Oct 22, 2006 Thread starter #2 quantuman New Member Re: new pic help me to know the sex.... ya ya i fknow now the sex of them and now all good i try to uplowd new pic soon and ask you what i dont now.............. keep going and smoking and rouling
Re: new pic help me to know the sex.... ya ya i fknow now the sex of them and now all good i try to uplowd new pic soon and ask you what i dont now.............. keep going and smoking and rouling
Oct 24, 2006 #3 R Ronnie New Member Re: new pic help me to know the sex.... i would guess mostly girls, b/c most males are more symetrical, nodes and limbs that bend up usually mean a chick.
Re: new pic help me to know the sex.... i would guess mostly girls, b/c most males are more symetrical, nodes and limbs that bend up usually mean a chick.
Oct 30, 2006 #4 S smokemagnet New Member Re: new pic help me to know the sex.... females grow little white hairs and the males grow little green balls both are unmistakable
Re: new pic help me to know the sex.... females grow little white hairs and the males grow little green balls both are unmistakable
Oct 30, 2006 #5 R Ronnie New Member Re: new pic help me to know the sex.... yahh, I'm talking about pre-flower when you're trying to give an educated guess based on appearance of the plant.
Re: new pic help me to know the sex.... yahh, I'm talking about pre-flower when you're trying to give an educated guess based on appearance of the plant.
Oct 30, 2006 #6 R rds_sk8er420 Well-Known Member Re: new pic help me to know the sex.... but like he said he already knows and ou guys are just bumping up an old topic.
Re: new pic help me to know the sex.... but like he said he already knows and ou guys are just bumping up an old topic.