New Plant pics


New Member
Ok, plant has started to droop due to incorrect fertilizer, but I finaly found good 20-20-20 fert to add to it, so it should be back to full health soon. Enjoy the pics.






The smell coming off the crystaly plant is skunky, but VERY sweet smelling as well. I cant wait until its done, hopefuly by late september it will be ready for harvest X_X
Its an INDICA called CORAL REEF. I bought a clone of it for 10 bucks at the local cannabis club. This is the first plant I've ever grown, but damn, those crystals are almost as big as rock salt X_X
Not so lucky considering the disability I have that allows me to buy it :-T I love being able to legaly grow and buy...but man, I'd ather be able to SEE instead LOL :p
Thepurplem0nkey said:
Not so lucky considering the disability I have that allows me to buy it :-T I love being able to legaly grow and buy...but man, I'd ather be able to SEE instead LOL :p

You blind?
Nice. Was that the flash of the camera or were some of the leave yellowish?
DaHui, yeah.

Detained, its a mix of both light AND yellowing of the leaves. I've been feeding it the wrong fertilizer (10-50-10), but finaly found a good one(20-20-20), so hopefuly the plant will go back to normal.
Thepurplem0nkey said:
DaHui, yeah.

Detained, its a mix of both light AND yellowing of the leaves. I've been feeding it the wrong fertilizer (10-50-10), but finaly found a good one(20-20-20), so hopefuly the plant will go back to normal.
I just bought Miracle-Gro all Purpose plant food thats 15-30-15 for veg and Miracle gro Bloom Booster for flower thats 10-52-10. How do you think it will be?
NYC, this is my first plant, so i dont have much HANDS ON experience. However, I have done a lot of research and have some info to offer, 9 weeks into my first grow.

I am assuming you are growing outdoors (I think I saw you mention it in one of your posts). I potted my plant in MIRACLE GROW MOISTURE CONTROL POTTING SOIL. It's far superior to the average mircale grow soil, as it really does a great job in retaining the moisture.

According to my research and personal experience, you shouldnt need to fertilize the plant at all until it begins to flower. WHen this happens, DONT use that bloom formula, I used the EXACT SAME BRAND and RATIO and my oant did NOT respond well to it. I asked around the medpot forums and I was recomended a 20-20-20 fert by PETERS, which I just purchased and have begun to fert my plant with, once a week. You definatly want some phospherus going on in the floweroing state, but I think the 10-52-10 must be too much, at least for my plant.

Another bit of advice, outdoor plants require lots pf patience. Most of the damage done to my plant was done by me not letting it alone and just being patient. Don't be too anxious to fert the plant or to mess with it (this might be "NO DUH" advice, I know, but bear with me). Outdoor plants take a long while to do their thing, but they DO it, and plants grown by the sun that are well cared for are, IMO, far superior to any other, including hydro. However, if you want faster results, id go with Indoor. Indoor and hydro allow for a bt more freedom in controling the nutrients i your plant. Make sure to take pics and post about the progress of your plant :)

(edit): Hey, I forgot to mention, it might be helpful to know what kind of plant you are growing; IE: Indica or Sativa. Sativa's grow VERY tall, and Indica's grow fat and busshy (generaly speaking of course). SO make sure whever you plant this bad boy that it will fit in with its environment. A huge ass weed plant towering over your moms vegtable and flower garden will stand out LOL. If you dont know what kind it is (you will be ale to tell once it sprouts...or post ics and I can tell you), then just plant it in an aera where you know any size plant can grow without looking out of place.

Nughugger: Yeah, its pretty neat to be able to, if I wanted, smoke right in front of the police statin and do it lEGALY, as well as purchase prime buddah from cannabis clubs. BUT....i have severe vision problems, and thats how I got my legal status. Believe me, id much rather have my full visual functions than med pot, or pot in general.

Avatar: No, several other states have med pot. Off the top of my head, Oregon, Nevada, Alaska, and a bunch of other ones. TO find out, go to and check out their medical section. THey have a list of all the states and their specific medpot laws.
TPM, whats with you and indica? Is it better for your specific condition?
j8, yeah, and its also a preferred taste.

Indica: Indica is a body numbing sensation, where you feel "couchlock", or glued to your couch because your body is so relaxed and stoned. Its VERY mellow, and good for the pain in my eyes. Also, I can maintain myself even when VERY stoned in public. I can watch movies and ignore the pain in my eyes from the light, and also understand the movie, even when stoned.

Sativa: Sativa is a HEAD stone, where you feel very high in the head, but not so much in the body. Sativa is whereyou get phillispophical and cant focus because your so stoned. Its a very heavy and narcotic feeling. It makes games and tv FASCINATING, especially if it has lots of colors, because your so stoned in the head. Colors and lights may see brighter or more colorful as well, because, agan, this is a head stone. THis is NOT good for my eyes, because light hurts me ;-)

SO, as you can see, I prefer Indica over Sativa for medical, and purely personal tastes. WHen I am stuck at home and I feel like some counterstrike, Ill smoke some Sativa. If I have to go out or am walking around, Ill smoke an indica. Some of the finer weeds are specaily bred, such as Northern Lights, which is 80% Indica and 20% Sativa. Or, they sell Romulan at the club also, whihc is 50% indica and 50% Sativa. However, I prefer a pure, strong indica, like bubblegum or big buds.

This coral reef is a very sweet smelling indica. Notice the fat, broad leaves. Indicas grow, as a general rule, up to 4 feet, and are shrubby and small.
Sativas have LONG stringy leaves, almost like spears, and can grow up to 6-9 feet, some even taller than that I have heard.
you just made me salivate all over my keyboard. fucker.
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