New to growing


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I'm shaggy new to growing was wondering if I can get sum advice on my 4 baby's only 5days old have them under a 5000k led for 18/6 no ferts
Hi imharley92 or shaggy.

Happy to have you join the members that gather here on the 420 Magazine site. I think your plants look just fine at the moment. Did you have any specific questions we can help with?
I only have a little little spot to grow only going to keep 1 mother plant and try to keep small with LST how small can I have the pot for short nice plant
I have in plastic KFC cups with holes in bottom for drainage can you make a nice short plants with a few colas instead of one
:welcome: to :420: harley!

You can certainly get a small plant with many tops, if that's your goal. I always recommend the largest pot you can use. You can even plant multiple plants in a single pot if that serves your purpose. My immediate advice is to let them develop strong root balls by not over-watering (the #1 mistake). Once you have a few node, you can let them really dry out, then drench completely. It may take two weeks before the next water/feed. Get to know what a completely dry pot feels like. In a perfect world, you water an hour before the plants wilt from dryness.

As for your pictures: So far, so good. :thumb:
BTW, roots do not like light at all. Those cups look translucent. They might be fine, or you might do better with painting or wrapping them to keep the soil in the dark.

If you want multi-colas and short plants, how about topping it a couple/few times?

I'm a little confused as to your ultimate goal. If your desire is to keep a mother plant, it won't have any colas as you'll never let it bloom. I suspect the KFC cups are probably a little too small to allow the development of a mother plant of any real value. My recommendation would be you'll need something closer to a 2 or 3 gallon nursery pot to develop a mother from which you can take cuttings to grow from.

But again, a little confused because if you only have one spot in which to grow you'll need to be able to control the light schedule to induce blooming. Once you begin providing only 12 hours of light to plants derived from the cuttings, the mother plant (if also in that same 1 grow area) will also bloom and thus end it's life as a mother plant.

Sorry if I'm missing something here, but interested in helping if I can.
Like I said I'm new thought mother plants bud and you could make clones or do you not let a female go to flowering to be a mother plant?
Will it be weak lvls in THC if I were to put in flowering after like only a few weeks like a month or month n a half?

I am not aware of any correlation between the level of THC in the buds of a plant and when in it's life cycle budding is induced. I am aware of growers that place new plants (whether from clone or seed) on a 12 hour light schedule from the start, so I'm inclined to deduce one has no bearing on the other.

Technically, you can take clones from a budding plant although they generally are a little slower to root and begin growing as they must revert to a vegatative state prior generating new growth. So taking clones from a mother that has been allowed to bud is not ideal, and if your like most of the rest of us, will want to harvest the mothers buds once mature thus making her dead and no longer a mother! LOL

I believe many of your questions and possible misconceptions could be answered or dispelled by spending some time with some of the many resources available on this wonderful site. At the top of this screen you'll note a tab titled "Grow Room". Under the drop down menu that within that tab is a thread titled "How to Grow Marijuana". I know I found that and other topics covered in similar areas around the site to be very helpful. I hope you will as well.

Be well and happy growing.
A "mother" usually isn't put into bloom. I have a couple that are more than a year old.
If you want to take cuttings, do so before you put the plant into bloom. You will get better and faster results. After you have the clones you want, you can flip the mom into bloom. You can also "re-veg" a plant after it has been harvested.
You don't need to wait at all. Like TanR said, some growers put their seeds directly under 12/12 light schedule to force small, quick grows and buds. The THC is all about genetics and plant health - not how old they are.
Looks like they are off to a great start. I see where a few members have suggested some very informative reading material. I hope you are doing some reading, it is always best to know in advance what to expect as opposed to panicing and trying to figure out what to do next as it is happening. If you have 1 area designated as your grow area you can still have a mother and flower, though you will possibly need to modify a few things. You can get some panda film and create a light proof area in your grow area which you can use for flowering. then use the rest of the area for vegging. What you want is a small area for vegging and a bigger area for flowering since they get bigger as you flower them. One way to get ideas is to check out different peoples grow areas in their journals to see how they have their grow set up. Many of the growers here grow small concealed grows so there is much to learn by just looking around and seeing how others are dealing with issues like space.
looking forward to how things work out for you
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