Newbie To Trial Auto vs Fem/Reg On 12/12 From Seedling


New Member
Hey everyone I'm new to 420 great to be here I have been following the both the forums here and on -------- for many years not keen to partake out of fear/paranoia lmao what matters it that I'm here now

So to start off I'm not sure if this is how to start a thread but I will give a go anyways hope someone can put me right if need be...

So my set up : 400w cool shade, .8x.8x1.6 tent not sure of brand had it so long can't remember she's done me proud though had a few rips and battle scars but I love her she will be a great mum home one day... 6" centrifugal 400 odd cfm fan with carbon filter exausting and 6" inline 200 cfm fan for cooling the light.. Not sure on the temp the tent is at as i have never worried plants don't seem to stress so haven't worried and its never overly warm in there

So a bit about my situation I have been a bag seed farmer for a few years now just growing what ever came my way generally sativas not many indicas around i have found but I just got out of my shell recently and have decided to risk it all and order some seeds wow to my amazement they actually arrived
So I ordered some heavyweight fast and vast auto fem from herbies head shop reason for it before I get slandered for buying autos is I didn't think they would get to me so I got something cheap I was happy to find that they arrived and I also got some freebies

Brought: 5x heavyweight fast and vast

Free: 1x royals queen powerflower / feminized
Free: 2x Kerala x skunk #1 / regular

So that's what I have and I have been searching the net for a good indicator on what the regular seeds on 12/12 will do verse a auto on 12/12 I know people have opinions but I'm yet to see any visible results so and my bag seed girls are nearly finish not sure when I put them in reason for this is that with bagseed I have found that some finish early and some finish later so no point in recording when you put them in I don't believe.. I will put up some pictures in a few days I'm away at work at the moment

So what does everyone think of my experiment I want to conduct soon has any one done this before and just to clear it up what I'm going to do as I know I can ramble on sometime and not get to the point but I and going to put the heavyweight auto fast and vast up against the royals queen power flower and the Kerala x skunk #1
Under 12/12 from sprouting

Love too hear some opinions on this !!
Re: Newbie is going to trial auto vs fem/reg on 12/12 from seedling

Everything i say and do on this website is purely fictitious.
Nothing said, posted, or quoted represent my opinion.
I do not smoke, grow, or photograph marijuana
How did this grow turn out?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

If you need any help with posting photos, please read the photo gallery tutorial: Photo Gallery Guide: How to Resize, Upload & Post Photos

I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world.

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine.

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