New to Salts, A little help


420 Member
Hey all,
Cheers for popping in.
So new to Salts and have a few basics I would like to ask about.

A little break down, I'm in 40ltr / 10Gal pots as I'm use to growing in soil but now I'm seeing why when running Salts a smaller container maybe adventageous. I was nervous jumping into the world of PH and EC/PPM so having more soil would hopefully give me more space for error.

I'm in Canna Terra Pro Plus and using the full canna terra range.
Now 3 weeks into flower.
Flores, cannazym, boost. Started around the 1.2EC and moved up to 1.6 which they showed signs of a little too much so backed off to 1.5 which seems to be good.

Anyway the pots full of roots and plants have been happy until of recent I started to see a little issue, nothing game changing just a little colouring in the leaves almost like a pigment issue. So thought I'd do some investigation tests.
I'm having difficulty with run off and testing. As there is 10 containers in a 4x8 tent and being as the pots are huge it takes alot so I've never watered to run off as I'd be in over watering territory. Until today.

It took around 10ltrs to get them running off properly but then they all run off into the same space as one another. I watered them as if I was feeding them 1.5EC, 6.0PH which is what is recommended by the guys at canna.
The collective run off came out at 2.7EC and 6.3PH.
Now I'm in 2 thoughts I used a towel that was clean but to get the run off I had to mop the bottom of the tent where it was collecting. 1. I havent washed the bottom of the tent since day1 so would this cause an issue with the EC. 2. I've never watered to run off so is this a good thing I'm seeing a high EC as I've just flushed a potential build up out? The water was cloudy so something is in it.

I did a slurry test on 2 pots as well taking medium from 2" bellow the surface and the results were 0.5EC and PH around 6.2. For both of them.

Did I do the run off test correctly? Anyone see any issues and ideas around the colours on my leaves, it's not everywhere just a on a few colas here and there. Not on all plants. Middle and newer growth. Very old and bottom leaves not affected.

Apologies for the essay and if you made it this far I thankyou!.




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