Newty’s Perpetual Pantry Party & Outdoor Grow Show

Looking great Newty! Keep drowning them in love! Coco retains 30 percent oxygen when wet so no worries about giving them too much love XD . . .
Looking great Newty! Keep drowning them in love! Coco retains 30 percent oxygen when wet so no worries about giving them too much love XD . . .
Thats why I went with Coco, I read here that over watering was the main mistake that new growers make, so I thought that the Coco was a logical way to get round it. Coco also keeps nutrients well. I let my plants go a day without water once a week - temperature excepted - that lets the plants suck up all the nutrients and it also mimics nature, it doesn't rain everyday (well, it pretty much did where I grew up in N.Ireland )
Thats why I went with Coco, I read here that over watering was the main mistake that new growers make, so I thought that the Coco was a logical way to get round it. Coco also keeps nutrients well. I let my plants go a day without water once a week - temperature excepted - that lets the plants suck up all the nutrients and it also mimics nature, it doesn't rain everyday (well, it pretty much did where I grew up in N.Ireland .)

Hello wounded one, so far so good. 13 inches tall roots to the bottom of the bucket.
Morning Newty! Love from out west <3 have a great day homie! .
Thanks all! Had a busy day off today and now I'm nursing a big doggo:/ He's got epilepsy and has been seizure free for almost 2 years but tonight he's had 3 big ones so I'm in for a long night. I just gave him Valium so I'm hoping it will kick in and give us both a break. Poor dude:( I'll be back when I can for an update. Keep him in your thoughts my 420 friends.
Wow... best for you dog. Seizures are so difficult to watch.

My local Medical Marijuana dispensary sells CBC dog treats (no THC) that are suppose to be very effective for seizures with out giving the dog a high.
Shitty about the dog. I grew up with a dog that had bad seizures, I feel for ya. Hope he's better quick.

"The more I'm around people, the more I like my dog"
Your pup is in my thoughts Newty <3 tough seeing our best friends struggling :/ hope he comes out strong on the other side of this <3
I hate sick kids or animals, I always feel so helpless. Hope the big fella picks up and gets better soon. Perhaps look at seeing if you can use your meds to help him.
Yea wounded knee said it!! I'm surprised you haven't offered the guy some cbd

Just make sure his edibles aren't chocolate

And that's a strong looking plant no doubt wowser!
Thanks all! Had a busy day off today and now I'm nursing a big doggo:/ He's got epilepsy and has been seizure free for almost 2 years but tonight he's had 3 big ones so I'm in for a long night. I just gave him Valium so I'm hoping it will kick in and give us both a break. Poor dude:( I'll be back when I can for an update. Keep him in your thoughts my 420 friends.

Had a buddy like that its very scary I'm so sorry just keep him still and talk gentle til its over. I usually had to clean up some pee. Otherwise he was my buddy for 15 happy years.
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