I'm looking for information on whats going on with mmj in washington I lived there in 2013 with my partner and we are looking to move back if they aren't going to kill homegrows. I've looked around online but the news is mixed and I would like to hear from patients in washington how things are going for them and their rights.
I know that alot of people we knew didn't like I-502 and were worried about it.
I can't say that https://apps.leg.wa.gov/documents/billdocs/2013-14/Pdf/Bills/House Bills/2149.pdf was easy to read...
I'm looking for information on whats going on with mmj in washington I lived there in 2013 with my partner and we are looking to move back if they aren't going to kill homegrows. I've looked around online but the news is mixed and I would like to hear from patients in washington how things are going for them and their rights.
I know that alot of people we knew didn't like I-502 and were worried about it.
I can't say that https://apps.leg.wa.gov/documents/billdocs/2013-14/Pdf/Bills/House Bills/2149.pdf was easy to read...