Newer Grower, Are Zamnesia F1 seeds worthy?


420 Member
Curious if anyone has used this seed company at all. I cam across them, definitely they are partnered with some Euro companies. They had some F1 autos on sale and I grabbed a few strains. Curious if any growers have had experience with them and why F1s are more costly?
let me start off by saying I'm no

but from what I understand (as it has been explained to me) F1's you have more chance of pheno's while further down the line i.e. F2,3,4 etc - the genes become more and more stabilized /engineered to mimic the exact traits of the parents who made them. In other words if you see a pic of a f3 seed it will look like the picture where as a F1 seed may turn out a different variety based on different %'s of the different traits of each parental unit.

But what do I know.

let me start off by saying I'm no

but from what I understand (as it has been explained to me) F1's you have more chance of pheno's while further down the line i.e. F2,3,4 etc - the genes become more and more stabilized /engineered to mimic the exact traits of the parents who made them. In other words if you see a pic of a f3 seed it will look like the picture where as a F1 seed may turn out a different variety based on different %'s of the different traits of each parental unit.

But what do I know.

From what I have read, F1s are as close to the parents as can be in uniformity and traits They produce better yields, better terpenes, and resisitant to disease and other things that affect growing cannabis. Supposedly they are more predictable and stable as well.I understand (well sort of) some of how they breed them, but just looking to see what other growers thought about them. Thanks for the response.
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