight girl :circle-of-love:
Look at them all nice and cozy in their new homes. They look great. They'll take to that pot like they've been in there all along.

For topping or fimming everyone is different but most will recommend it's best at 4th or 5th. Honestly can't remember when I did mine but either way you'll be doing it pretty soon then the bondage begins.

Never thought to sprinkle the root booster right onto the coco. That's a great idea. I always just put it in the water. But for transplant that's a great idea. Love it

Oh yea and no you don't count the rounded leaves. That's just nothing. At least I don't think you count them. Also soon those lowest leaves will get bigger and start dragging in the coco and get burnt but don't worry about that. Happened to mine for a while. Either pluck em later on when they're bigger or just ignore it unless it's crying for attention. You're gonna be fine. They're so happy and vibrant. .
Hey neighbour .
Thanks for the encouragement and feedback! I think I will top the next new growth on both so WW1 will cut the 5th node and WW2 the 4th so they are the same but different .or maybe I'll top them both today.I'm so excited for the training!

I didn't know that about those dragging leaves but that makes sence.I rushed in this morning and they look so happy.
Also the root grower...Haha I planted them both and then remembered the "Canadian great white" I dug them both up again and sprinkled the root grower. poor things Thanks Swagg

Looks good Newty! I'd say you're on schedule to top right now, then you can start training them! so exciting.

Hope you're having a good morning! Cya later tonight girl :circle-of-love:
Hey girl.
Thanks for checking in on us, I know your busy.

Have a great day at work Horti, see you later
.✌️..... can you medicate at work? I hope so.
Quick morning update since I'm working from home...
I rushed in this morning to see if they made it and they were just in there dancing and praying. never even skipped a beat.

Also since I'm working from home, I had a Hawaiian Breakfast

They love the light distance so I'm happy I lowered it;) Have a great morning, I'd say Kona is feeling better.

Almost forgot this one for you gramps! I'd love to have a canna-latte with you in my kitchen .
That looks delish lol. No need to rush to the plants. They'll be just fine. Topping day...thats exciting. My morning edibles are kicking in...might throw down one more cookie piece to add a little extra kick start. Time for my morning check up.

Kona looks like he's getting back to normal. Woot woot.
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