New RSO user with lymphoma - What psychoactive effects to expect from cannabis oil?


New Member
Hello folks, this is my first post here. I am inquiring for my 83 year old mother who is newly diagnosed with lymphoma and does not want chemotherapy. She was keen to start RSO and has taken several very small starter doses, two a day for now. I have been squeezing out a little piece of oil about the size of half a short-grain rice. The oil is about 50/50 CBD and THC.

This morning she told me that she doesn't want to continue the oil because it makes her "feel funny." When I ask her to give me more detail, she has difficulty elaborating other than she "feels funny." Not unpleasant, just "weird." She also said, after the first dose, that vision in one eye was a little blurred temporarily, but she admitted that she has experienced this before. She also said she saw "lights." She was not able to elaborate on this too well. Apparently these effects last a couple hours. I asked here if she would rather go with the chemo, in which case she is going to feel a whole LOT more than just "funny." She doesn't know what she wants.

My mother is very anxious and tends toward OCD and mild paranoia. Not bad enough to have her committed, but enough to make me nuts.

Now, my question is: can anyone detail exactly what the physical and psychoactive effects feel like when starting RSO in a non-user? I need to know what to tell her to expect if she is to have enough confidence to finish the treatment. Otherwise, it's chemo and she is just not strong enough to withstand it, I'm afraid. She also doesn't want to die, so she says. Doesn't want chemo, doesn't want RSO, doesn't want to die, and I am ripping my hair out. Thank you for your answers.
Re: New RSO user with lymphoma. What psychoactive effects to expect from cannabis oil

I am tacking oil 4-5 times per day, not digesting, since last november. Occasionally once a day I feel dizzy and sleepy and calm, not to worry about anything, just to sleep if possible (not possible, I work). If I am careful to eat before each tack and drink a lot between tacks, it happens less. If I forget eating and more even drinking, I sure get dizzy from oil. Also some food amplifies the high feeling. Nuts for sure. Grapefruit and mango are very good for cleaning your receptors but for me they also give more of high feeling. The feeling is called „stoned“ and that describes, what it feels, very well.
CO is a powerful medicine. Getting stoned or high is the only side effect. Your mother and you can learn to love it.
Re: New RSO user with lymphoma. What psychoactive effects to expect from cannabis oil

Drink (cold) water, not hot tee :;):
Re: New RSO user with lymphoma. What psychoactive effects to expect from cannabis oil

I am tacking oil 4-5 times per day, not digesting, since last november. Occasionally once a day I feel dizzy and sleepy and calm, not to worry about anything, just to sleep if possible (not possible, I work). If I am careful to eat before each tack and drink a lot between tacks, it happens less. If I forget eating and more even drinking, I sure get dizzy from oil. Also some food amplifies the high feeling. Nuts for sure. Grapefruit and mango are very good for cleaning your receptors but for me they also give more of high feeling. The feeling is called „stoned“ and that describes, what it feels, very well.
CO is a powerful medicine. Getting stoned or high is the only side effect. Your mother and you can learn to love it.

Can you tell me the THC/CBD content of your oil? How much per day do you use? How quickly did the side effects taper off after you began your regimen? I assume you started slowly and built up to it. Do you think it has helped with your illness? :thanks:
Re: New RSO user with lymphoma. What psychoactive effects to expect from cannabis oil

Replied in my thread.
I just started making rectal suppositories for my mother out of unsalted butter. She just started them last night. So far, so good.
I am glad your mother gave CO another go with suppositories! Your link was great by the way, thanx.
I have seen old women laying in hospital on bulk of medicines. I would not want to be one.
I wish her lots of faith. In herself and in CO. Do all you can to make her to commit herself for helping herself, to be active part in it.
Re: New RSO user with lymphoma. What psychoactive effects to expect from cannabis oil

Replied in my thread.

I am glad your mother gave CO another go with suppositories! Your link was great by the way, thanx.
I have seen old women laying in hospital on bulk of medicines. I would not want to be one.
I wish her lots of faith. In herself and in CO. Do all you can to make her to commit herself for helping herself, to be active part in it.

My dad who is fighting HCL and Metastatic Melanoma started taking RSO today. He took about .1 ml, which I think might have been too much. About 2 hours later he felt dizzy (like he was going to faint), had mild hallucinations, and starting throwing up. He threw up for a few hours, and ended up sleeping off the worst of it, but he is sill experiencing the "high" of it. It's been about 6 hours now.
His RSO is 92% THC and 8% CBD.
Are these symptoms fairly common for someone's first time taking this oil? Any insight will be appreciated.
Re: New RSO user with lymphoma. What psychoactive effects to expect from cannabis oil

My dad who is fighting HCL and Metastatic Melanoma started taking RSO today. He took about .1 ml, which I think might have been too much. About 2 hours later he felt dizzy (like he was going to faint), had mild hallucinations, and starting throwing up. He threw up for a few hours, and ended up sleeping off the worst of it, but he is sill experiencing the "high" of it. It's been about 6 hours now.
His RSO is 92% THC and 8% CBD.
Are these symptoms fairly common for someone's first time taking this oil? Any insight will be appreciated.

Hello Cobb, I'd like to know the answers, too. Not too many people have replied to this thread. I keep reading that you are supposed to start with a tiny speck about the size of 1/2 of a piece of short grain rice, or smaller. That's really small. Do that 3 times a day and increase the dose every four days. I have read that suppositories won't make you high, so that is the route I'm taking with my mother. She is using an oil that is about 50/50 CBD and THC. I know we need to increase the THC content, but for now I'm using a milder oil to get her started. But it sounds like from what I've read, that your dad's reaction is not all that unusual, except for perhaps the vomiting. I have heard of first time users sleeping for two days straight at first. I have also heard of paranoia, which can be mitigated by taking citicoline or administering by suppository. I wish you good luck with your dad.
Re: New RSO user with lymphoma. What psychoactive effects to expect from cannabis oil

Hello Cobb, I'd like to know the answers, too. Not too many people have replied to this thread. I keep reading that you are supposed to start with a tiny speck about the size of 1/2 of a piece of short grain rice, or smaller. That's really small. Do that 3 times a day and increase the dose every four days. I have read that suppositories won't make you high, so that is the route I'm taking with my mother. She is using an oil that is about 50/50 CBD and THC. I know we need to increase the THC content, but for now I'm using a milder oil to get her started. But it sounds like from what I've read, that your dad's reaction is not all that unusual, except for perhaps the vomiting. I have heard of first time users sleeping for two days straight at first. I have also heard of paranoia, which can be mitigated by taking citicoline or administering by suppository. I wish you good luck with your dad.

I just came across a post (lost it again) where it talks about ingesting the oil, and how you will experience a high 2 hours later "like clockwork". Apparently the way to go is either suppositories, or 'tacking'. My dad is in bed right now, he says the spinning in his head is slowly going away. Tomorrow morning we are going to try tacking. I think the ingesting is definitely a no-go. How are you preparing the suppositories? My mom was freezing them in tiny ice cube format, but then we read that the oil should not be frozen either.
All the best with your mom too; stay positive!
Re: New RSO user with lymphoma. What psychoactive effects to expect from cannabis oil

Hi Cobb. I am taking a thin slice of cold unsalted butter, lay it out on waxed paper, dab a little oil on it, fold it up and coax it into a bullet shape. Then I keep them in the freezer. I've never heard you shouldn't freeze the oil, but if that is true, I will put the finished suppositories in the fridge and only freeze them a couple minutes prior to insertion. I just bought a "bullet ice cube tray" on ebay. It makes ice cubes shaped like bullets. I thought I might modify it to make suppositories. You can buy an actual suppository mold, but they are ridiculously expensive for some reason. The ice cube tray was a couple bucks.
Re: New RSO user with lymphoma. What psychoactive effects to expect from cannabis oil

I just came across a post (lost it again) where it talks about ingesting the oil, and how you will experience a high 2 hours later "like clockwork". Apparently the way to go is either suppositories, or 'tacking'. My dad is in bed right now, he says the spinning in his head is slowly going away. Tomorrow morning we are going to try tacking. I think the ingesting is definitely a no-go. How are you preparing the suppositories? My mom was freezing them in tiny ice cube format, but then we read that the oil should not be frozen either.
All the best with your mom too; stay positive!

My mom has tried tacking also. I don't see how it works. You are still going to swallow it. Your saliva will thin it, and down it goes a little at a time. You really can't keep from swallowing it, in my opinion. Plus the stuff tastes nasty. Up the butt it goes! :laughtwo:
Re: New RSO user with lymphoma. What psychoactive effects to expect from cannabis oil

.. and down it goes a little at a time. :

Yes it does. And "a little at a time" is helping amazingly much!
After 8 months of tacking I still can take only 0,15-0,2 grams per day and it is shared between 4-5 tacks.
I am a good master in tacking technique due to my sensitivity.
Here it goes:
Rinse your gum with cool water (I do twice, swallow the water).
Put squashed half size paper towel at your gums, where you are going to tack.
Switch on your hair drier. Make your stainless steel spatula (or whatever replaces it) and oil syringe warm. And this finger also, what you are going to use (I use left hand if right side gum and opposite). Just warm enough to make the oil runnier.
Put another half-sized squashed paper towel on the same gum, to make it really dry.
Put small basmati rice grain size oil on the warm finger. Spread it with warm spatula. Warm it a bit more with hair drier.
Take paper towel out, do not let your gum to touch your cheek (if it does, dry it again with new squashed paper).
Put the oil at the far end of dry gum and spread it very slowly on the dry gum. It will stick nicely.
Last but not least- rinse your gum with cool water after dosing. It makes still warmish oil harder and oil does not start to dissolve immediately. I swallow this water because my tack is so good that there is no oil in rinse water, just a bit of taste. And I do not mind the taste. You will get used to it. If you are for tacking. :loopy:
Another last but not least- do not rub your finger against your teeth, if any oil is left on it. You can scrape it onto spatula for next time. In some reason the oil on the teeth preserves all sending you to moon ability, while on the gums it goes evenly milder.
Re: New RSO user with lymphoma - What psychoactive effects to expect from cannabis oi

Hi Nightingale, how are you, how is your Mother? Just wanted to tell you to read a thread "Where are the testimonials from cancer patients?" in cancer section. May be interesting for you. My best wishes to your mother!
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