New to indoor, with outdoor experience


Hey, I'm Honk from eastern ky, bout 11 harvests outdoors, I'm about to go all in on some indoors, lot different than what I'm use to, but I think I'll make it work..thanks, if not I'll ask for help..
Last of my outdoors for awhile, just went up, start indoor this week..can't wait..
Hey honk and welcome to 420 magazine my friend :welcome:
If you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask
Thank you very much..
Hey, I'm Honk from eastern ky, bout 11 harvests outdoors, I'm about to go all in on some indoors, lot different than what I'm use to, but I think I'll make it work..thanks, if not I'll ask for help..
Welcome to 420 bud :welcome: good luck with the Indo weed!
True, I've just started a coco grow, which is a first for me, might be something for you to think about, it's not completely hydro. But allows you to dial in your nutrients and get a better plant. Also gives you a feel for hydro
Where's this at bruv!? Im in love with the Coco 🤣
Hey, I'm Honk from eastern ky, bout 11 harvests outdoors, I'm about to go all in on some indoors, lot different than what I'm use to, but I think I'll make it work..thanks, if not I'll ask for help..
Welcome to 420magazine my friend :welcome:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Welcome to 420 Magazine @Honk

Have you grown indoors?
What nutrient line do you use?

Here's some helpful info: Welcome New Members - Please Read Before Posting

Here is some information if you would like to start a grow journal How to Make a Grow Journal

If you want to see want other growers are doing, here's that link.

This is where you place your grow journal.

Journals in Progress: Current and Ongoing

And, after you have over 50 posts you can vote and enter our contests to win free grow stuff from our sponsors.

420 Contests: Win Cool 420 Prizes

Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Tok.. :bong:

Also, we now have a Fungi section if you would like to grow mushrooms.
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