Newbie looking for help


New Member
first time growing here and i kind of no what im doing up until i got to the lighting part. i just cant seem to get my head around just what i will need to make this work. im just growing one or two plants in a wardrobe as shown i have a twin on the other side of it if i want to grow a second one but i just don't no what items i will need to get i.e lighting sockets, light bulbs (what) light bulbs to get lol i 100% am just dumb founded when ever i try read more about it. so if you guys are able to help me with maybe a link to some sites were i can get the stuff i need keeping in mind id like to make it budget im not loaded lol
thanks heaps for the help guys and if i get enough help ill be sure to keep posting more pics threw out the grow to show you how i go with it.
(P.S) my first grow will be KING-KONG and GRAPE-GUM.

Well if your wanting cheap can't go wrong with cfls and in that case i recommend a minimum of 150 real watts more is better though you could also use both spectrums meaning the 2700k and 6500k. Remember that with cfls most the light is emitted from the side not the end also consider lst as the drawback to cfl lighting is their lack of penetration but they run cooler then hps and mh so they can be kept much closer to the plants. Might be good to get some y-splitters as well to get double the light from one socket. 26w CFLs tend to be the most efficient as far as lumens per watt go. Best of luck with whatever route you use
Well if your wanting cheap can't go wrong with cfls and in that case i recommend a minimum of 150 real watts more is better though you could also use both spectrums meaning the 2700k and 6500k. Remember that with cfls most the light is emitted from the side not the end also consider lst as the drawback to cfl lighting is their lack of penetration but they run cooler then hps and mh so they can be kept much closer to the plants. Might be good to get some y-splitters as well to get double the light from one socket. 26w CFLs tend to be the most efficient as far as lumens per watt go. Best of luck with whatever route you use

ok how about i put it this way because iv been reading all of that stuff you are talking about on google but i'm just not getting it lol sorry and you don't have to reply to this again i am googling the fuck out of everything you just said but lets say this was your set up your space you were growing say 2 plants in that space (sliding door on there of course) you have NOTHING yet thats to do with the lights what would you get for this from the route to bulbs to lamp heads or y-splitters because like i said 100% new to growing never been on this side of the fence.
ok how about i put it this way because iv been reading all of that stuff you are talking about on google but i'm just not getting it lol sorry and you don't have to reply to this again i am googling the fuck out of everything you just said but lets say this was your set up your space you were growing say 2 plants in that space (sliding door on there of course) you have NOTHING yet thats to do with the lights what would you get for this from the route to bulbs to lamp heads or y-splitters because like i said 100% new to growing never been on this side of the fence.

Hi there and welcome :420:

It can a nitemare to choose your lights.... Is cost an issue ?, is heat a problem ?... Is cost of running a light a problem ?

I, like u had my first grow in a recycled wooden space..

I used a 200w dual spectrum CFL.. Low cost to run and without excessive heat, can be placed within inches of plants without burning issues..less penetration of light, compared to LED or HPS..

I am going to be upgrading to a LED really soon... More penetration than CFL... It will be from the Marshydro range... A site sponsor...
A bit more heat than CFL, but lots more penetration.. Proven excellent results... Not too costly to run..
Then there is HPS and MH.... These bulbs are the old tried and tested weed grow lights... Excellent penetration of light, but more expensive to run.. Produce lots of heat, and need a seperate ballast to power them... LED, switch and go...CFLS self ballasted...

Heat makes the plants more smelly too...
Ideally you need to add ventilation too... A 4" carbon filter and fan kit would be ideal for your space... This will reduce the heat and freshen the air...

Personally i would have a Marshydro reflector in there, or some large CFLS....
This because of heat and height issues...

Are you growing auto or feminised ?.... With autos you have no control over height n size really... I had to learn fast at Low Stress training, as my auto exploded in size and started going into the light...

I woud suggest a 20/4 light regime for autos...20 on, 4 off....

The feminized plants you can control lots more... Short veg period, then flowering will control height issues... They will stretch in flowering and can double is size at least... Bit of trial and error in your own space really, you will get a feel for it .

I am a soil grower, so have no experience in using your pot system... Hopefully a more clued up member can help you that way...

Be very careful when introducing feeds, you can very quickly fry ya young ones....

Best of luck with ya scary new grow.. Prepare for a learning curve fellow grower... Get it right and you can sit back and smoke some bangin ass homegrown to enjoy....
Dont be afraid to ask questions on here.. We dont bite

Also forgot too say, make sure you get the space light tight.... It not you will get big problems... Ladies growing balls and ruining ya crop for example.... Unwanted light during dark can confuse the plants, even regression back to vegging during flowering is happening, if too bad..

Only open space when lights are on, even though its tempting to check on your pride and joys
It's no biggie bout being confused i sure as heck was when i first started and i still get confused from time to time. Im more of a visual learner and I thought it would help you to see what I was talking about. You can also just hang the lights directly above the plants if you wanted, thats what i do in my flowering box. Good vibes your way.
Hi Makavle,
I'm going to assume your in Australia, considering your space and the fact we are coming into summer here, I would recomend using LED, and as Budworshipper mentioned, good ventilation with carbon filtration for smell is very important. The Mars Hydro thread is a very good source of information for smaller indoor grows and the people there are generally very helpful to noobs. I use their M2 700 and have had decent success, although I would prefer using 2 of their 144 x 5 reflectors, for the price you get a very reasonable product, well built, proven performance and great customer care, they have a warehouse and service centre in Sydney so excessive freight isn't an issue. In regards to your limited experience, I too was in that position not so long ago, I found Doc Buds thread very helpful when I first got started, alot of the products mentioned are difficult to get outside the USA, but a little bit of study and you will find good equivalents here, in regards to seeds, I have had great success with Herbies.
Anyway, good luck buddy, hope you can sort something good for yourself.
Hey man and welcome to the site :)
Thought I'd pop by after Grizzwald asked me to come check things out.
Ill start by saying that I miss haaving the built in robes, my first indoor grow was in a very similar space to yours only I was running an aero garden and many CFLs haha thaat takes me back.
You have a good space there though mate and everyone's giving you some good advice and tips :thumb:

Just curious on how long you want to vege your plants?

In a space like yours what I like to do if I was on a budget with our australian weather, would be to not over do the vege, try time it so you can try get a harvest before the hottest month or 2 then you take a break and start the grow up again after the big heatwaves pass but that'll depend on how your grow temps go aswell.
Being on a budget I'd stick with your CFLs man, I'd wait till after summer to worry about LEDs/HPS.
Another thing is id do some LST on the girls try get abit of an even canopy cause if they grow straight up and get abit wide you'll lose out on lower bud sites cause spaces like yours can make it hard to get side lighting into.
But yeah lights stick with the CFLs and try to add some mixed spectrum in both stages.
When using CFLs I have a 4 way light socket adapter over the top with 4x40watt CFLs and then if you have the cords and lights you can add extra lower or same watt cfls around the sides dangling, if you had the funds some of the Flourescent tube type lights might be a good idea for either top or side lighting aswell.
Good luck with everything man and you have questions, fire away.

:thumb: :Namaste:
It's no biggie bout being confused i sure as heck was when i first started and i still get confused from time to time. Im more of a visual learner and I thought it would help you to see what I was talking about. You can also just hang the lights directly above the plants if you wanted, thats what i do in my flowering box. Good vibes your way.

Visual learning can be the best at times... Sometimes its hard to envisage what people mean.., pictures speak for themselves...

Feel free to have a look at mine and other grow journals... You will see what others have done with their space.... Some great advice coming your way, hopefully it is helping you visualize what is needed....

I reasearched my grow for nearly 6 months before getting my beans...

Talking beans, yes herbies is a site sponsor, but they really are good.. Top quality, top service and VERY discreet packages... Never heard anything bad about them at all...

As said, any questions... Just ask away fellow grower...

Heres what my CFL looks like

.. These size bulb run from an e40 fitting...


This image us an example of LST or low stress training...... The real exponents of this discipline have stunning plants.... Nice n low profile... If using CFL, keep the plant near to the light.., or it will stretch loads on you...
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