

New Member
Hi everyone, I'm a first time grower and wanted to know how much longer before my buds start thickening so far it's the white hairs and it's been about 3 weeks into flowering stage, I hope I'm not intruding on anyone's post I'm still learning how to use this site, also I would upload pics but hmmm not sure how yet lol thanks in advance to those who help xoxo
Hey buddy. Welcome! The best way to get some help here is to give as much info as possible: what strain you're growing, what you're growing in, nutrients you're using, lighting and probably most important of all pics.
Here's a link on how to upload pics properly Photo Gallery Guide - How to Resize, Upload & Post Photos
You'll probably get more help starting a new thread somewhere in the grow room. Not sure exactly where, I'm a bit of a noob here myself.
expect to see your buds really start gain mass in weeks 5-7 and Harding up weeks 8 on (this is just a guide line). each strain is a bit different tho, and as heraldo said more info the better. things like you grow room, lights ,food ,vent ect will all have an impact on your buds.
Definitely get a journal started from now till the finish, you can update there all you want with questions and get realtime help from The team of growers here at :420:

Just start a new thread in journals in Progresswith a good title to attract the masses of helpful folks here:Namaste:

Welcome to the community
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